Has anyone ever tried using skin cream in their hair?


Well-Known Member
I remember an old thread on Vaseline intensive care. I did buy it but it did nothing for my hair really:ohwell:

However, I just experimented with Lush Vanilla Delite:


Funnily enough I didn't like it on my skin, but for the hair it actually isn't bad at all. Better than the Elasta QP Mango Butter I was using any way. I used some when twisting my hair and again when completed and some coconut oil to seal. This morning my hair feels strong, but soft. It has all natural ingredients too:grin: I haven't found a true moisturizer staple (after 3 years:rolleyes:) yet so if this one holds up I am not afraid to try more natural skin creams!

Anyone else tried body cream?
I think quite a few people on this forum have. Flowerhair (if i'm not mistaken) has used it and she has some gorgeous hair.

To be honest, the make up of skin lotions and hair lotions is the same. They're all usually just emulsions of water and oils. It's pretty much just the packaging/marketing that's different.
I love Afroveda's hairbutters on my hands. :grin:

I've only ever tried using a regular lotion on my hair once (Lush Helping Hands) and it was alright. Nothing moisturizes my hair my hair like conditioner does, though.
I've also heard a lot of people using shampoo's as a body wash that they didn't like on their hair, or using (gentle) soaps as shampoo's.
My sister does, It is too thick for my taste :) and I figure it is for skin for a reason. My hair and skin are different and have different needs. but to each his own :)
I do- I use Alba Kukui Nut Body cream, and it leaves my hair so moisturized, better than any other hair moisturizer has at this point.
I use a body cream by Bodycology for my hair--usually to lay down my edges (it works better than any gel or hair butter) or on my ends to manipulate my loose hair. Its very moisturizing and smells wonderful too. Has shea butter, aloe vera, and glycerin in it too. But its very much a humectant so I don't use it in the winter.