Has anyone used silk protein powder in their shampoo or conditioner?!


New Member
Hello Ladies,

My hair loves protein conditioners. Especially when I dry heat it in my hair every week. My hair is prone for breakage so I make sure I use products with natural ingredients.
I want to hear an opinion from anyone used silk protein powder. It suppose to protect, moisturize and strengthen.

I've never used it, either. Where do you get it from? I add SAA to my products.

I recently learned how to properly use protein condition from Chicora weekly emails. It mentioned the three key ingredients to look for in a protein conditioner. My favorite protein conditioner is missing silk protein which in an important ingredient.
I researched silk protein. Found a blog that discussed about the benefit of silk protein. I ordered the silk protein powder from the website mentioned in the blog.
My hair respond well with protein conditioner. The silk protein powder can be added into shampoo or conditioner. I ordered it last week. Now I want to know from others.

topnotch1010 Re: Has anyone used silk protein powder in their shampoo or conditioner?!
Never used it but :bump: for ya
Thanks topnotch1010. Still learning the lingo.

Who used the Silk protein powder on their hair? :bump:

I have absolutely no experience with silk protein powder, but I do use silk amino acids.
PJaye Re: Has anyone used silk protein powder in their shampoo or conditioner?!
I have absolutely no experience with silk protein powder, but I do use silk amino acids.

PJaya -
How do you use the silk amino acids? How often? Did you like the results?

Ladies - Let me know if you used silk protein powder. Share your experience. Let us know how do you use it as part of your reggie. (Natural/Relaxed/Braids/Weave/Wigs).
Do share. :bump:
