Has henna ruined my hair forever?


New Member
Hey y'all,

So I think I FINALLY got all of my henna dreadlocks out with some serious deep conditioning. I've been cowashing everyday as well. Still, my hair is stripped. It feels like straw.

Is there anything that I can do to get my hair back to its normal state? I'm so sad.

P.S. Please don't have to re-learn my lesson, always do a strand test. :ohwell:
Sorry that happened to you ((hugs)). Dont fret... I'm sure someone here will come up with something for you. May not a drastic change... but over time your hair w/improve.

Have you done an AVC rinse?

What products do you have/are you using?
Sorry you are having this problem!!!:eek: Hug,Hug,Hug. I had a similar problem and I finally got my hair back to "normal" by applying Affirm 5 n 1 reconstructor after a deep conditioner.
When henna makes my hair dry I used Aveda DR. I've also used Pantene for women of color. It helped a lot too.
Thanks y'all, please keep the suggestions coming.

Chocolate: Does Affirm come in a separate package or only with the relaxer?
I was going to suggest a few conditioner washes. They always help when I need moisture. I think that is what you may need, since Henna can strengthen like a protein treatment.

You could use something like Suave Milk and Honey, Hello Hydration, or NTM conditioner. They all seem to make my hair nice and moist.

I'm sorry this happened to you. I hope this helps. :)
I would suggest prepooing w/ a cheapie con + oil (amla or EVOO), using a moisturizing shampoo, then following with Porosity Control, rinsing that, then deep conditioning with a cone-free moisturizing conditioner (w/ heat for at least 30 minutes).
sunshinelady said:
Thanks y'all, please keep the suggestions coming.

Chocolate: Does Affirm come in a separate package or only with the relaxer?

Nahhh, you want to stay AWAY from protein.

Grab on to moisture like no tomorrow. DC, add a moisturizing leave-in, moisturize daily and go from there.
I'm in agreement w/ using a moisturizing conditioner (and sit under a dryer for at least 30 min. or warm the conditioner in the microwave for some seconds). White Rain, VO5, Suave and Herbal Essences moisturizing conditioners work great for me. HTH!
STAY SOFT FRO!!! Use on dry hair=Daily
BB oil moisterizer Use on wet AND dry hair=Daily
Olive oil mix with protein free conditoner

Honey I feel your pain. This too shall pass.(PROMISE)
Try this...I got it from a forum for that "other" type of hair...it always helps when my hair is extremely dry.

"Snowy's Fave Moisture Treatment
1 part Fave conditioner (must be moisture), mine is VO5-Sun Kissed Raspberry.
1/4 part honey
1/4 part clear aloe vera gel (I use Fruit of the Earth).

(I also add some olive oil to my mix).

Place in a cup and warm in microwave for 10 to 15 seconds--just until warm. Wash hair and squeeze out excess, blot dry, leave in under heat cap, warm towels or shower cap, what have you, for an hour or so. Rinse well. Finish (add leave-in if you do so) and style as usual Wah-la!!! Extreme Moistness. This is great after protein treatments!!! WOOT!!!"
Try the Humectress.....I used to use it when my hair felt like straw and over a couple of days I could start seeing a difference.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that shampooing is also a no-no when my hair feels rough or dry. I poo once every 4-5 co-washes.