Has Anybody's Hair Fallen Out

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Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

From switching from lye to no lye to back to lye?? I so discouarge that the relaxer thing has not worked out for me, I got the no lye by mistake, I think I shared with you the stylist who, gave it to me, without checkin it out.

Now the same stylist gave me a lye regualr and it burned and I have burns from it. She will give you what you want, but I was being wishy washy yesterday, trying to decide between Fiberguard (no lye) and Regular MILD Affirm. She said she thought the mild would not relax my hair, but if the no lye senistive did, would'nt the mild regualr?? I'm really fed up with this whole thing. It's my fault cause I had settled in my heart to get the Fiberguard, whichever one they had and I changed my mind.

Is all my hair gonna fall out??
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Plus I think I've learned too much from this board, cause now going to get a retouch is sooo, stressful for me, where before I just showed up and let them do whatever.

Now i'm paranoid about it looking for all the bad things I learned about.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

I feel ya Mindymouse!!

I'm going for my retouch tomorrow (WISH ME LUCK!!) and I'm really nervous about it.
(Actually the most nerve-wracking part for me is when he whips out the dreaded scissors!!
) Anyway, my stylist has always used Affirm Mild (No-lye) on me but I'm planning to talk to him about the Fiberguard... I have a feeling he's going to tell me to stick with the no-lye though... I'm not even sure if he HAS the Fiberguard...
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Say where are you ladies, when I need help???


It's not fair that you help some and not others, I'm really down here. Do you guys hate me that much?

OK, I guess I have to depend on me.... All this and PMS too..
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

my stylist in england uses affirm no lye fibreguard. it is excellent!!
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Lindy, do you like the no lye? Fiberguard comes in the sensitve scalp (no lye) as well.

I just so confused cause everyone says that No Lye is drying and bad and the stylist told me that the calicum coats you hair.

I just wish I knew the truth, NOW I want the no lye but I can't keep switchin.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

So sorry to hear that MindyMouse.
Start rubbing vitamin E oil on the areas that were burned. With extra care of your hair, moisturizing and conditioning, you don't have to lose your hair, though your scalp will be sore for a couple of days. Don't worry girl, you're going to be o.k.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Mindymouse, I honestly haven't had any problems with the no lye but like you, I'm confused now because everyone here seems to think the lye perms are so much better...
I'm going to have a nice discussion tomorrow with my stylist about this!! Last time he told me that my hair responds well to the Affirm Mild No Lye so I'm willing to bet he will recommend that I stay with it.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

I would not want to switch from lye to no lye and would not do it. I would either grow the no lye out and cut it off once I had enough newgrowth then use lye or, I'd just continue to use no lye. Actually, I wouldn't put lye in my hair, I don't like the sound of it.

Didn't I see where you were leaving the board ? I thought I saw a long goodbye post where you mentioned several names like you'd be gone forever or at least a few months.

That was about a week ago. Am I misreading things here? If that was someone else, I apologize. Maybe people are confused.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

mindy not all nolye is bad, i personally think affirm is one of the most superior no lyes in the market. there are numerous ladies here who still use nolye. if it works for you stick to it and not cos of what the majority are SAYING
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Pandora, so you think I should NOT switch back to the no lye, Fiberguard??

If I do, I will not change ever again, whatever I decide, I'll have to stick with it.

I do know that Lye thins your hair out little by litte, you know what this is what makes you want to transition to natural. God if I could only get a comb t hruogh it I would do it.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Mindymouse said:
Thanks Pandora.

Love you.

[/ QUOTE ]

you are so welcome
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

I agree with Pandora on this one. You don't have to switch just because eveyone else is using a lye relaxer. Not everyone is going to have the same results with a relaxer. Also, lye relaxers are notorious for burning if you don't base the scalp very well. I use a lye relaxer because it's been so much better for my hair and my hair is less dry, but there are a lot of women who have great success with no lye relaxers also.

P.s- Come on girl, you know we like you!
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Mindymouse said:
I do know that Lye thins your hair out little by litte, you know what this is what makes you want to transition to natural. God if I could only get a comb t hruogh it I would do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mindymouse, you are too funny...

As for the lye thinning your hair out....
that about decides it for me; I'm sticking with the no lye; my hair is already thin enough as it is!!
I don't need anything that's gonna make it any thinner, that's for sure!!
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Yes, but during that post people encouraged me to not leave, just not sign in as much, I decided to do that, or did'nt you read that far??

I'm really in a bad/hurtful mood so, please don't be mean, I really came on today cause I needed encouragement, if you don't have anything nice to say, please.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Thanks Pebbles.

There was only one retouch with no lye in about 9 mos, so were talking 1inch maybe.

ps, let me add that here's my history

Affirm Sensitive Scalp (Guaindine) for 10 - 12 years
Dudley's Lye - One retouch
Affirm Sensitive Scalp - For like 2 more years
Eddies Unisex LYE - for about 9 mos.
Affirm Sensitive Scalp - retouch valentines day (10 weeks ago)
Affirm Regular LYE - yesterday.

But boy this thing is stressful.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

MindyMouse, aside from the burning, which of the relaxers do you feel goes better with your hair, the lye or the no-lye relaxer?
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out


I'm glad that you are taking our suggestion by not completely leaving the board. I am really sorry that you are not in a good mood and the no lye/lye question is really confusing. Like Pebbles says, everyone responds differently. You just need to find out what works for your hair. I think maybe you should take a break from the relaxers to give your scalp a chance to heal. Talk it over with a reputable stylist and get feedback on what you should do. On another note, My cousin in law just went natural and her hair is so cute. She has pretty tight curls. My point is that going natural maybe not be that bad. Your natural hair may not be that difficult to deal with.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

See that's the thing I really can't tell., Out of the 10 years I had the no lye I was NOT moisturizing or taking care of my hair properly. I mean I just went for a wash and style every two weeks. No deep condition til relaxer time. So my dryness and bad condition was most likely due to that.

Now that I've learned to care for it it's been better. I think the lye straightens more, but I don't want it bone straight anyway.

About the time I swithed to lye, was the time I started caring for my hiar properly. So, that's why I say I'm confused I just don't know.

I did'nt have problems when she gave me the no lye last time over but now this havein an inch of this and and inch of that, it's so hard to tell.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out


From what I can see, you have been using no-lyes for much longer than the lye relaxers. Since it hasn't been a problem in the past, I say stay with it. You can switch back to a no-lye relaxer and not experience breakage, so long as you take care to condition and moisturize the heck out of it once you switch back for the first time. Stick with what works for you. In your case, the no-lye appears to have been good to you. Stick with it.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

I thought about that, but the odd's are all against it my case.

1) I dont want to and my husband would not allow me to cut off 14 inches off hair to go to a TWA, seeing as I had long hair all my life.

2) With it relaxed, to me it's more verstaile if I want it wavy - braidout, curls-rollerset, straight-straight. My option with natural would be braids, I'm 42 and never been a braid person, definitey no twists at my age.

3) I'm in the public eye, constantly so grooming is very important, my nappiness just would'nt work I'd have to press and curl and that may be just as damaging.

I like my straight, I just need to get with something and stick with it, like you said, not switching cause it works for the majority. I think I could go either way, I have'nt given the lye as much time as the no lye, so I just don't know.

Thanks for your encouragement.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Thanks, Pebbles, that really sounds like Sound Advice and you answered the fear of my heart about switching safely without a whole lot of problems.

You know I tried puttin a section of my hair bewteen my thumb and forefinger and going down to see if I felt any differences and I don't feel anything.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Hey Mindy,

I don't think that you will feel that much of a difference with your fingers. For me, I can see the difference on my hair. The no-lye sections tend to be a little more dull and the ends are frizzy. That's one of my major complaints about the no-lye relaxers. If your hair is underprocessed with a no-lye relaxer, there is nothing you can do to it to get it straight. Going over it with a lye relaxer will not help much. Even another no-lye relaxer can't save you.
Shamboosie is right about that. All you can do is slowly trim it away. However, if you do get it done well the first time, it's nice.

Should you decide to go back to the no-lye, switch that one time and don't go back again. The two relaxer formulas are not compatible with each other, so definately stick to one for life.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

During my last touch-up, one of the assistants use Vitale Senistive Scalp for my relaxer. She used this because I was complaining about her technique which resulted in scalp burns from the previous touch-up. Well, I just found out this relaxer is a no-lye relaxer which I'm not happy with at all(I normally use lye relaxer). Do you guys think this is problematic? Also, is it ok to switch brands of relaxers or do you have to cut your hair and start fresh? I'm still confused about the whole "comb thru" issue and wheter it's necessary. Thanks!!!
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Hi Honey01,

Just for the record, anytime you see "sensitive scalp" on a relaxer tub, it's a no-lye formula. She should have told you that she was going to be switching to a no-lye relaxer.
I can't understand why they do that.

It doesn't have to be a problem if you want to switch back to the lye formula. If you are happiest with the lye, then switch. Just be sure to ask the hairdresser everytime what formula she is using so that you can be sure she is using the lye formula. Unfortunatly, as you learned the hard way, they're not always upfront about what they're doing.

Comb-thru's are done to condition hair that was previously relaxed with a no-lye relaxer, or to attempt to straighten under processed hair. The best way to do this is to do the touch-up regularly and then apply the relaxer to all of the hair and leave it for a max of 3-5 minutes to condition. Wash it out immediately after. You want to do this quickly because comb thru's can really thin out your hair. To straighten the hair, the hairdresser should know what amount of time is needed to straighten out your hair. By the way, if your hair is underprocessed due to a no-lye relaxer, there's not much that can straighten it out.

Whew, I didn't mean to be so long.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

*Running to my PC to answer, Phew!*


Sorry for the late response. I've switched back and forth between lye/no-lye relaxers off/on for years. I've used:
Affirm mild/regular (currently using mild)
Motions mild/regular
Phytospecific mild/regular (no lye)
Dudley mild/regular
Vitale Sensitive scalp relaxer (no lye)

I personally have never experienced the dryness/damage that many have associated with no-lye relaxers. My hair doesn't know the difference between lye/no-lye.

I think you should stick with what works for your hair type. IMHO, it's OK to consider the results that others have had, but don't change a routine that's been working for you.

Good Luck!
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

*Running to my PC to answer, Phew!*

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL @ Lala...

Thanks Lala, I actually smiled. That's the thing though I don't know which one works better for me, Pebbles had a point that I did have no lye longer, I think perhaps I'll get the Fiberguard No Lye and Just stick with it.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

Oh and the one thing that realllly scares me is what Shamboosie said, that the calicum locks up something that don't allow moisturizers to penetrate.

If that's true then it is dangerous.
Re: Has Anybody\'s Hair Fallen Out

I'm glad that I made you smile.

I'm no expert, so I don't know about that one. My Mom says that I switch around and use too many products on my hair. If you're unsure, stick with what you know. You could always conduct a strand test.