has anyone used the aussie products?/ or thermasil


here.... but i'm not here
i went into my local dollar store to buy some stuff, and i was aalking down an aisle, and i saw the scrunching , and i got curious, ( i ended up buying thermasilk volum mousse ) btu when i wash my hair its wavy if i would of used the scrunching stuff, would it make my hair look wavy/curly? just wondering. oh has anyone used thermasilk too?
<font color="purple">I used the Aussie 3 Min. Miracle. I mixed it with Le'Kair Cholesterol and some coconut milk as a deep conditioner/pre-poo treatment. Really loved the results and has an excellent slip factor as well. I've used the Thermasilk shampoo and their heat activated styling gel in the past. They're ok, but I love Aussie more. I'm going to purchase some more 3 Min. Miracle and Slip on my next hair shopping spree. BTW, their new Take The Heat is a heat activated thermal spray that I use on and off. I would prefer using it when I purchase a flat iron sometime in the fall.

Which Aussie products do you use?

BabyCurls </font>
I have used Aussie Hair Insurance alone as a detangler and it did nothing fo rme but make my tangles worse.

However since I don't like to waist anything I tried to mix it up. I used Aussie's Hair Insurance Leave-in mixed with a little Proclaim oil or Hot Six oil and a teaspoon of LUST. I came out great (it also smells heavenly) and I use this daily on my ends to keep them well moisturized. I have not found anything yet to match my new hair end treatment.