Has Your Hair Texture Changed While Being Natural?


Well-Known Member
I had posted this in another thread, but thought it would be better to ask the question out right instead of it being off topic.

I have been natural for years but in the last 5 months it looks like my texture is changing even while natural.

I was use to having cottony texture hair. It had no waves, coils or curls.

Now all of a sudden these are showing up on every single twist or braid and there is a small wave pattern at the base of my braids. Was not expecting that at all and can't figure out why it has happened. But I guess I will take whatever comes my way. This is part of the natural journey huh?

See pics below:


If anyone can explain this new delopment to me I would be very much appreciative. I had always considered myself a 4BCDEFGH cottony texture, but for now in the immortal words of Ray Charles...I'm gon let it do what it do!

I don't have a problem with it changing, it is after all, a natural hair journey and this is the longest my hair has ever been. I am just curious and would like to know because when one person has something come up I am sure others do too.

Drop some knowledge on a sistah if you can please! :yep:

Thanks in advance.
As your hair gets longer it behaves differently :yep:

Your hair has more weight to it, so it gets stretched out some.

Also, even slight change in products and techniques can make your hair look different.

What does it matter? It's purty anyway, lol.
I'm growing out of a twa to a ta, and I'm noticing changes also. It starting to instead of being pure corkscrew, its an s with a corkscrew at the end. Your hair looks great. Are you the same lady who had that siggy with the bsl hair which shrunk up like it was scared or something lol? It really looks great
Thanks ladies for the comments :blush: and posting.

I at times can get very analytical about hair and all its nuances and when I can't figure something out then I have to ask. This is my first time being stumped on why something has happened to my hair.

I had not thought about the weight of the hair and length making the texture change. That is a new one to me.

I did adjust my product use (KISS) and I am doing daily cowashes all of this has been in the last 5-6 months.

Appreciate you dropping the knowledge. :yep:
I'm growing out of a twa to a ta, and I'm noticing changes also. It starting to instead of being pure corkscrew, its an s with a corkscrew at the end. Your hair looks great. Are you the same lady who had that siggy with the bsl hair which shrunk up like it was scared or something lol? It really looks great

Yep, I am the one. :lachen: Which is why I was so surprised to see this new development.
I had posted this in another thread, but thought it would be better to ask the question out right instead of it being off topic.

I have been natural for years but in the last 5 months it looks like my texture is changing even while natural.

I was use to having cottony texture hair. It had no waves, coils or curls.

Now all of a sudden these are showing up on every single twist or braid and there is a small wave pattern at the base of my braids. Was not expecting that at all and can't figure out why it has happened. But I guess I will take whatever comes my way. This is part of the natural journey huh?

See pics below:


If anyone can explain this new delopment to me I would be very much appreciative. I had always considered myself a 4BCDEFGH cottony texture, but for now in the immortal words of Ray Charles...I'm gon let it do what it do!

I don't have a problem with it changing, it is after all, a natural hair journey and this is the longest my hair has ever been. I am just curious and would like to know because when one person has something come up I am sure others do too.

Drop some knowledge on a sistah if you can please! :yep:

Thanks in advance.
i read some where that the longer your hair gets the heavier so it appears wavier and whatnot when it hangs down (kind of like stretching itself) (afro growing up until its too heavy)
Same here
As my hair grows it behaves and looks different. When it was shorter I had these cute curls throughout my hair. Now its wavy and at the end it has a curl.

*sucks teeth*

All you people with your pretty hair are making me sick :lol: Sometimes I dunno which way to turn to look, there are so many pretty heads of hair here.

Very pretty hair Boston! :yep:
*sucks teeth*

All you people with your pretty hair are making me sick :lol: Sometimes I dunno which way to turn to look, there are so many pretty heads of hair here.

Very pretty hair Boston! :yep:

Neith, it takes one to know one! :yep: Yours is pretty too, what chu talking bout Willis?!:yep:

You have very beautiful hair lady.
Yes!I wish I would have taken more progress pics to document the changes,though.My hair definitely doesn't look the same as it did two years ago.
This is a whole new chapter for me, so I am going to strap in and enjoy the ride.:yep:

Again, thank you all for responding and helping me understand. I am sure others have gained some insight also.
Wow, MsC, your texture has changed! I remember looking through your Fotki when I first went natural. Your hair is just as beautiful, though. No change there! :grin:

And to answer the question, I have not experienced any texture changes.
Your hair does change throughout your lifetime so that's what it could be also.

I had a relaxer for so long that it never occured to me that this could happen. Even my first 9-10 years natural it had not, because my haircare was not quality hair care I abused it terribly.

Wow, MsC, your texture has changed! I remember looking through your Fotki when I first went natural. Your hair is just as beautiful, though. No change there! :grin:

And to answer the question, I have not experienced any texture changes.

Aww shucks! Thanks ma'am

Yes!I wish I would have taken more progress pics to document the changes,though.My hair definitely doesn't look the same as it did two years ago.

Shhhh, off to go stalk...I mean err view ElleDoll's fotki :yep:
How long is your hair stretched now Ms.C? It was so shrinky at bsl and I though bsl hair was heavy. It must be ankle length now to give it enough weight to do that lol. Does it fall lower while unstretched than it did before unstretched? Where does it land now? Sorry for all the questions lol, I'm in that length rut now. I just want to buy a wig or something, but I feel like in all the time it will take for it to be made and sent, I might as well put some extra effort into my hair and I will have something substantial in the same time lol. Your hair is an inspiration, and I just want to see what your path was.
I think it has, but I'm really not sure. :lol: I think that the changes are from me treating it better, it FINALLY be properly moisturized, and the additional weight.

It's going to be interesting seeing what it does as it gets longer and longer, that's for sure.
I did adjust my product use (KISS) and I am doing daily cowashes all of this has been in the last 5-6 months.

Appreciate you dropping the knowledge. :yep:

I think that'll do it. Now, don't tell nobody over at CNN :sekret:, but when I was doing the braided roots wash and go and washing or cowashing several times w/o combing, some of my ends coiled up, too, into the world's tiniest ever coils.


um, this was not good for me detangling-wise. :nono: so now i know how my hair looks as it's getting read to lock. but yeah, even on the cnapp forum a question was asked "does your hair do this" and that forum is full of 4b's and most of them had hair that could curl up on the ends to a certain extent. mine can't curl up that much inside of twists like yours, at least not after 3 washes which is the most I've ever gone washing twists w/o detangling (and even that was a nightmare), but it can do that a little.

ETA: To answer the question, no, I haven't noticed any textures changes between my hair when I cut it 2 years ago and now, though mine isn't as long as yours. However I have seen it behave differently based on new things I tried. But when I stop those things and do the same things as before, my hair behaves the same as before.
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How long is your hair stretched now Ms.C? It was so shrinky at bsl and I though bsl hair was heavy. It must be ankle length now to give it enough weight to do that lol. Does it fall lower while unstretched than it did before unstretched? Where does it land now? Sorry for all the questions lol, I'm in that length rut now. I just want to buy a wig or something, but I feel like in all the time it will take for it to be made and sent, I might as well put some extra effort into my hair and I will have something substantial in the same time lol. Your hair is an inspiration, and I just want to see what your path was.

That is what is so shocking, it is not much longer to me. As a matter of fact it is still somewhere around BSL. I went in to terminal length mode, I was hospitalized and my hair just stopped at BSL. I got really depressed about it and thought, well let me just focus on creating a simple regimen (for health reasons) and then I saw a thread about what some of the long hair ladies had in common and it was placing their hair in water more than once a week and then I believe a cowash challenge came about sometime around what February or so?

When I started the daily cowashes which I then remembered I did this in the beginning, that is when the curls and coils started and it is getting thicker! I didn't think that was possible but that happened also as the curls and coils started coming.

It has been a very strange phenomenon, more thickness and curls and coils.:perplexed Again, not complaining, but I was going for more length. I got so frustrated that I swore I would not check my length again until Dec. 08 because it just didn't seem like it was growing to me.

What I have noticed is that my front is gaining length it seems quicker than my back. :ohwell: Again, not complaining, but I feel like my hair is now telling me what it is going to do and I have no control, so I am really now just watching what it does. I still have the infamous shrinkage factor because the front twists in my fotki are now somewhere around APL but you could not tell that in the picture.

Which is why I decided to do a hide your hair challenge and just let it do what it is doing. The simple regimen is really working, just not in the way "I had planned" so I am on a serious adventure right now. :look:

I bought two of the Jetta wigs and my Afro wig which I use as 3/4 wigs (shown in my fotki) and for now that is what I am wearing until Dec. 08 unless I get really antsy and put some twists in.

I have not done a wash n go in a while and with it getting thicker I am not sure I have enough courage or strength to attempt it. :lachen:

I think it has, but I'm really not sure. :lol: I think that the changes are from me treating it better, it FINALLY be properly moisturized, and the additional weight.

ITA- it seems the changes I made for my hair it likes, so I guess it is being treated better and getting thicker, and longer because my braids and twists hang lower now or is that because of the texture change. :perplexed Who knows anymore, it has taken me a few months to even mention this because I wasn't sure and I wanted to be sure that the change wasn't a fluke.

It's going to be interesting seeing what it does as it gets longer and longer, that's for sure.

Buckle your seat belt because it is a serious adventure. :yep:

Again, I really appreciate you all taking the time to comment and give advice.
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I think that'll do it. Now, don't tell nobody over at CNN :sekret:, but when I was doing the braided roots wash and go and washing or cowashing several times w/o combing, some of my ends coiled up, too, into the world's tiniest ever coils.


I have a lot of these too and I never ever comb these babies without some oil, water, detangler, somethin in my hair or I will be crying like a wounded wolf. :lachen:

um, this was not good for me detangling-wise. :nono: so now i know how my hair looks as it's getting read to lock. but yeah, even on the cnapp forum a question was asked "does your hair do this" and that forum is full of 4b's and most of them had hair that could curl up on the ends to a certain extent. mine can't curl up that much inside of twists like yours, at least not after 3 washes which is the most I've ever gone washing twists w/o detangling (and even that was a nightmare), but it can do that a little.

That is my issue also with twists. They will form a dread faster than you can say helloooo! For this very reason I only flat twist the front and box braid the back or else I will be undoing some dreds. One of the things I do for my ends is place JBCO (Jamiacan Black Castor Oil) on them after I do my cowashes. I totally saturate the ends because I know with hair like mine the ends would snap off if you looked at them side ways!:lachen:I also will refresh the front at least once a week and still place the JBCO on those ends also.

ETA: To answer the question, no, I haven't noticed any textures changes between my hair when I cut it 2 years ago and now, though mine isn't as long as yours. However I have seen it behave differently based on new things I tried. But when I stop those things and do the same things as before, my hair behaves the same as before.

I am going to continue with the KISS method since it seems to be working and it doesn't require a lot of work.
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