Happily Engaged...but lonely for family -Help!


Well-Known Member
Ladies, I know you can give good advice...so here goes. I'm happily engaged to the love of my life - as of last weekend. Still smiling ear to ear over that. However, we're in a long distance relationship (for just a few more months - I can do it!). We started out in the same state for well over a year and he moved for his job, plus he's always wanted to live down South - me too!

Anyways- long story short, I'm all alone here. No family - I have sisters and a brother, but we're not close, no matter how much I want to be close they aren't living healthy lives right now and our relationships have suffered because of it. Basically my sisters aren't my friends. This has left me feeling so alone and lonely.

When my fiance is here, I don't feel that way at all and even though we talk COUNTLESS times a day over the phone....I still miss what could have been - with my family.

Now the good news? I like his family and they seem to like me. But I don't want to impose and throw myself on them for friendship and support...even though I desperately need that in my life.

I have no close friends, but some good acquaintances and one nice older lady (20 years older) but no one to hang out with, go to movies with, share a drink with, eat with, talk to on the phone. It puts a lot of pressure on my man to be there for me.

Help me, help myself. I'm a nice person, I make friends easily. What do I need to do to fill up this void in my life?

Oh and for those that would suggest it...I have a great relationship with God and I am spiritually grounded. I pray over this often.
Just wanted to drop in and say congrats...

I made most of my friends in this area through volunteering and work. Is there anyone around you that you can reach out to to expand your friendship network?
First off, congrats!!!!!! That's so special, I'm very happy for you! :D :yay:

As far as the being lonely... I think loneliness comes from within. There is a big big difference between being alone and being lonely. I can be alone and be perfectly content. :yep: On the flip side, I can be surrounded by people, close friends even, and feel so lonely. So I do think a certain amount of what you're feeling has to be resolved within you, BEFORE you start reaching out to others to fill the void.

I also think it's really great that you are addressing this before you get married! I know alot of female friends who didn't have a life (not saying that you don't!!!!!!!) before they got married and expected their husband to fill that entire void. So when the reality hit that HE has his own life that doesn't always include them, it made for alot of heartache and frustration. :nono: My mom used to always say (regarding a men and women) 'Two halves make a whole, true. But two 'wholes' is a beautiful thing.' :) So taking this time to figure out what is causing your lonliness (not what is the reason for you being alone), filling that void internally and finding inner contentment is DEFINITELY a good look!

Again, congrats to you!!!!!! That's very exciting!! :D :yep:
Maybe you can make some friends by joining a local church and finding a women's small group or something.
Plan a ladies night out with the LHCF members in your area. I have met some wonderful ladies through this board. When I want to hang out with the females, I call on my DC ladies. I have girlfriends but it is nice to hang out with females that come together in the name of fun.
Thanks for your replies. I'll give this some serious thought. I certainly know why I feel lonely. My fiance is far away, my mom passed, my sisters act up and I don't want to be around them - at all. So I have that figured out. What I would like to do is "self soothe" so that it's not a negative but a positive.

Today I've been praying a lot and I find that it helps. :yawn: