Has anyone had a this reaction to MSM????


New Member
Hi Ladies! I've been taking MSM for about 4-6 weeks now and I have been experiencing bad gas, upset stomach, constipation and I belch like a sailor. Has anyone else had these symptoms and if so, please tell me what can I do beside eliminating it all together?
I take the GNC brand and I never had any of the problems that u listed above. I have always had "bad gas, upset stomach, constipation and I belch like a sailor" so I can't blame it on the MSM
One article I read said that you should start taking MSM in small doses and build up based on how your body responds, because MSM has a detoxifying affect. So if you start off taking a high dosage, your system might start purging all at once. This might be one of the side effects. The article said that if this happens stop taking the MSM and drink lots of distilled water to flush your system. You should be okay in 1-2 days. If you want then you can start taking the MSM again, but you should cut your dosage in half at least and work your way back up.
Thanks Myco, I will try that because my husband and son are looking at me sideways when I belch.

Now Britt, I'm not sure what to say....

thanks ladies
Also, try taking your MSM with vitamin C. Vit C. helps breakdown the MSM much better so that you'll digest properly.

Good luck!!!
It might be an allergic reaction. Do you have shellfish allergies? Are you allergic to sulfa drugs? If so, then you are probably allegric to some or most types of sulfur.

I went to a health food store looking for MSM, and the guy told me that people who are allergic to shellfish (like me) can also have allergic reactions to MSM. The reason is that most MSM is made from shellfish derivitaves. Remember that MSM is sulfur, and shellfish has a lot of sulfur, so that's where a lot of MSM is made from. Also, people with shellfish allergies are allergic to that sulfur family - I think they are called sulFATES.

There's another family of sulfur, called sulFITES, that a lot of antibiotics are made from. Antibiotics like Penecillan (sp?), Bactrum, etc. (also referred to as sulfa drugs) are in that family. In reading up on MSM, I came across this warning "Those with known allergies to sulfa-containing medications and/or sulfites should avoid sulfur supplements as a precautionary measure."

One thing to note is that sulfur, by itself, is not toxic to the body. With shellfish allergies, it's the COMBINATION of a particular protein with the sulfur that causes the allergic reaction. And with sulfa drugs, it's the combinations that cause the reactions. So, the obvious solution would be to find PURE sulfur, right? However, I'm not sure that the sulfur that is available in these supplements is ever pure sulfur. Maybe because there's not a cheap or efficient way to make these products using pure sulfur.

Sorry for the long post. But the reason I know all this is because I have sulfur allergies. I'm somewhat allergic to shellfish, and I have a SEVERE allergy to sulfa drugs, which I learned the hard way. I was prescribed Bactrum once. Too make a long story short, among a host of other serious side effects, after a few days of being on it, I passed out because of how sick it was making me.

I also took some MSM for a week as an experiment to see if I would react. And wouldn't you know it, after a few days, I noticed I would feel increasingly nauseous after I took it. I also tried Cysteine (another sulfur supplement) as an experiment, and that made me nauseous too. It makes me sad that I can't experience the joys of MSM like everyone else, but better to stay healthy. If you feel like you may be allergic, you might want to come up off the MSM too.
Are you taking it with meals? Taking it with food can help to decrease gastrointestinal side effects....
I really enjoy seeing how you girls help one onther...keep up the good..NO GREAT work! God Bless u all!
I take the same brand...but I take it WITH food...no problems...

Interesting though, because I am allergic to sulfa drugs but not shellfish...but I have noticed no reaction whatsoever when I take it...

I think the food is the key.
I guess everyone needs to be cautious and consult their doctors regarding MSM usage. I am allergic to shellfish but I've had no problems with the GNC nor the MSM that I am using currently(Trimedica poweder.)
I also have experienced these things. It's because th MSM has detoxifying effects on your body.You don't need to take Vit C with it but you can try it may help with the digestion as someone already posted. You can't overdose on MSM because it does not build up in your body. Your body takes what it needs and the excess gets flushed out of your system (gas, burping, etc).This is why you have to drink lots of water when taking vitamins to help them digest better and to flush your system out. Eventually my symptoms stopped , but I still do get them occasionally.