Has anyone here listen to, seen this before....G.Craige Lewis...WOW!

He speaks the truth though some dislike him because he doesn't water it down....He is a much needed voice in the church
Thanks for your comment..... I find that he speaks on many things that are showing themselves in the world today

Its astounding.....
Wow. I just watched the first 2 parts and that left/right brain stuff is deep. I'm definately going to watch the rest. Thanks for this.
Welcome! I wish more folks would state their feelings.... good or bad.... I just wanted to know about this man if anyone has heard them
Thanks for posting this! I just listened to all 8 parts of The Truth About Hip-Hop II and I definately followed everything he was saying and understood it to be the truth. I just saw a clip of "Anti-Christ Superstar" and boy oh boy when he touched on Affectation...wow that was confirmation for me personally. Awesome speaker.
OP: You may not be getting many replies because there have been several threads about Rev. Lewis. Do a search, I think you will find them interesting.

By the way: His research and what I believe The Lord has shown him has impacted the way I live my life in a major way.
LOL @ him mentioning kanye @ ebenezer. i remember when i heard that ebenezer was doing that...i was trippn off that when i heard it. (i live in the DC area which is where the church he mentioned is). additionally, i know the youth pastor that he mentioned. LOL yeah, kanye @ a church youth event was a sad day in christiandom round here.
LOL @ him mentioning kanye @ ebenezer. i remember when i heard that ebenezer was doing that...i was trippn off that when i heard it. (i live in the DC area which is where the church he mentioned is). additionally, i know the youth pastor that he mentioned. LOL yeah, kanye @ a church youth event was a sad day in christiandom round here.

Lol...talking about many kids were saved that day..."no they just wanted an autograph"
OP: You may not be getting many replies because there have been several threads about Rev. Lewis. Do a search, I think you will find them interesting.

By the way: His research and what I believe The Lord has shown him has impacted the way I live my life in a major way.

Thank you!! I rushed to post this and yes I saw there are other threads THANK YOU!!!!
Thanks for posting this! I just listened to all 8 parts of The Truth About Hip-Hop II and I definately followed everything he was saying and understood it to be the truth. I just saw a clip of "Anti-Christ Superstar" and boy oh boy when he touched on Affectation...wow that was confirmation for me personally. Awesome speaker.

Where is this one???? TIA:yep:
Can you please give your take on him...



I'm not done listening but this has men like:blush::blush::blush::blush: And it started in the ENT Forum.......I just came here cause they say we not suppose to talk about it anywhere but here ( which is :ohwell: anyway)

You should hear the one where he breaks down the spiritual effects of watching pornography. I was like, ":blush:." He was like, "Men, think it is okay because they are watching a woman but there is also a man on there too. The woman is uncovered but you are also watching a man." Then he said, "Men started having all these crazy, weird dreams about other men and are wondering why!"

Another spiritual effect of watching pornography is that you are letting darkness into your soul. Don't believe me:

Matthew 6:22-24 (King James Version)

22The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

No, we can't see this light going into us so Jesus is talking about a spiritual effect.

God has revealed alot of things to him and because of this, I guard my heart and what I watch or listen to MUCH more closely.
I watched his other sermon on "The Truth About Hip Hop Exodus to Egypt" last night

Here is the 1st part

It has 10 parts posted on youtube and in either the 8th or 9th this girl starts screaming..she looked and sounded possessed. He doesn't even do all that yelling and screaming, he's just speaking, almost like having a conversation and for the devil to show himself because of it..wow.
I agree with him, my only issue was how he called out some people that I did not feel warranted it. Such as TD Jakes for having Steve Harvey and was it Aretha? or Patti? at MegaFest---I believe at times that ministers can be given directives from God to help get someone back into church who otherwise would not come--not saying that every other week a secular person should be on the pulpit but Gods job is souls, even backslidden Steve Harvey's, so while I know ministers make mistakes too I cannot necessarily say that I KNOW that to be a mistake as sometimes sinners need a hand extended to them.

My other issue was with him speaking negatively about Christian HipHop which I believe can be a powerful ministry tool and gift. Of course, it can be misused as well (I mean Satan was the minister of music in heaven, so he IS having a field day with music). IMHO, David was a Psalmist and "Christian Rap" are Psalms as well. Psalms are meant for music. IMO, whether you sing "God is great" in an opera voice or while bobbing your head, you are praising and your spirit is edified. I have tested myself (listened to secular rap for a period of time (like a couple hours) and listened to Christian "rap" for a couple of hours and noted a difference in my spirit. I was taken to such a place of worship that I actually ended up turning the music off (turned on CeCe's Alabaster box) and just praying in the spirit. Of course, be discerning about which musicians you purchase...Jessica Simpson too tried to be a Christian artist, though I can't say her heart was entirely into it as she and her minister dad took well to the secular world.
I like how nobody gets a pass if you cuttin' up you cuttin' up it doesn't matter who you are. we cannot fall to peer pressure to get the world to come in we've got to pressure our peers. the world has got to want what we got. sometimes the church community tries so hard to outdo the world. when bling was really in some of the ladies suits where so swarovskied down. my st. john suit this and that ridiculous! he was talking about beyonce and sasha years before it hit the media but he knew sasha wasn't gonna stay hidden for long. i like the segment on thugs with the jewelry in the mouth i was like wow. and baby phat and the cat goddess. he got his facts down.
I like how nobody gets a pass if you cuttin' up you cuttin' up it doesn't matter who you are. we cannot fall to peer pressure to get the world to come in we've got to pressure our peers. the world has got to want what we got. sometimes the church community tries so hard to outdo the world. when bling was really in some of the ladies suits where so swarovskied down. my st. john suit this and that ridiculous! he was talking about beyonce and sasha years before it hit the media but he knew sasha wasn't gonna stay hidden for long. i like the segment on thugs with the jewelry in the mouth i was like wow. and baby phat and the cat goddess. he got his facts down.

Yes, I just wish these men out here would wath the one where he talks about pornography. I know one thing, before you even let people watch them you have to be praying for them earnestly and effectually.

I remember three years ago, my friend and I watched him on a dvd and she just didn't want to believe it at all. She was making all kinds of excuses and not really praying about it. We both didn't know to pray back then but now, today...three years later God has opened her eyes to see the truth. So, what I've discovered is through my praying with her and for her, The Holy Spirit has changed her and opened her eyes. I didn't even bring it up to her about the music but God did it and I was like, "Yeah, girl I know." I was so happy she could see the truth cause' no one wants there friends walking around blindly.:yep:
^^^ Wow that's wonderful!!!! I guess we must all pray for the people in our lives, the people not in our lives and everything in between.

I am not perfect....I'm just on a journey
^^^ Wow that's wonderful!!!! I guess we must all pray for the people in our lives, the people not in our lives and everything in between.

I am not perfect....I'm just on a journey

Yes, we definitely have to pray that God's will is done and for him to give them new spirits and hearts...as He said He would.

CCD, you are stating the obvious...and it can be said for all of us. :lachen:

But one thing I truly don't like is for a friend or supposed friend to lie to me. I'd rather have my feelings hurt than walk around blindly and if I don't agree with them, I can always go and pray to God about it until The Holy Spirit gives me revelation or revelations. But one thing I can not honor is someone that would rather hold back something in fear of hurting my feelings and then call themselves my "friend.":perplexed