Has Anybody Called out PEACHTREE yet????


New Member
I just had to. I am LOVING your hair It's so nice and shiny and thick and look at that growth! Ok.. I'm :driver: outta here............
It's about time somebody called her out :) Peach - your hair is looking GREAT, and it's growing so quickly (you can really tell in the pic where you have it stretched :shocked: ). I can't wait until it's that long in its natural state :grin:
Yep, Peachtree has some fabulous, gorgeous hair! :)

ETA: And some amazing growth! Peachtree, are you brastrap now?
Awww shucks, thanks ladies :kiss:

No Good2uuuu, no one has "called" me out since my FOTM (Sept/03)....
What a beautiful surprise :Rose:

I don't feel worthy of a call out thread cuz my hair is NO WHERE near where I want it to be... I have a lil bit more to go to reach my first goal (upper crown hair "stretched" to shoulder length)...not to mention that I've been getting a lil frustrated :wallbash: lately :ohwell: ...definitely not becoming of a thread honoree :lol:

I was planning to have more update pics for my album, but I'm sorta caught up re-modeling my out dated website (hopefully I'll be finished soon).

Anywho, thanks for the thread luv...it's a very beautiful gesture :rosebud:
Wow Peachtree, your hair is soooo long!!! :shocked: Have you tried using the flat iron on it yet (to see how long it really is...)???
Hey Lindy :wave:

(( Did u take those vits today? :lol: ))

No sweetheart, I'm yet to get it straightened... I wanna do a flat iron, but I'm farrrr to scurrrred to use direct heat. I'm gonna do a roller set & wrap really soon (( when I get the time )). I've been VERY CURIOUS to see my true length for some time now :cool:
See, I knew what I was doing calling you out Peachtree....lol! It's the shrinkage that got me! I thought I had a lot of shrinkage, but you got me beat! I can't wait to see your roller wrap. Don't take too long to do it......