What is 'good' hair?

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@pookaloo83 Lol! I have work but thankfully I start in the afternoon so I don't have to wake up too early. Lord knows what I'm gonna do when I go back to uni in September though. :-/

@Bublin WooHoo! Another one. *highfive* And nah, no losing sleep over here for me lol.
Yeah, the "Adoragate"s We knew there was going to be some fun for all when she was around. She turned out to be a sweetie though, I wonder if she'll return for a reunion....
Are you serious? None of the people in those pics have type 4 hair. Dont act brand new.

Havent YOU ever heard the term about YOUR hair? I would think ALOT of black people would say you have that good good hurr

Not necessarily type 4 but they are not all the same either. Ananda and Chili's hair doesn't resemble the girl who played Freddie (sorry can't remember her name).

I'm not saying I agree with the list or not. I have heard the term good hair but I've also heard comments about how my "type of hair" can't hold a curl when straightened, can't be braided/twisted without unraveling, is thin, boring, and has few styling options. I know plenty of 4s that have been told that they have "good hair" because it's thick, holds a style, and is long or really healthy looking.

My point was (and it's been repeated numerous times here) that the term is all in the eye of the beholder and our experiences help define what we think the term means. This renders, in my opinion, the term worthless and meaningless.

:lachen: What?! I always give the side-eye when ANY woman, attractive to my eye or not that makes exorbitant claims about men running after them and how they leave these men weak in the knees. If it's so true, you wouldn't need to go on and on in every thread, unless you yourself is shocked by some of the attention and need validation. Either way, something is wrong! :lachen:

Disclaimer for the sensitive readers: I'm not picking on the woman, I believe she's sweet from the little I observed. Just saying her threads and posts were... interesting. :giggle:

And once again, more nails got sacrificed.:lachen: Imma go sit in the corner now. I'm putting myself in time out.

Me too, girl. I'm on time out.
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Yeah, the "Adoragate"s We knew there was going to be some fun for all when she was around. She turned out to be a sweetie though, I wonder if she'll return for a reunion....

Yep. She ended up with a pretty nice following around here. And I don't think they were real life/ready made friends.

Rags to riches story.
On topic, I was never told I had good hair until I was an adult, and what the people who said it meant was that I had thick or dense hair. What was funny to me is I knew as a child some people had different kinds of hair, but I couldn't really identify what it was about their hair that was different. I didn't know about silkiness, looser curl pattern or even bouncy swingy presses. I knew this girl named Laura was my complexion and had curly/kinky (type 4 that didn't lay down) roots sometimes, but straight and bouncy hair most of the time, and I didn't know how she acheived it. So imagine my surprise when I went to the hair dresser at about age 8 and asked for a Dorothy Hamill type bowl-cut like my white friend Shannon had, and she washed it and dried it (I don't think she pressed it), and cut it and I had an afro! I was like "wth!" LOL
So, I think when I was little good hair was bouncy hair that had shine or sheen.
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Whew! Some of yall are soooo funny!

Back to the topic. sheena284, I actually thought this was a good post because deep down I hate it when people I know use the term because to "them" it means any hair that ain't nappy, has a silky texture and curls regardless of whether they're large or small curls. Period. Never mind those who still have problems with their hair although they do have the silky texture and curls, even if it's tightly packed, get SSKs, get frizzy as soon as they step outside in the heat, or whatever else to a lot of people it's still good hair! LOL! In this day and age it's funny to me. I've been kind of curious too as to whether or not people outside the hair boards are more educated. I see they're not because we're all still hearing the same descriptions.

BTW... I'm surprised nobody ever said YOU have good hair because honestly yours is what most people mean when they say that. It's pretty by the way. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! And honestly, I think people just assume my hair is texturized or something so I don't get those type of comments. My own cousin even thought my hair was texturized until a few months ago.
Dont believe you OP. This was bait thread.

Exactly :yep:

To the OP...since you stated you already know what 'good' hair is, and you've been a member of this board since 2007, you had to have known how people would respond when you even mention the phrase good hair :yep: The title of the thread is posing a question to members...as if you didn't know. A simple rephrasing of the question could've geared the discussion towards the direction you wanted it to go. If you had titled it "Before LHCF, what did you think "good hair' was?" You'd have a lot less side-eyeing, gif posting, popcorn eating, seat taking, tounge lashing, and ignant posting.

Most women in general are sensitive when it comes to their physical features. Just think about it...what would happen if a thread was made about "What is the best hue of skin color to have?" What body type is the most beautiful?" "Which celebrity do you think has the most beautiful /worst nose? "What's the perfect breast size to have?" "Fat people who would look great skinny" "Why do black men love white women?" All of the above are highly sensitive topics and can be hurtful to those who don't posses the features that the majority champions as being beautiful (or good).

Not saying you can't post threads like this...you paid the $6.50 to participate in the forums just like all who responded did. But you have to understand that yes, members will get all up in arms and act a fool in these types of threads, and yes people will suspect that you started it simply to create drama. As the saying goes, if you can't take the heat....

I don't have to read your 130th post on this thread to understand what your intentions were...I knew it from your first post. Apparently, you feel that it's serious enough to warrant commenting on any post that deviates from your primary discussion. You could simply ignore their posts and k.i.m.
Exactly :yep:

To the OP...since you stated you already know what 'good' hair is, and you've been a member of this board since 2007, you had to have known how people would respond when you even mention the phrase good hair :yep: The title of the thread is posing a question to members...as if you didn't know. A simple rephrasing of the question could've geared the discussion towards the direction you wanted it to go. If you had titled it "Before LHCF, what did you think "good hair' was?" You'd have a lot less side-eyeing, gif posting, popcorn eating, seat taking, tounge lashing, and ignant posting.

Completely agree with your post, especially the bolded. If I could have changed the title of the thread I would have.
Thanks! And honestly, I think people just assume my hair is texturized or something so I don't get those type of comments. My own cousin even thought my hair was texturized until a few months ago.

You're welcome. But oooh! That's another thread all together! So... your hair can't be natural, it must be texturized to look like that! People are so unreal.
Good hair is hair that is intended for the "Mixed Chicks" line (or at least when you don't feel "funny" about being seen buying it, like you would if you were renting a "naughty flick" lol)
WHY don't I ever catch my typos! lol "naughty fick" wtheck! =/
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:lachen: What?! I always give the side-eye when ANY woman, attractive to my eye or not that makes exorbitant claims about men running after them and how they leave these men weak in the knees. If it's so true, you wouldn't need to go on and on in every thread, unless you yourself is shocked by some of the attention and need validation. Either way, something is wrong! :lachen:

Disclaimer for the sensitive readers: I'm not picking on the woman, I believe she's sweet from the little I observed. Just saying her threads and posts were... interesting. :giggle:

Me too, girl. I'm on time out.

:lachen::lachen: I 100% AGREE :yep: that's why the off topic/relationship threads are hilarious there's always someone talking about their stunning eye catching beauty only for someone to call them out over their siggy picture showing what they look like:blush:
Good hair is hair that is intended for the "Mixed Chicks" line (or at least when you don't feel "funny" about being seen buying it, like you would if you were renting a "naughty fick" lol)

The same people feeling funny about buying the 'Mixed Chicks' line, should feel funny claiming that they're 1/64th Cherokee. :look: :lachen:
um why has no one mentioned rudy huxtable! she was EVERY black girl i knew definition of good hair:yep:
i read through the entire thread.....and im really not buying this OP:ohwell: you know darn well what you were doing and by now you shouldve known everything you needed to know about the term "good hair" after being on this board since 2007,crank that soulja boy came out in 2007 so uhm its been awhile. Ive been on this board for less than 1year but it was through this board that i found out what "coolie hair" meant

this is kinda how i feel about the "OMG this lady at the store said i had to be mixed because my hair is so pretty!im sooo offended!" threads.:rolleyes:
You're welcome. But oooh! That's another thread all together! So... your hair can't be natural, it must be texturized to look like that! People are so unreal.

I dont think this deserves another thread.

Most of us know and have grown up around folks that were lighter complected to have hair like the OP's.

It wasnt until the natural hair change of just a few years ago that we saw all this. Most of us had the kinks and coils combed out so no one saw them.

When I went natural I had folks coming out of the woodwork asking me and my hair looked nothing like the OP's. My own brother asked me how I got them. I didnt think he was unreal or anyone else for that matter, I just chalked it up as they had never seen it. I kept it moving.
All the fecesious comments against the OP is just not called for.


On another note, why wasn't this thread titled, "Before hair forums, what was your idea of 'good hair'?" if useful answers were actually being looked for? :look:

edit: I didn't see the one a few posts up that said the same thing -____-
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:lachen::lachen: I 100% AGREE :yep: that's why the off topic/relationship threads are hilarious there's always someone talking about their stunning eye catching beauty only for someone to call them out over their siggy picture showing what they look like:blush:

I know this is slightly OT, but ^^THIS exactly. This is why I stay the heck outa the OT/relationship boards...it's like another world over there. Craaaaazy.
But what's 'suspect' about it? It's a hair board and I have a pic of my hair as my siggy. :perplexed

And I have clearly said:

I'm really not understanding why people are refusing to acknowledge that part and are coming in here with their sideeyes and their theories.
I think ppl are just reading the title of the thread, getting a bit rilled up and jumping straight in without reading either the whole thread or even parts of the thread like the first few pages :nono::perplexed:ohwell: .... OP don't let 'em get to you :yep: jst ignore negativity and K.I.M :grin:

On topic, I was never told I had good hair until I was an adult, and what the people who said it meant was that I had thick or dense hair. What was funny to me is I knew as a child some people had different kinds of hair, but I couldn't really identify what it was about their hair that was different. I didn't know about silkiness, looser curl pattern or even bouncy swingy presses. I knew this girl named Laura was my complexion and had curly/kinky (type 4 that didn't lay down) roots sometimes, but straight and bouncy hair most of the time, and I didn't know how she acheived it. So imagine my surprise when I went to the hair dresser at about age 8 and asked for a Dorothy Hamill type bowl-cut like my white friend Shannon had, and she washed it and dried it (I don't think she pressed it), and cut it and I had an afro! I was like "wth!" LOL
So, I think when I was little good hair was bouncy hair that had shine or sheen.
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: @ the bolded

Thanks! And honestly, I think people just assume my hair is texturized or something so I don't get those type of comments. My own cousin even thought my hair was texturized until a few months ago
Sheena284 It's cos ur dark (darker than mixed/light skin folks anyways) and you seem (cos some folks will argue that most mixed folks have better grade of hair than that :lol: :lachen:) to have mixed ppl hair :yep:.... Ur hair is nice, keep @ it :yep:
Rudy Huxtable did not have good hair. She had 4B except it was long and thick. 4A can be good hair if it is silky, can't be coarse.
On topic, I was never told I had good hair until I was an adult, and what the people who said it meant was that I had thick or dense hair. What was funny to me is I knew as a child some people had different kinds of hair, but I couldn't really identify what it was about their hair that was different. I didn't know about silkiness, looser curl pattern or even bouncy swingy presses. I knew this girl named Laura was my complexion and had curly/kinky (type 4 that didn't lay down) roots sometimes, but straight and bouncy hair most of the time, and I didn't know how she acheived it. So imagine my surprise when I went to the hair dresser at about age 8 and asked for a Dorothy Hamill type bowl-cut like my white friend Shannon had, and she washed it and dried it (I don't think she pressed it), and cut it and I had an afro! I was like "wth!" LOL
So, I think when I was little good hair was bouncy hair that had shine or sheen.

ROFL. I remember that hair cut lovingly...along with wanting the Stacy Lattisaw hair style of the moment:

I can't find a picture of the inverted V (but suffice it to say that my hair was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy to soft to hold a precision style like that) or this one:


or Irene Cara:

Jennifer Beals:

I can't find the right pictures for Salt n Pepa and a few others who at the time basically had hair styles my poor soft hair couldn't hold with four bottles of hair spray (and opening my own personal hole in the universe).

All of this makes the point, good hair IS subjective, a point this thread makes very clear. What we thought was good hair depends on our local surroundings and family perceptions passed down. What one family found to be "good" differs from location to location. As a sociological experiment of sorts, its interesting that what person thought was considered "good hair" isn't the same for someone else of a similar age grouping or background.

I really hope we can keep this thread light and fun. I hope that we all have been able to expand and evolve our thinking on the subject from the old thinking to the realization that we ALL have good hair. Some people take better care of it and others do not - that's all really.
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