Has it consumed you?


New Member
I had a friend years back who started her Long Healthy Hair Journey.
Lovely girl, but we who knew nothing or very little about hair journeys would laugh at just how consumed she was by her hair.

Sure her hair was long and lush, but the time, effort and the limitation of her conversation meant that she wasn't much more than walking, talking hair.

People would comment on having bumped into her on the street and she would talk about her hair and ask how long healthy their hair was, as though she was talking about their general health and well-being.

Sad to say... I've become her!:lachen:
I can't help it, it's consumes me, if I'm not washing, I'm talking about washing, or products, or protective styling, or relaxing, or natural, or hair ends, or roots, .... :spinning::drunk: I've gone hair :crazy: crazy!

Anyone else totally consumed? How bad has it gotten for you? Anyone else commented on it?

Share with us the stories and experienced of how consumed you've become by your hair.
I stay on my iPad hours at a time looking at youtube watching hair videos and being on this forum and even googling some ingredients Im not sure what it is. I can watch videos for ten hours and not get bored. But its dying down because the information they give are repetitive now. Like I know just about everything
But when I day dream its most likely bout what I'm going to do next or my hair waist length in a ponytail lol
I've tried to become consumed with my hair and I just can't do it. It's healthy, it's growing, it's still on my head that's all I need to know. I can't understand you hair obsessed ladies but I do enjoy all the great info you all love to impart on everybody. :) It has helped me tremendously in my HHJ.
And when people ask for my advice I get so excited , I dont let my hair touch cotton. If I was to fall I would probably not let a strand touch the floor lol I'm seriously always talking bout it. But I don't talk bout it to people who express no concern in hair
I live it and breathe it. I gave up all sugar and cigarettes for it. The last bit of money I had went on cholesterol and conditioners, not on bills. I'm constantly up and down to the bedroom mirror to look at my hair... which means unwrapping the saran, undoing my scarf and patting my 4 braids. I pat the front and the crown, and I pat the bits behind the ears and the nape... bc those areas can get neglected if not looked after. I turn the tv off in bed for the last 10 minutes so I can think about my hair. But most of all I just pass one day, one week and one month to the next cos time is the only thing standing in my way.

The way I see it I spent 36 years not caring about or looking after my hair... I can spend a year now putting all my energy and focus into it.
I am completely obsessed. But i feel that my hair has saved me in a sense cause I'm working out more & eating right. When i get stress or down, i come on the boards or do my hair even if its just m&s. It help takes my mind off of things. & i luv talking about hair too.

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Yes it has! Growing up, I was the only one in my family with nl hair. Now that I'm 2 inches from bsl, I've become more consumed with my hair. My SO told me last week that I was obsessed with my hair. Lol!. I have plans on going to a stylist for my next relaxer, and I've already written down questions that I'm going to ask her before my appointment. I cringe when I see a stranger with short, dry, chewed up hair and feel like I should offer advice. Plus I always find my at the beauty section at every store reading ingredients and looking for more products. Thankfully, I have a hair care junkie friend that likes talking about it, but I think that she's even getting tired of all of my hair talk. Lol
I used to be when I first got here. Now, not so much. I rarely even come over here. I think after I past APL, I stopped keeping up as much.
When I first started this health growth thing almost 5 yrs ago, yes, but now, no. I've had relaxed/texlaxed BSL-MBL health, now I'm natural with healthy hair, getting back to BSL length hopefully within 2 yrs. I'm an expert now.
I think I like hair more than the average person, but Im not obsessive. I dont much talk hair unless asked, but I do spend alot of time reading about & looking at it privately. The members of this site have contributed so much good info that you can get lost for hrs in the archives.
On Here: Yes, Yes & Yes:lol: Most Definitely

IRL: Not so much.:sad:

Because I'm under a Wig and nobody knows what's going on under there (and probably don't care).:lol:

Very 'rarely' in the Real World do I talk about hair or find somebody to talk about it with.

But when I do find occasion: I'm all over it.:lol:
I think the first year of my journey I was consumed but that was about it. Now I do my research and everything but I don't voice it as much or sometimes not at all anymore. People would still ask me, 'are you still on your hair journey?' because I don't bring it up anymore.
Yes, I'm secretly obsessed with hair and I know I am. If I can get close enough to someone's hair, I can give them a regimen on the spot or tell exactly what they've been doing their hair. This is all in my head of course. When I see somebody with long hair (white, black, Hispanic, anything) I always tell them how beautiful their hair is that way I can ogle their hair without seeming like so much of a creep from staring far away. LOL.

Oh! And I'm a Weavespotologist. Yes, a Weavespotologist. I can spot weaves from real hair a mile away. Even the good weaves. Which I really appreciate the good weaves.

But I don't really talk about hair with people. People usually come up to me! But thats usually to ask about my natural hair. I guess a lot of people are not use to seeing "done" natural hair so they get curious. I can usually suffice most people with "keep your hair moisturized and get a good styling gel". Then I can run away before seeming crazy obsessed. But then there are other times when people are looking for more info and all of a sudden I'm talking about hair porosity and aloe vera rinses. :lachen:
i love all things hair. i wish i could talk about it with my real world friends...but i can't. they see my progress and ogle and some are jelly....but the only real world friend i can discuss it with is my stylist.

i am not as obsessed as i used to be - now that i have some real length and hit a major milestone (BSL) i never thought i would hit, and also now that i have my regi down.....i have calmed a bit. but not completely. LOL :)
I am so hair obsessive! I only have 2 friends I can talk about hair with IRL, but whenever a hair convo pops up at a party, you will find me in the thick of it! :lol: When I'm out with my family and see ratchet hair, I whisper to my sis or DH about what treatments the woman needs. And I Stay having hair arguments with my Mom, who is So old school with her "You just need to grease your scalp, and braid it up, and wash it every 3-4 weeks." My DH is always making fun of me going into the kitchen to make my "Concoctions", and says "You think you're an expert, don't you??". But he sees my progress first hand, since he's the one that takes my length check photos.
I must say tat when I can't sleep and wake up in the middle of he night I'm on YouTube, here, no or other hair boards. So yes, it's consumed me in that way.

IRL- I don't discuss hair unless someone brings it up. I'm tired of talking to people about hair who 1) don't want to listen 2) don't have the same passion 3) who think they know everything about hair when they obviously don't.
topnotch1010 said:
I used to be when I first got here. Now, not so much. I rarely even come over here. I think after I past APL, I stopped keeping up as much.

This is me. But my not keeping up has not gone on without problems. I get hair lazy and it will show! That puts a fire under me and I get back on track. I am not just doing as much, buying as much as I did before.
I used to be, but as another poster put it, after APL I stopped worrying about it so much. I still like to take care of it, but I'm just enjoying it as it grows now, the stuff I couldn't do before that look better because I have some length now. I'm still interested in hair overall (I think I have to be as a stylist lol) but not mine as much as I used to be.
Not as much as when I first started(end of 2009). I think most people have at least a year of trial and error. That is now over for me, like the poster upthread said, at this point everything is repetitive. Youtube videos don't even excite me anymore.
I can't go to sleep without looking at use 1, buy 1. I am always trying to assist people who need "hair help". I can scarcely get my new orders in the house.My cup has run over!!

Thanks for the "Plug" :lol:

Some of those Ladies have been on LHCF since 2006 etc...and are just as excited as someone that Joined in 2012.

They Love all things both Hair & Products!:lol:

And their excitement helps keep me Motivated (and broke).:drunk:
It was consuming me - I wold start counting the weeks until my next T/U while sitting in the stylist's chair getting a T/U! I would quickly run home to do a length check, spend hours watching Y/T videos or researching info here. And then something snapped....

I'm not sure what it is but I realized that I was becoming obsessed with my hair and I didn't like it. So I stopped. I got a T/U yesterday evening and didn't even bother to take a picture. I can't be bothered.

Will I stop taking care of my hair? Absolutely not! I will continue to wash, DC and rollerset, moisturize, seal and dust. But I refuse to let my hair consume my life.
i think I may have become my Mom & grandmother. . Hair & nails was very important to them. I thank them now:grin:... I always had BSL length.

girls wanted to comb my hair..... (I couldn't let them)
to this day if a classmate say "you thought your hair was soo pretty"
... i'd say no, my grandmother would have whipped my butt if she found out anybody was in my head & (yours too):lol:
I look at photos of girls on youtube when they was small.
I think my hair was longer at that age . if they can grow their hair out so can I.
your hair is your glory! I was told
Yep I'm obsessed cause I wanna know why my hair has always been BSL.
I don't let anyone know. I tell I don't like doing my hair blah blah, they see my stash... pressing combs, rollers, curling irons, flatirons & conditioners. :lick:
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i will always be. i treat hair, makeup, skin care like hobbies. i am in the makeup and skincare industry. may go back to hair one day. this stuff is my passion! but i do have children an a life somewhat! :lol:
When I first joined, yes. I was starting threads and reading excessively because I was in learn mode. It was all about length.

Now, yes but in a different way. I tweak my regi here and there for improvement but overall, I now enjoy talking about products and sharing / reading reviews. I'm about health now as length will come.

IRL, I never speak of it as it doesn't consume me during those times. If someone asks and shows a genuine interest, I'll give them some tips here and there but I surely don't HHJ unload on them.