Has anyone used ebene naturals products?


New Member
Has anyone used these products? And to those who have used both Ebene naturals and have also used Carols daughters products how do both lines compare to eachother? The site for those interested is ebenenaturals.com. Looking forward to your replies.
I ordered a couple of products from them on 11/10/03 and never received them. They didn't charge my card and only replied to ONE email I sent them and I thought this was totally unprofessional. I called them the day after I ordered to find out how long it would take to get my products and whoever I spoke to said that it would go out in a couple of days, but THEN I received an email from them saying this:

"All orders are being processed.

We ran out of Shea butter over a week ago. We import it from Africa and the original container had gotten damage. We did not want to accept it and I send it back and waited for another container of shea butter to arrive. in the meantime, we ran out of a lot of products in which we use the shea butter and so we are a little behind this week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

When I emailed back asking how long it would take to get the stuff I ordered, I received no response. After a week of still NOT hearing ANYTHING or getting anyone on the phone, I left both a phone and email message telling them to cancel my order and not charge my card. I still have NOT heard from anyone and I'm hoping they don't charge me AFTER I told them not to.

For one, I couldn't get over the fact that you only had ONE supplier for Shea Butter!
Good business practice dictates that if you're going to be selling to the public and you're a home-based business you NEED to have more than one distributor for your products. Needless to say, she turned me off and if I won't be buying her stuff. This is why I don't like dealing with small-time businesses. Carols Daughter was like this for a minute, but they quickly got their act together. It's just that with CD if you know you're running low, you better order a couple of weeks in advance to get your stuff.

For what it's worth, someone on another board said Ebene's ACV rinse was very good.
i met the owner and gave her this forums address...it would be interesting if she could respond
for what its worth, her hair is gorgeous...