
I just read a thread about heat trained hair and how some feel it damages their hair so they won't do it. I was wondering if there are any other practices that people refrain from doing because it could lead to damage. I know for myself that I would love to be able to use a hot comb, but I'd singe all the hair off my head.:rolleyes: I have a lot to learn about good hair practices and any thing I can do to keep my hair healthy, I'm all for it.:yep:
I was afraid of hard core Aphogee (2 step) treatments, based on what I've heard. Now it's a staple and I'll never go without it!
Hmm... sort of.

I tend to stay away from braids, weaves, etc. I never wore weaves as a relaxed head (or natural) but I did wear braids ... like once every five years (lol) But as a natural I soon realized my hair was very fine and couldn't take the weight of added hair. I think my relaxed hair seemed thicker from damage and overprocessing. :perplexed

As for heat, I do use a hot comb because flat irons do nothing for my hair. However, I slather as much heat protectant on as possible and I have only done this twice in the eighteen months I've been natural. I used to be a heat addict as a relaxed head, but I run from it now.
I'm afraid to use any heat on my hair because of a little patch of loose curls on my nape. So I don't blowdry my hair at all which I want to do sometimes for some different styles. So I guess I'm not going to try to heat my hair ever....I'm not even sure if I will use heat more than once a year.
It took me a long time to try henna for fear that it would loosen texture. I finally tried it, and love it. My hair loosened a bit but snapped back at the next wash.
yea, BKT - I fear it will dry out and break my hair, although I don't fully understand the point of it for naturals...but that's a whole other topic.

Dominican blowouts. Folks mentioned how great their hair looked afterwards, but were :nono: at the high heat usage.

dye jobs. i want to color my hair so badly but going lighter, too many people have complained about irreversible damage so I backed out and stuck with rinses
yea, BKT - I fear it will dry out and break my hair, although I don't fully understand the point of it for naturals...but that's a whole other topic.

Dominican blowouts. Folks mentioned how great their hair looked afterwards, but were :nono: at the high heat usage.

dye jobs. i want to color my hair so badly but going lighter, too many people have complained about irreversible damage so I backed out and stuck with rinses

EXACTLY the same. Plus, since I have split ends, I'm really afraid to straighten my hair and damage it even more. If my hair was split free, I'd definitely try it, but I'm such a novice at this DIY-hair thing :nono:
1. Hair dyes which is why I either stick to henna or depositing dark dyes like jet black

2. Braids/weaves because my hair is really fine and lacks density

3. Straightening just because I have had several occasions where my hair loosened texture from heat styling tools

4. locs because my hair is fine and 3c i have no ideal what it would look like, I have a general perception of what I want them to look like but if they dont look like how i want them to I would be upset. Also because I hear stories of locs falling off or thinning at the roots and I fear the loc itself would be too heavy.
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I was afraid to get a trim. In October 09 I summed up the courage to go through with it, and I am glad I did. I dust my ends religiously now.
Any "added" hair like weaves, wigs, phony ponys, etc. I want to get a sew in so bad now and im researching the pros and cons. Ultimately I will decide based on how comfortable i think i would feel with that the added hair.
1. Heat for obvious reasons.

2. Dyes. My grandma is a licensed beautician and she always told us the hair dye can be hard on your eyes. Plus, I think the grow-out two-tone phase looks tacky on most people.

3. Extensions. Back in my shorter days, I always found the braids to be too tight and apparently I'm allergic to the hair because I would immediately begin to itch and develop bumps.
hair dyes and over moisturizing which is silly but I'm scared of having mushy hair so I believe that I tend to use protein a little too much.
using ayurvedic powders.

I tried it once, and my hair dried out so bad.......it took weeks of conditioning and moisturizing to get it back to normal.

never again!:nono:
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I used to be scared of protein because of all the horror stories I heard about it making the hair hard. Adding it to my routine has been one of the best hair decisions I've ever made.
Going to a hair salon. Microbraids (ignoring that it would take 800 hours to deal with all my hair). Coils involving a rat tail comb.
oooh wait I just thought of one!! I am afraid of scissors! I don't want to search and destroy, I don't want to trim, I don't want them near me.
yea, BKT - I fear it will dry out and break my hair, although I don't fully understand the point of it for naturals...but that's a whole other topic.

I've been kind of wanting to do a BKT and I think that a possible point could be when you do not have hair that straightens very easily. Sometimes as a natural I want straight hair for like a month, and then next month I want my curls back. If I blowdry/flatiron everytime for a month my hair will be so jacked its not even funny. (plus it will revert so fast so as to be pointless)
If I understand correctly, a BKT keeps your hair straight (with a lot of heat at first) but you can keep it straight with minimal heat afterward.

you could achieve the same thing with a weave but if you don't like fake hair then *shrug*

ngl though, i'm a little scared of it to:giggle:
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Yes I am afraid to try and flat iron really straight. I'm just getting over my fear of using heat at all but only have used lower heat for more kinky straight. I'm working up to doing a good very straight flat ironing job.