Has anyone used Jamila Henna from local indian store and gotten good results?


Well-Known Member
I have been buying from online but I can pay that price anymore. I saw some boxes at my local indian store and wanted to try it but I was gonna ask around first. If you got good results, mind telling me your routine etc? Thanks.
Yes, I've snagged Jamila locally from an Indian market for $2.99 a box. It was perfectly sifted and had no debris.
I haven't used Jamila but I always buy my henna from my local Indian market. No problems either. I've purchased Reshma & Nupur
I used Jamila in the past with no problems. It gave my hair more of a reddish tint than Nupur and Reshma. Jamila is good but I had to DC more because my hair wasn't as soft as it was when I used Nupur.
I bought 2 boxes for my daughter and she did not have good results. I don't know if henna gets old and ineffective but those boxes looked like they'd been there for awhile.

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I only use Jamila Henna and I've never had any issues. I bought from a local Indian grocer and from Amazon. It should have a packaging date noted on the box. I would not purchase it from the grocer if it is more than 2-years old. Old henna is not as effective.
I started out using Nupur then Jamilla from butter-n-bars. The Jamilla gives a richer color, though. I think its good for like three years. When buying in the store, look on the bottom of the box for the crop date and expiration date. I still have 4 boxes left from an awesome sale last year. This is what it looks like:


I LOVE this HHJ!!

ETA: It also tells you the lawsone (sp?) content