Has anyone every refused to cut your hair?

I was having this exact problem.

I been wanting to BC and I went to my regular hairdresser who refused to cut my hair. She gave me the whole good people are blessed with good hair speech. Why do I want to be natural? Just grow it out I will change my mind..:rolleyes:

So I went to my aunt who is also a hairdresser and she also refused to cut my hair.

Today I was so fed up. I called DH and told him what I was about to do(I've heard way too many horror stories about not telling DH/SO)


although I have learnt so much from relaxing and telaxing. I'm so happy to join the natural ladies and have some great information about how to take care of my hair.

Any ladies just went ahead with it and BC'd yourself?
I was having this exact problem.

I been wanting to BC and I went to my regular hairdresser who refused to cut my hair. She gave me the whole good people are blessed with good hair speech. Why do I want to be natural? Just grow it out I will change my mind..:rolleyes:

So I went to my aunt who is also a hairdresser and she also refused to cut my hair.

Today I was so fed up. I called DH and told him what I was about to do(I've heard way too many horror stories about not telling DH/SO)


although I have learnt so much from relaxing and telaxing. I'm so happy to join the natural ladies and have some great information about how to take care of my hair.

Any ladies just went ahead with it and BC'd yourself?

Yes congrats to you!!! So did you DH like the new look? @ the bolded: Good hair is the kind that grows regardless of texture/curl pattern or how "good" a person is, which is highly subjective.
Congrats on your BC!

The only time someone ever refused to cut my hair was when I was a teenage and wanted about 2 inches cut off, but the stylist was afraid my grandma would be mad :perplexed
My hubby refuses to even trim my hair or put a scissors to any woman's hair. He's the only person I've asked and he's said no. Normally I don't ask anyone to cut my hair. :lol: But there are some who didn't wait to be asked and just simply made themselves at home and went to town on my poor head. :lachen:

Yes congrats to you!!! So did you DH like the new look? @ the bolded: Good hair is the kind that grows regardless of texture/curl pattern or how "good" a person is, which is highly subjective.

Very nicely said! I'ma hafta borrow that line. I will be sure to give credit where it's due whenever I use it. Love it!
Same thing happened to me. My hairdresser was like you wanna do WHAT? :lachen:
My hair was about APL when I asked her. She told me to wait a few more months. So about 2 weeks later I grabbed some scissors and that was the end of that.
Yes congrats to you!!! So did you DH like the new look? @ the bolded: Good hair is the kind that grows regardless of texture/curl pattern or how "good" a person is, which is highly subjective.


DH hasn't seen it but he's more excited than me to see it. He keeps hinting to me how beautiful sisterlocks are. He's thinking about locking my hair but judging from the beautiful heads of natural hair I have seen I doubt that's gonna happen too soon but I am considering it.
My hubby refuses to even trim my hair or put a scissors to any woman's hair. He's the only person I've asked and he's said no. Normally I don't ask anyone to cut my hair. :lol: But there are some who didn't wait to be asked and just simply made themselves at home and went to town on my poor head. :lachen:

Very nicely said! I'ma hafta borrow that line. I will be sure to give credit where it's due whenever I use it. Love it!

Hey Nonie ..

You was a great inspiration to this BC.

Thanks for all your help.
What is up with some of these hair stylists? You are paying them to provide you with a service and they don't want to do what the PAYING customer asks them to do? I don't get it. I feel your frustration. Maybe you can go to the Salon Review forum and find a reputable salon in your area.
What is up with some of these hair stylists? You are paying them to provide you with a service and they don't want to do what the PAYING customer asks them to do? I don't get it. I feel your frustration. Maybe you can go to the Salon Review forum and find a reputable salon in your area.

In my case my stylist didn't take my transitioning seriously. She thought it was a phase I was going through and would give up at some point. When I asked her to chop off like 14+ inches of hair she was like what the hell LOL

My cousin had waist length hair and wanted a bop. The stylist refused to do it and my cousin had to beg her. Of course my cousin regretted it the next day LOL
Congrats on the BC!! :dance7:

Yeah my auntie refused to cut my hair when I wanted to go au naturale. She kept making excuses on why she couldn't do it. She claimed she didn't have any scissors at her house:rolleyes: and didn't want me to go to the shop to get any, but when my cousin told me she always keeps scissors at the house I knew she really didn't want to do. So the next day I went to a white salon and they did a really good job.