Happy Birthday to me!!!


Active Member
Happy birthday to me. :bouncy:Today was the day (2 years ago) that God touched me and changed my life forever. There were days when I didn't think I'd make it this far. There were days when I didn't want to make it this far. But I'm here only by His grace,mercy, and guidance. It's a wonderful day. It's a thankful day. I am spending most of the day in prayer. Just got back from prayer at church and now I'm going back to go pray some more. *singing* Thank You Lord for all that you have done. Halleluja.
Good for you,precious child of God!
The Lord loved you plainj,before you were born,
before you came to Him..because HE chose you
and you are not the only one blessed because
of this ..we have been too :yep:
you are special**
such a sweet kind lady...and lovely spirit
May God bless you one hundredfold..birthday girl:Rose:

Happy Birthday, Little Lady :bighug:

There's absolutely nothing 'plain' about you. You are beautiful and loved and you make God's day, everyday. :love2:
Thank you all so very much ladies. I am deeply touched by your responses. I am glad I made it this far and even more joyful that I am not the same person as 2 years ago or even 1 year ago. You have all been a part of my growing process. I look forward to growing each year while still on fire for Him. THANK YOU! :kiss::bighug:I love you ladies:blowkiss: