~~ Happy Thanksgiving ~~


Well-Known Member
Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

I hope all of you woke up this morning thankful for the most wonderful gift of all, you. To be blessed to wake up one more morning, breathing, able to see, smile, eat, be alone, go to work, or be with family and friends, to be alive one more beautiful day.

I am so happy to be me. As each year passes I am more grateful for all of me, not just the parts that are easy to admire, but also the parts I used to be ashamed of or tried to hide. I'm learning to embrace and love all of me. Learning to be thankful to be me.

I am also thankful for my beautiful family and friends, LHCF, and the Relationship forum. Some of you may not know that there was not always a Relationship forum. I loved LHCF from the moment I discovered it 12 years ago but really found my place when the relationship forum was created. I have always been fascinated by people and relationships. And I had so many questions, especially about men. I had no idea that I would come to care about so many of you or that so many of you would come to care so much about me.

So thank all of you for being you and being a part of my life, my beautiful, messy, ever evolving life. Have fun today, be happy, and be grateful for every bit of you.

That was such a beautiful post! I actually teared up at some parts. I hope we all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and got to spend it with loved ones (even if you had to work). I'm grateful for all of you. Thank you @hopeful for always answering my PMs and listen to me ramble on and on. :lol: I too love reading your posts. I'm glad I discovered the relationship forum because I didn't venture past the hair board for years. :lol: