Has anyone switched from naturalaxer to lye???


New Member
I am moving far away from my stylist and will have to start applying relaxers myself until I find a new stylist. I'm ready to start getting lye relaxers. But, It would have to be applied to all of my hair cuz the two different textures would be too much to handle. I've heard of people switching from no-lye to lye without much trouble. Any suggestons?
Ask him what the straightening ingredient is in his relaxer. Find out from someone who knows a lot about chemicals whether or not it's compatibale with lye. I know a lot of the gentle, low pH relaxers (ie Rusk Anti-Curl) aren't compatiable with lye.
Are you sure you have right name? I typed "what is alkaline water" into the Yahoo! search engine and this is was on the first page:

Alkaline water is the best drinking water for diatebetics and many other chronic ailments. This machine uses electrolysis to purify water and charge it, making it the most healthful drink you can get. Acidic water is the best water for the skin and as an antiseptic, it tightens skin in a few seconds and kills germs. Flowers, grass and plants love it too!

If you can drink it I don't think it can straighten hair! Maybe he's pulling a "Sonny's Secret Potion" on you and doesn't want to give up his secret recipe. Both times I called to order my products he made the relaxer sound really good. I almost bought one!
Can you buy his relaxer and use it at home? Or did you just want to switch to lye?
I know......I think he just doesn't want to tell.
I applied it myself once and I felt like it didn't take....my hair only gets straightened out when he does it. And I do want to make to switch to lye because I know that gets my hair straight. And I didn't have any problems with lye until I appied a no-lye over it some years ago. I didn't know any better then.........No wonder my hair fell out. well, out of fear...I guess I will just not get any chemicals at all until I'm sure of what to do.
diamoness, I used the Naturalaxer twice approx 3 years ago on natural hair and went to a lye relaxer after that with no problems. The naturalaxer left my hair very dry though.

I just wanted to interrupt this thread to tell you that your hair is absolutely beautiful! Your hair has grown a lot!