Has anyone dealt with......


Well-Known Member
not having a good relationship with their mother?

Before I got saved me and my mom did not have a good relationship at all. (over 6 years ago), but over the past couple of years we have been slowly coming together, but for the last few months. :nono: I'm getting married soon and I always thought this would be the time that we could really bond and get even closer. She has been so disrespectful and just mean. She calls me names and curses me out. And it really hurts. She has turned other family members against me and everything. I know the bible says to do good to who treat you bad and to overcome evil with good and I have, but I just don't know what else to do. Even though she treats me horribly, I still talk to her peaceably. For the last week she has not returned my phone calls or texts. She was suppose to take care of my reception and my sister just told me today that she is not doing anymore. 3 months before my wedding she pulls this, but this is the 3rd time she has done this! She is really taking the joy out of my engagement process. I don't know if I should keep pursuing her or let her be.

Has anyone ever dealt with this and how did you overcome it?
I haven't...

As for the wedding reception can you get some close friends or maybe other relatives together so that they can help out, get it done without her. Text one more time expressing that you want to make amends and hope that she will come to share that special day with you, basically don't let her spoil your day.

Know that there is a very real possibility that you wont ever have a real relationship with her, that's a harsh reality but truth.

Pray about this (I know that you have already) fast if needed, sometimes some relationships can not be fixed not because of you not wanting to, the other person is just unwilling or incapable of dealing with their own 'situation' (kwim).

Sorry, I don't have more...
I haven't...

As for the wedding reception can you get some close friends or maybe other relatives together so that they can help out, get it done without her. Text one more time expressing that you want to make amends and hope that she will come to share that special day with you, basically don't let her spoil your day.

Know that there is a very real possibility that you wont ever have a real relationship with her, that's a harsh reality but truth.

Pray about this (I know that you have already) fast if needed, sometimes some relationships can not be fixed not because of you not wanting to, the other person is just unwilling or incapable of dealing with their own 'situation' (kwim).

Sorry, I don't have more...

Thank you, your post helped alot. It is a harsh reality that I will have to face. :yep:
LucieLoo12 Don't give up on your relationship with your mom. Put it in the Lord's hands and in the meantime, you love your mom, honor your mom, and respect your mom despite her actions.

I've witnessed with my own eyes how people with cold, selfish, and harsh hearts softened through prayer. And my manager is one of them.

LucieLoo12 you are blessed and you will have a beautiful wedding day. No confusion or strife...the hand of God will be upon you :yep:.

What you are going through now is just a distraction...don't let it get you down.

God Bless.
Sis, I am sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your mom. When a person gets saved that can cause divisions in families but just know that when your mother or father forsake you, the Lord will take you up and indeed He already has.

I don't believe this is the devil simply attacking you.... He's attacking your mom to keep her away from you because you can be a light to her. Sometimes its as simple as a person who you love becomes your enemy because the devil doesn't want your light to shine before them. Even in all this, God is ABLE, not only to save your mom but to deliver you from all affliction. Love you lady :-)
Don't give up on your relationship with your mom. Put it in the Lord's hands and in the meantime, you love your mom, honor your mom, and respect your mom despite her actions.

I've witnessed with my own eyes how people with cold, selfish, and harsh hearts softened through prayer. And my manager is one of them.

LucieLoo12 you are blessed and you will have a beautiful wedding day. No confusion or strife...the hand of God will be upon you :yep:.

What you are going through now is just a distraction...don't let it get you down.

God Bless.

Sis, I am sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your mom. When a person gets saved that can cause divisions in families but just know that when your mother or father forsake you, the Lord will take you up and indeed He already has.

I don't believe this is the devil simply attacking you.... He's attacking your mom to keep her away from you because you can be a light to her. Sometimes its as simple as a person who you love becomes your enemy because the devil doesn't want your light to shine before them. Even in all this, God is ABLE, not only to save your mom but to deliver you from all affliction. Love you lady :-)


Thank you ladies for yall encouraging post!! Love you too!
LucieLoo12 You have received some lovely responses. I am happy for you regarding your upcoming nuptials. You remember when you got saved, the devil could not use you anymore. He got angry. He is influencing your mom and maybe others to get at you.. This may be hard to bear. Over the years my relationship with my mother was awful. This was from the very beginning. Now that I am older, and especially because she has a grandson, our relationship improved. Now that my mother is ill and can not do for herself, it seems that I am all she has. Seize any opportunity to love the mess out of her. When my father went in the hospital, me and mama had pajama parties. She would tell me, felic1 stop kissing me. I am trying to sleep. I enjoyed her. Enjoy your mom. Best wishes!!
Sis, I am sorry to hear this. I will be praying for your mom. When a person gets saved that can cause divisions in families but just know that when your mother or father forsake you, the Lord will take you up and indeed He already has.

I don't believe this is the devil simply attacking you.... He's attacking your mom to keep her away from you because you can be a light to her. Sometimes its as simple as a person who you love becomes your enemy because the devil doesn't want your light to shine before them. Even in all this, God is ABLE, not only to save your mom but to deliver you from all affliction. Love you lady :-)

Wow!!!!!! confirmation ...
Sorry to hear that. This should be one of the most memorable and important times for both of you. Has it always been like this with your mom, even as a kid or teenager? Is there a particular negative event or falling out that occurred? I can't imagine a mom being so mean-spirited toward her own child. Does she act his way with only you, or does she also do this with your siblings?

Sorry for all the questions, but it boggles my mind that she would act this way with you and I'm trying to understand if she has a reason for it or if this is just part of her character?
Sorry to hear that. This should be one of the most memorable and important times for both of you. Has it always been like this with your mom, even as a kid or teenager? Is there a particular negative event or falling out that occurred? I can't imagine a mom being so mean-spirited toward her own child. Does she act his way with only you, or does she also do this with your siblings?

Sorry for all the questions, but it boggles my mind that she would act this way with you and I'm trying to understand if she has a reason for it or if this is just part of her character?

It has been like this my whole life. I have 2 other sisters and she treats them great. It's just me. She is constantly bringing up things I did when I was a teen. (I am almost 28 now) It's like she gets joy out of being mean or something :ohwell: