Has anyone had growth


New Member
with weaves? I am thinking about weaving my hair up for the remainder of the Winter. I have been taking really good care of my hair, but I am getting sick of the buns, phonytails, etc. I look like I am 13 years old with regular braids--so that is out of the question. I plan on having the weave sewn in, and I will use the Crown and Glory technique. So anyone weaved their hair and had successful growth/length retention?
I have! I wore weaves for a couple of years. I only had the front part exposed so that it could blend in. My hair took off like gangbusters! IMO, a weave is just another protective style.
Co-signing again. I was thinking last night how I can see how people become obsessed with weaves. You can do whatever you want to it and always be styled and yet not damage you own hair.
I experienced a lot of growth as well. I'm not sure abou retention though, sinc taking it out, I've experienced a lot of breakage (but I'm working to stop that). Also, my natural hair is not as thick as it was before I started wearing weaves.
I have heard a lot of people complaining about this exact thing. Did you moisturize your hair daily, and wash your hair under the weave regularly?
I usually washed my hair once a week (professional wash & condition every 5-6 weeks) and had the weave completely redone every 12 weeks or less. I did not know all the great tips I now know (thanks to LHCF), so I didn't moisturize the braids at all (besides washing & conditioning). I also didn't trim my natural hair regularly. You can see the growth I achieved in my album. I've been wearing it natural for about a month and half and have been religiously moisturizing and conditioning, but have definitely lost a few inches of length since that initial post-weave photo. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif I still think it's a great way to grow hair and I probably would have had a better experience if I had been moisturizing the braids during that time, trimming split ends and paying more attention to the products stylists used on my natural hair.
Your hair looks great! I have worn weaves before for almost 3 years straight, everyone thought that it was my hair. Many times I thought it was my hair also. My hair did grow some but, I wasn't moisturizing and washing like I should etc., so when I took the cornrows down my hair was thin. I am going to try it again and use all of the knowledge I have gained thus far--Wish me luck. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
12 weeks seems like a long time to keep in a weave! I thought the longest you leave it in would be 4-6 weeks. Maybe the length of time you left the hair in is contributing to you not retaining growth?
I can't leave my weave in more than 7 weeks now...I let it stay to 9 not too long ago...and I regretted that ish...especially as it gets longer, for me anyway..can't leave it in longer. When my hair was shorter, I could leave it in for 3 months.

Those days...are gone...