
How can you tell if you have hard water in your home?
If your pots and pans have a white film on them, you probably have hard water. To be 100% sure, Lowe's has water testing kits for under $10.
I was wondering the same thing.

I think it was Sweetcocoa that posted a link of a map of the U.S. that indicated which areas have hard water. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If it was you, would you please post the link? TIA.
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Allandra said:
I was wondering the same thing.

I think it was Sweetcocoa that posted a link of a map of the U.S. that indicated which areas have hard water. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If it was you, would you please post the link? TIA.

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I did start a thread on this but someone else posted a map...it was also on the old forum. My problem is not only hardness, but a very high chlorine content...and we all know what chlorine in the pool does to hair... /images/graemlins/shocked.gif
Plus you can contact your local water company and you can even get kits to test your water.
Oh No!!! /images/graemlins/frown.gif

I just called my water department and found out that I have "moderately hard" water.

Can anyone give me suggestions on filters? I am a homeowner, so I don't have to get clearance from anyone.

Thanks in advance.
/images/graemlins/shocked.gif peterborough has aggressively hard water !!! /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif
Here in Indiana, we have moderate hard water. I know, because my family used Dial soap and that darn soap left a film on my body. I am not as clean as I thought. /images/graemlins/mad.gif

More hair, Grow hair.
BabyCurls /images/graemlins/rosebud.gif
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Someone did post a map...I don't remember who it was but here is a link to another one:


hardness is measured in GPG (grains per gallon) So the more GPG the harder your water is.

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thanks for posting this, Valleygirl!
Bumping, I am getting a water softening system next week, and I wanted to read the reviews (it helps with my being so IMPATIENT!! LOL)
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Crysdon said:
Oh No!!! &lt;img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /&gt;

I just called my water department and found out that I have "moderately hard" water.

Can anyone give me suggestions on filters? I am a homeowner, so I don't have to get clearance from anyone.

Thanks in advance.

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Crysdon, I don't know what state you live in. But I just purchased a water softening system for my home and it's going to cost me about $15.00/ month.

So it could run you anywhere from $15-30/month depending on how big a tank you need and how hard your water is. Keep in mind that I am renting. To purchase the sytem and change everything yourself runs into the thousands.

Here is the company that I'm using,http://www.raynewater.com/softwater.html, but if they are not in your area, I'd call a few places that do this. Be careful though, because there are some companies out there that try to get you to buy all kinds of junk. Like one company claims that they use "magnets" to soften the water. Um.....I can see what they mean in THEORY, but realistically the only thing that's gonna give you is some expensive magnets. You need solution to soften the water.

Anywhoo, hope that helped. The site has a lote of information to frequently asked questions about water softening.