Hardcore Protein Treamtent For 4Type Natural


Well-Known Member
yea i know you are probably thinking..what the...:look:..but last time i used the aphogee 2 step, it make my hair feel so much better and not to mention soft.:blush:.i tend to do alot of braid extensions so maybe that's why my hair loved the protein treatment so much. but i cannot repurchase that again because its too out of my budget price range..soo any other suggestions for a cheap hardcore protein treatment i can substitute for? or will aphogee 2step forever be irreplaceable?
I don't know the price range of the different protein treatments...I think Dudley makes one people like...or maybe it's called Duo Tex. I would think they would all run about the same if they include human hair keratin.

What price range are you looking for? That'll help people suggest the right things.

I think that if the aphogee is working for you, and you don't have to use it often, then you should just stick with it. Just save up for it if you have to. Or look into seeing if getting a larger size would be cheaper (usually it's cheaper per ounce to purchase a bulk size).

ETA: You may also want to look into using plain unflavored (no colors) gelatin for protein maintenance in your regimen. Gelatin is just hydrolyzed collagen, so it's not as hardcore as human keratin, but it's been working for me. And a box (4 pouches) of store brand, unflavored gelatin was like 2$ at the grocery store. I just mix it up with hot water, let it cool a little so I don't burn my hair or scalp, and then spray it on (making my hair wet, not sopping though). I leave it on overnight and follow my regular wash routine the next day.
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I have the large bottle of the 2 step and I paid $16 for it (16 oz). I've had it since February and it's still not empty.

I don't have a lot of hair and I don't know how much you're using but it's definetly worth it. I put it in a spray bottle when I put it on my hair.

I don't like spending a lot on hair products but you get a lot of uses out of that bottle.
I have the large bottle of the 2 step and I paid $16 for it (16 oz). I've had it since February and it's still not empty.

I don't have a lot of hair and I don't know how much you're using but it's definetly worth it. I put it in a spray bottle when I put it on my hair.

I don't like spending a lot on hair products but you get a lot of uses out of that bottle.

i use alot..the more i used..the softer it was.i had a 16oz that only lasted me like 3 uses:nono:
My usual protein treatment is Aubrey Organics GBP but this year I used Aubrey Organics Blue Green Algae Hair Rescue Conditioning Mask twice as a stronger protein treatment and will continue to use it twice a year or as needed.

This is my feedback from using it in April:

"For the last few months my hair has been feeling much too soft and I had a tiny bit of breakage in the crown. I have been using the GBP every 4th week as usual and for the last few weeks, I have been adding organic blackstrap molasses to my HSR which I use every 2nd week but felt like I need something stronger so decided to give the mask another go to see if I noticed any difference.

Last week I pre-pooed with Aubrey Organics Green Algae Hair Rescue Mask & hemp seed oil on dry hair and sat under the hooded dryer for 30 minutes. I thought it would leave my hair hard but it left it feeling really soft.

Even though my hair felt soft, I wanted to ensure that I followed with a good moisturising deep conditioner so used AO Honeysuckle Rose with added honey and organic jojoba oil.

Seven days later and my hair feels much stronger. I am glad that I gave it another try. Next time I will pre-poo with the mask and add some organic virgin coconut oil. By using it with the oil, it stretches it a bit further and I think i can get 3 treatments out of a jar. I will see how it goes but plan on using it every 3 to 4 months as a hardcore protein"

This was my feedback from using it in October:

["Just a very quick update. I used the mask against last Saturday as a pre-poo treatment. It has been six months since I last used it. I used it with organic virgin coconut oil. I applied the mask on dry hair and sat under my hooded dryer for 30 minutes. I shampooed, then conditioned with Aubrey Organics White Camellia.

My hair feels noticeably stronger but still really soft. My hair is in its usuals cornrows and I have been playing with the ends all week. Considering I should have trimmed my hair on Sunday as I have not trimmed since last April, my ends feel great and so moisturised - a definite improvement

This is a definite keeper for me and I think I will continue to use this at least twice a year as my hardcore protein treatment."

There are others feedback on this thread.

i use alot..the more i used..the softer it was.i had a 16oz that only lasted me like 3 uses:nono:

Did you try it in a spray bottle like the other poster suggested? That always helps me use way less than I think I need. You could just pour in a few ounces and only use that.

I just think that if you find something that works, you should stick with it. Aphogee isn't outrageously priced like some other things...and it's worth the money if it's working for your hair. I have to save up for a lot of my products now (since I'm a broke grad student) and that's forcing me to be less heavy handed for sure.
Can someone tell me if AO's GPB is human keratin?
msa, if you read this, how does glycerin compare to GPB or a protein condish like that?

I'm still trying to find a protein/moisture balance. Sometimes I mix HSR and GPB to balance each. My hair felt great after I did that.
i use alot..the more i used..the softer it was.i had a 16oz that only lasted me like 3 uses:nono:

Wow, 3 uses! Are you using a spray bottle?

I'm relaxed, I see that you're natural so you would probably use more than me, it doesn't take much for me to saturate my hair.

Well if you stick to doing it every 6-8 weeks and every bottle gives you 3 uses, you would need 3 bottles for the year. You would be spending somewhere around $50.

Sorry I don't really know of any other hardcore treatments, but I hope you find something.
Did you try it in a spray bottle like the other poster suggested? That always helps me use way less than I think I need. You could just pour in a few ounces and only use that.

I just think that if you find something that works, you should stick with it. Aphogee isn't outrageously priced like some other things...and it's worth the money if it's working for your hair. I have to save up for a lot of my products now (since I'm a broke grad student) and that's forcing me to be less heavy handed for sure.

hmm a spray bottle you say?! that sounds like it would make me less heavy handed and will get to my hair more via spritz..thanks.i will try that to see how it goes:yep:
Wow, 3 uses! Are you using a spray bottle?

I'm relaxed, I see that you're natural so you would probably use more than me, it doesn't take much for me to saturate my hair.

Well if you stick to doing it every 6-8 weeks and every bottle gives you 3 uses, you would need 3 bottles for the year. You would be spending somewhere around $50.

Sorry I don't really know of any other hardcore treatments, but I hope you find something.

i will try a spray bottle. how many uses are you getting out of it?
Can someone tell me if AO's GPB is human keratin?
msa, if you read this, how does glycerin compare to GPB or a protein condish like that?

I'm still trying to find a protein/moisture balance. Sometimes I mix HSR and GPB to balance each. My hair felt great after I did that.

Well GPB has lactalbumin...which is milk protein. To be honest, I don't consider GPB a protein conditioner. First, is called a balancing conditioner which leads me to believe the company intends it to be a balance between protein and moisture. Second, AO has other things they actually call protein conditioners (the BGA protein rinse and the BGA rescue mask). Third, from my research milk protein (lactalbumin) cannot penetrate or even coat the hair really...it's rinsed off when the conditioner is rinsed off. So I really don't think GPB helps all that much if you want a lasting protein effect (and it's always felt moisturizing to me...or at most it balanced my hair out).

Here are the two blog posts on protein that helped me in my research:


The reason I started using the gelatin is because from what I read, gelatin is literally just hydrolyzed collagen. Hydrolyzed ingredients are small enough to penetrate the hair shaft and collagen is the protein that is known for increasing elasticity as well as providing some reinforcement to the hair. So I figured, it's cheap and it can't hurt to experiment. There was a thread about it here, but not many responses.

So far, so good. My hair felt better after each use that's for sure (I've only done it 3 times so far). It's cheap and easily accessible. I haven't used really any protein conditioners so I don't have much to compare it to. I know I felt more of a difference in my hair than when using the AO GPB. I have used the AO BGA mask once, which was good, but in comparison I felt the gelatin was better.
Thanks, msa.
I'll review the articles and learn a little.

What brand of gelatine do you use? Which store do you get it from? Do you rinse it out or just spritz your hair and keep it moving?

Have you ever tried the protein filler from Sally's mentioned in this thread?

I use the store brand (ralphs/kroger) unflavored gelatin (so there's no added sugars or coloring or anything that could mess my hair up).

Basically what I've been doing is using it as a prepoo. I always prepoo with coconut oil before every wash. So what I do now is mix up one packet of gelatin with really hot water (so that it dissolves), like only a few ounces of water. Pour it in a spray bottle and let it cool to the point that it's not going to burn me, but is still warm (like shower water). Then I spray it on section by section, wetting my hair, but not so that it's dripping wet. Let that dry until damp...and then oiled with coconut oil as usual. Next day, shampoo my scalp, cowash my hair, and the rest of my normal regimen.

I did see the protein filler thread. The thing is, I do like to try to use products that are as natural as possible. While gelatin is not the most natural thing in the world, it doesn't have all those other ingredients (cones, and preservatives, and whatever else). So it was a better choice for me.
Thanks, msa.
Those were great articles! I love that gelatin is more natural (food item) than some of the other products. I just left Ralphs, but I guess I'm going back today.

I'll let you know how I like it.
Thanks, msa.
Those were great articles! I love that gelatin is more natural (food item) than some of the other products. I just left Ralphs, but I guess I'm going back today.

I'll let you know how I like it.

As long as you're not vegetarian (it's made from animals), gelatin is a good alternative.

Also, you may not want to leave it on your hair overnight. I was pretty sure my hair would be fine with it but that may be too much for your hair.
Eggs :yep:

I put that mess in my hair and it took two washes to return to normal. It was way stronger than I thought it'd be. If your hair likes protein, it'd probably like eggs :)

Gelatin is a good suggestion too :yep: I've always wondered how that worked out for people. I've done a little research on it a while back.

You know that swimmers use it to really gunk their hair in place? It's called knoxing.

As long as you're not vegetarian (it's made from animals), gelatin is a good alternative.

Also, you may not want to leave it on your hair overnight. I was pretty sure my hair would be fine with it but that may be too much for your hair.

I think overnight would be too much. I'll try 30 minutes and rinse.
Do you ever spritz daily with it?
Eggs :yep:

I put that mess in my hair and it took two washes to return to normal. It was way stronger than I thought it'd be. If your hair likes protein, it'd probably like eggs :)

Gelatin is a good suggestion too :yep: I've always wondered how that worked out for people. I've done a little research on it a while back.

You know that swimmers use it to really gunk their hair in place? It's called knoxing.


Yeah I saw that about swimmers. It was on some olympic swimmers website as well. I figured if it makes their hair hard enough to stay in place in that water then it probably will stick to my hair well enough to provide some good protection.

I think overnight would be too much. I'll try 30 minutes and rinse.
Do you ever spritz daily with it?

I have entertained the thought of spritzing it on right after I wash (more diluted though)...but I haven't worked up the nerve yet. I'm sure it'd probably be fine though. I don't think I'd use it daily (but there's not really anything I put on my hair daily anyway).
This is good info about the gelatin. I've been deep conditioning more, and I think that it would be a good idea to use more protein. I'm scared of the hardcore proteins since I don't really need them, so gelatin sounds like a happy medium.
yea i know you are probably thinking..what the...:look:..but last time i used the aphogee 2 step, it make my hair feel so much better and not to mention soft.:blush:.i tend to do alot of braid extensions so maybe that's why my hair loved the protein treatment so much. but i cannot repurchase that again because its too out of my budget price range..soo any other suggestions for a cheap hardcore protein treatment i can substitute for? or will aphogee 2step forever be irreplaceable?

Really? When I use Aphogee 2 step...my hair ended up hard and I had knots all ove rthe place. I used it at a salon. NEVER AGAIN!