Has anyone tried the new Mizani HG butter blend relaxer?

I tried this on my mother's hair, and compared to the No Lye version that I used before on her hair, it is more mild. It smells STRONG though despite the claims of being less smelly.
Well I have just bought it and comparing the two - the mizani hg has sodium hydroxide as the 8th ingredient whereas the old version has it as the 9th ingredient.

I don't know whether this means that it is stronger than the old lye version, but I'm going to try it in a couple of weeks. I'll post a review then!
I tried this on my mother's hair, and compared to the No Lye version that I used before on her hair, it is more mild. It smells STRONG though despite the claims of being less smelly.

My mom used that. It worked really well for her. It left her relaxed hair very soft & silky.
Well I used to use the old mizani butter blends in normal and was trying to achieve a texlaxed look. For me this meant leaving the relaxer in my hair for 15mins including application. I'm 4a/b.

I still had a little of the old mbb which I didn't use. When I opened the new mbb HG in normal, I DID notice that it was a LOT less chemically smelly than the previous one! This is strange seeing that sodium hydroxide is one place higher on the list of ingredients in this one than the old mbb.

Anyway, consistency was the same - quite thick (which I like) so needing thorough washing out. I still wanted a texlaxed look so I left it in for 14mins including application.

In my opinion it straightened it a bit quicker. My roots are now a little straighter than I wanted. Next time I will leave it in for 10mins only.

Another positive is that this time after relaxing and washing the relaxer out, my hair actually felt like hair -it actually felt strong and not so weak and stretchy. I was really impressed with that. I think that may be because of the patented HG formula.

Overall verdict: I LOVE it - more than the old one! :yay:

P.s. I love their relaxer time recommendations for different black hair types on their website. They have pics and everything! - so cool and informative. I'll stick to that as it was spot on for me.

See their technical guide:

P.s.s. I continue to use the full system - honey shield, perphecting cream and hair bath.

My recently texlaxed newgrowth became very dry!! It was so brittle that I had to do everything I could so that it would not break. It could have been because of the DRC28/Emergencee mix DC I did a week later. But it just looked really underprocessed, so I tried to do a corrector at 5 weeks (couldn't wait 6 - it was too much work continually keeping the underprocessed parts moist and moisturising DCs!). The corrector helped a litte but the whole process was such an ordeal that I'm going back to my s-curl sodium hydroxide texturiser which had always given me consistent results in the past without all these changed recipes. I'm sad because all this MBB HG was so expensive too. I'm glad I'm now clear on what works best for me though. xxxxxxx
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