HALLOWEEN is an opportunity?

Is Halloween an opportunity for Christians

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  • YES

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  • Maybe, depends

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  • Why is this even a question? :)

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This symbol was on a pair of jeans I tried on in a store. The fit was perfect but the symbol on them did not sit right with me. I told my husband that I did not feel right about the symbol on the jeans and that I would look it up and you just posted it. I believe the Lord was giving me a caution in my spirit concerning the symbol. The symbol would be seen on the jeans if worn. Thank you for posting.

A few Summers ago, my daughter and I went through our closets and threw away everything that has an inverted cross on it. These were clothes in excellent condition, however we were not wearing this symbol upon our clothing, let alone the Temples of the Holy Spirit.

A lot of designs on clothing can be quite deceptive, because this and many other demonic symbols are hidden within a design where one may not notice it.
^^^ITA.. Not only in clothing..but pretty much anything...books, furniture, trinkets, paintings, mirrors, etc. Just have to be mindful and wary.
^^^ITA.. Not only in clothing..but pretty much anything...books, furniture, trinkets, paintings, mirrors, etc. Just have to be mindful and wary.

We don't even use the finger expression of 'peace'. It's the same as giving the ________ sign. You know. :blush3:
Dont let me get on Clothing Lines,.... :nono:. Their satanic symbols are not really hidden

Loved One, you've spoken the truth x's ten thousand. :yep:

These skulls with glitter, the huge Gothic crosses have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus Christ our Lord. Neither do many of the crosses we see on garments, jewelry and other items.

There's a message behind them and it's coming from the world of darkness. Folks who wear these items are representing spirits in high places, some know and others are unaware of what they are doing, however it's spiritually dangerous all the more. What we wear says a lot about who we are and whom we represent.

Alicialynn86 ... you're speaking the pure Word; I've noticed this for the past few weeks.


The Holy Spirit will 'check' you when it's not of Him. I get 'check' quite often.... :look: And that's good to keep us in line with God.

But sometimes we as believers feel like we have a duty to come up and make sure people see as evil what would otherwise have meant nothing to them, and I honestly don't believe that's spiritually beneficial to anyone. (I speak of things that are not inherently sinful--dressing up or getting candy is not an inherently sinful thing)

There are people who will want to say that a five year old dressed up as a ladybug going door to door asking for candy is participating in demonic activity, and I have to say that I completely disagree with that. Are there many many people worshiping Satan today? Yes, there are. But to worship something is an intentional act of paying homage. No trick or treater is going to accidentally worship Satan, unless they choose to glorify something evil in their costume or the movies they watch.

I do agree that those who have consciousness of the spiritual realities of Halloween ought to refrain from participating in it. I just think that we also have to remember that not everyone has that same level of consciousness.

I agree. Now do I think ANYONE should be dressed as a witch or warlock or devil? Absolutely not. And I can't thank you enough for the part in bold above. But I don't see harm in kids dressing up in fun outfits and going around getting candy.
On the topic of symbols does anyone use oyin handmade products? Have you ever noticed the symbol on it? Does it not look a lot like the hand of fatima? It was the curiosity of the oyin logo that lead to the knowledge of the peace sign and other symbols.



Good Lord! The Time Warner, AOL symbol !!!!!!!

LatterGlory, thank you for sharing this list. Many of these symbols I've been aware of however not all of these. And the one that stands out to me right now is the AOL symbol.

I never paid attention to this. And I can't get past this by saying it's because I am not an AOL user. :nono: In the beginning of my Internet use 1998-99, AOL was giving out free memberships (dial up connections) and I was one of the freebie users.

God is calling us to WAKE UP!

How many billions upon billions of dollars of Christian dollars have gone to these huge corporations all in the name of keeping up with technology that so many of us not only use but depend upon everyday. :nono:

We need to bring this capital into the Kingdom of God and weaken the growth of these industries; Christians should be heading these corporations where Jesus is rule, and not the corruptions of the world.

Much needed post LatterGlory; it's a wake up for sure.
. Microsoft has recently announced it's gone into business with Apple Computers, one of the top makers of personal and networking computers. According to Fortune magazine, billionaire Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is the richest man in the U.S.A. Gates was an attendee and a key player at Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev's State of the World Forum in San Francisco last year.
Cooperating with Apple, Gates and his Microsoft Corporation will gain significant new inroads into the computer market. Microsoft's global software and internet superiority will intensify. But, have Bill Gates and Microsoft linked up with a devilish company in Apple?
Consider Apple's choice for its corporate symbol? The company's logo is an apple that has had a bite taken out of it. To many occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden fruit (symbolically, the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a good thing. Occultists and New Agers teach that taking a bite out of the apple gave the first two humans knowledge, or gnosis, putting them on the path to self-divinity and godhood.
Apple Computers was cofounded in the 70s by Stephen Jobs, a weird, New Age guru-type, and Steven Wozniak, also an advocate of the Aquarian Age culture. When entrepreneurs Jobs and Wozniak first marketed their earliest, crude personal computer, they put a price tag of $666 on the product. 666! Coincidental--or on purpose? You decide.


You should research the false goddess the symbol originated from. Some type of fertility goddess..
. Microsoft has recently announced it's gone into business with Apple Computers, one of the top makers of personal and networking computers. According to Fortune magazine, billionaire Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is the richest man in the U.S.A. Gates was an attendee and a key player at Soviet Communist Mikhail Gorbachev's State of the World Forum in San Francisco last year.
Cooperating with Apple, Gates and his Microsoft Corporation will gain significant new inroads into the computer market. Microsoft's global software and internet superiority will intensify. But, have Bill Gates and Microsoft linked up with a devilish company in Apple?
Consider Apple's choice for its corporate symbol? The company's logo is an apple that has had a bite taken out of it. To many occult insiders, this signifies that the eating of the forbidden fruit (symbolically, the apple) by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was a good thing. Occultists and New Agers teach that taking a bite out of the apple gave the first two humans knowledge, or gnosis, putting them on the path to self-divinity and godhood.
Apple Computers was cofounded in the 70s by Stephen Jobs, a weird, New Age guru-type, and Steven Wozniak, also an advocate of the Aquarian Age culture. When entrepreneurs Jobs and Wozniak first marketed their earliest, crude personal computer, they put a price tag of $666 on the product. 666! Coincidental--or on purpose? You decide.


You should research the false goddess the symbol originated from. Some type of fertility goddess..

Oh geepers... I would be in love with Starbucks... :coffee:. It's the way that I sit and relax when I travel. I always get a Venti and enjoy it before I board the plane.

... but I'm strictly 'decaf', okay? :look:

Check this out...

When gay marriage was being legalized in Washington DC and onward to New York, the very thing that one of it's spokemen said was, 'This is just a bite out of the apple, what we want is the whole apple'.

I never forgot this man and what he said. I can still see him standing with the interviewer talking into the microphone, speaking those words.

The bite of the apple was not spoken of by 'accident'.

Do you know what I prayed? "No Lord, no they will not have the 'apple'.

The good news is that God's Word makes it plain that it is only for a season, that being what the evil ones have planned.

BTW: Thank you Alicialynn86 for sharing this. We NEED to be aware. This is powerful knowledge. The question is, Lord what do we do with this, now that we know? Lord, we thank you that your wisdom prevails and nothing less.
Please do.. :yep:


My mom started giving out candy a couple of years ago. She puts a scripture and 'God loves you' on it. I don't think there is anything wrong with what she's doing.

I have some other thoughts on this, i'll come back.
:thankyou: Shimmie.Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.
(Eph 6:13-20)

Amen, LatterGlory, Amen and Amen. :pray:

Every night, I'd lay on the floor beside my son and my daughter's bedside and I'd pray Ephesians 6 over them. I'd annoint them with oil and speak the Word of God over them completely.

When they arose, their feet would touch the very place upon the floor where I laid and prayed over them. My children were dedicated unto the Lord and under His Covenant Blood of Protection.

Oh how God honors these prayers and the spirits of darkness are kept away from them.
Well, I have the hamsa as a double representation of the five books of the Torah and the symbolism of the hand of Miriam. But then it doubles again as the representation in those days of what was to come through the Virgin Mary, Jesus. It's a very deep meaning related to scripture to me. So, it's not an evil symbol if it's not an evil symbol to that person.

I had for years been subjected to charges that the crucifix was "bad," of sorts. Well, it's not bad, it happened and continues to happen at every Mass. Not everything is an evil attempt or linkage...we have to be wise to know the difference. I mean this to say that, if to a certain person, these symbols refer to G-d, then so be it. It's not up to me to predetermine of myself that they don't. Just saying.
I never knew that about the "peace" sign. I feel very bad about this because my daughter has a piece of clothing that displays it prominently. This item will be removed immediately and I will repent. Thank you ladies, for sharing such vital information. I truly delight in learning something new.