Has anyone tried B.B Oil moisturizer


New Member
I picked up some B.B oil moisturizer hair lotion with castor oil and aloe. I wanted to purchased it as a setting lotion for my upcoming roller set. I did use it on my wet hair along with coconut oil and let my hair air dry. My curls were a little more bouncier and defined. My only complaint is that the smell is not very pleasant.

Has anyone else tried this product?
I love this too, especially when I'm into wearing my hair up or in braids, it's a little too much if I want a bouncy rollerset. But it's very moisturizing and helped when I first started my regimen and was trying to get my hair back to being super moisturized. NTM is much better for me when I'm wearing my hair out and I like to mix Jojoba oil w/my moisturizers.
I've tried it too. Its okay. I really wasn't too impressed with it.:ohwell: I'll finish off this bottle and probably won't be getting it again. :nono:
I love this stuff! I find it to be heavy though, so I use it for ponytails/buns. But it's a great moisturizer!
YEP!! Allandra turned me on to it. I love how it softens my afro roots. It'll always be a staple now.
My inner pj convinced me to pick up a bottle of this today at Wal-Mart. It was only $2.04, so I thought, "What the hey?" I haven't tried it yet, but I hope I like it, as I love all things containing castor oil. :p
Okay, I just used some on my ends and I really like it. I wonder if they changed the fragrance, some LHCFer have complained about the smell and I seem to remember testing it on my hand once and not liking the smell either. But my bottle smells like coconut oil, thank goodness. :p