Has anyone noticed more growth WITHOUT vitamins?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I started taking vitamins faithfully back in '06 when I first started my journey. For the past few months, I've been skipping them here and there and I've experienced a lot of growth.

I'm trying to determine what's going on and if the vitamins are worth it. My cousin suggested that since I've taken them so long, maybe the days that I skipped them "shocked my system" and gave me a growth spurt. Kinda like if you change up your workout routine, you'll see different results.

What do ya'll think?

Here's the benefits that I've noticed with taking vitamins:
-My new growth is much thicker and coarser. I'm assuming that means it's stronger, which is important to me because I'm relaxed.
-Vitamins are good for my total health. Currently, I take a multivitamin, one biotin and one Super B-Complex (for stress).

Thanks ladies!
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If you have taken vitamins for awhile and then you skip a few days or even a week, the vitamins are still in your system doing its job. Alot of vitamins are time released so the nutrients gets released throughout your body in different intervals instead of all at once. So even if you are not taking them everyday, they are still in your system working........ It leaves your body when you stop taking them for longer periods like several weeks or months, not a few days.
If you have taken vitamins for awhile and then you skip a few days or even a week, the vitamins are still in your system doing its job. Alot of vitamins are time released so the nutrients gets released throughout your body in different intervals instead of all at once. So even if you are not taking them everyday, they are still in your system working........ It leaves your body when you stop taking them for longer periods like several weeks or months, not a few days.

Makes perfect sense to me. Thanks Flawlis.

Do you currently take vitamins?
Yes! When I found out my problem wasn't hair growth but hair retention, then I changed what I was doing so I can retain more hair and as a result, my hair got longer :grin:
Yes, I take Maxi-Hair by Country Life....... and I REALLY like them ALOT!! I've been taking them for a month now, but I have seen some great results already, especially in my nails. I got them at The Vitamin Shoppe.
Interesting, I have not noticed this, and I've been taking vitamins pretty consistently for hair, body, skin since 2004. I still take quite a few supplements, but for me I notice when I go more than 1 week w/o taking them (has only happened like once in the past year) my NG gets coarser and I have drier skin and scalp. I also notice more shedding. For me, vitamins are integral b/c I'm anemic, and need all the help I can get!