Has anyone ever used henna on their hair?


Nubian Girl
I was curious about trying this out on my hair because it's all natural and not permanent. I have never colored my hair before and I'm really anxious to try.Can anyone help me out here? I'm kinda scared that my hair will start shedding more....(I've heard this happens when color is added to the hair) and I'm trying to prevent that as much as possible. Thanks ladies
Henna is the only color I'll put in my hair. I'm relaxed and am confused about my hair type (sometimes I think it's 3c/4a, lately its 2b, slightly resistant, fine to normal). I use hennas by Lush (www.lush.com) and love the way my hair feels and looks afterwards. The only thing is that it takes forever to apply and is messy, but in my opinion totally worth it.

Whatever henna you use, make sure it is pure henna and no metal fillers and don't use metal clips to hold it in place while it dries.
My friend used to use henna religiously. It gave her a really pretty auburn color, but I think that she abused it. Her hair became really dry, brittle and eventually fell out. After insisting, she finally dragged herself to a professional and they told her that the henna was the source of her problems.

I guess henna, just like herbs for healing purposes, must be used properly.
Thanxs sim and webby...sim which henna do you use from lush b/c I went the website and didn't see much of a difference between them.

Webby how did your friend abuse the color b/c whatever she did I don't want to do?
if your hair is dark henna wont do too much to color your hair...especially not the first time....it will take a LOT of applications to get a color and it wont be too much different than the original....one of our members, i think its Azure, uses henna....i think she has a step by step in her album....
Vikkisecret, henna is permanent no matter what you've heard. It sort of stains your hair bonding with both the outer and inner layers of your hair.
My hair has indeed become a little brittle and dry from henna-ing about 4-5 times this year. I also use the henna from Lush. Right now I have decided not to henna for about 2 months so that it will be 3 months since the last henna treatment. Henna is a strong protein so you will need to deep condition every week after your treatment. I guess my hair was aldready a little damaged from regular hair colors so don't get discouraged. Good luck!
vikkisecret said:
Thanxs sim and webby...sim which henna do you use from lush b/c I went the website and didn't see much of a difference between them.

Webby how did your friend abuse the color b/c whatever she did I don't want to do?

She used a LOT. Every time I turned around she was putting henna in her hair. Now, in her defense, I think that she was mislead into believing that because henna is "natural" that it could be used w/o a price. I think that she was misinformed. The person who told her about henna said that she could use it whenever she wanted and my friend did.
That's right Webby, I also thought because it was natural it was ok to use it whenever I felt like it. Now I don't know what to do to keep my grey hairs covered. Oh, well, that's another thread...
FlowerHair said:
That's right Webby, I also thought because it was natural it was ok to use it whenever I felt like it. Now I don't know what to do to keep my grey hairs covered. Oh, well, that's another thread...

I ordered me some, but I don't have the grey problem. I know when I do get grey, i'm going to let it stay grey.
Get back to me on that when it's really grey LOL! :D
I thought I was going to let my hair be grey too, thought my granny was crazy for asking me to color her hair at her death bed, but now I know better.
It's not fun being 34 with grey hair.
Good luck anyway, I'm sure your hair is going to be fine.
FlowerHair said:
Get back to me on that when it's really grey LOL! :D
I thought I was going to let my hair be grey too, thought my granny was crazy for asking me to color her hair at her death bed, but now I know better.
It's not fun being 34 with grey hair.
Good luck anyway, I'm sure your hair is going to be fine.
Same thing my mom said

Last year I used the Cacas Noir and this year I'm using the Cacas Marron. I wanted something more subtle.

It is pretty permanent although it does tend to fade a little.

I use it once after every other touch-up (it takes six hours) and not at all in the summer because I don't have air conditioning and it is too hot to be sitting under a dryer for two hours. Although this summer I may try it without sitting under the dryer:

1) I add olive oil to the henna mixture
2) I do a Moisturizing treatment (20 minutes under the dryer) once I've rinsed the Henna out (which takes three or four shampoos)

I haven't had any problems with my hair becoming dry. But everyone is different...
I have heard good things about it and should I choose to color my hair this is the way I will go. I want to try rosemary and sage tea...but rosemary raises my blood pressure which I can't have.

But it IS messy. I do know of a hair album where she does step by step instructions. I will try to remember who it is and find it.

eta: AZURE is who I was thinking of!!! :) Excellent source for Henna advice. I need to check that out again myself.
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I recently did a henna and indigo treatment. Pure henna will color the darkest of hair if applied a certain way. I bought 500mg of henna and pour a bottle of lemon juice into the powder (in a plastic mixing bowl). I let it sit overnight. In the morning I used the paste and applied it to my hair. Very messy!!!!

I made the mistake of piling my hair on top of my head (I shouldn't have done that at all) and then put a plastic cap on and wrapped it around with a towel. I let it sit for two hours and then rinsed it out. My hair (natural color is black - between 1 and 1b I think - or between jet black and off black). My hennaed hair was a deep auburn. My grays were dark red.

Well, I didn't want aurburn hair, I wanted black. So I took 500 mg of indigo powder and mixed it with water. I also added rosemary essential oil. I put that on my wet hair. Put a plastic cap on and then wrapped it with a towel. I let that sit for about an hour and then rinsed, and rinsed , and rinsed.

I washed my hair with Creme of Nature shampoo about 5 times to make sure I got all the particles out.

I then had to clean my bathroom. It was a disaster (and still has a few stains).

Put my hair is now mostly jet black with a few grays strands that a dark auburn.

I plan on using very moisturizing conditioners and don't plan on using henna very often. But I think if applied right and with care , you can get great results!

Good Luck!