

have any of you been with/married/dated someone with halitosis?
how did you handle it?
was it a deal breaker?
It's a big deal breaker

I met a guy who seemed perfect on paper. He had a successful real estate business he had inherited from his parents. He had a beautiful home. He was handsome and single. But he had halitosis.

I declined his advances. I did think to send him an anonymous letter regarding his bad breath. Before I could I ran into him and the halitosis was gone. We started dating but I eventually dumped him because he was shallow, avaricious and unethical.

One example, he Employed dozens of people and all the people who had contact with clients were white. So most of his employees were white. He was unashamed and boldly stated that he did this on purpose, because the majority of his clients were white. He is Black.

He was very clean and looked after himself. He had a gym in his house. I think he had a bad tooth and he had it sorted.

I could never kiss a man with stinking breath....
I strongly doubt anyone will admit being married to someone with bad breath.

I personally cannot date someone with bad breath. Even people with perpetual coffee breath turn me off.
I don't know if this is halitosis? But, when people do low carb diets (and i have before) you have to be extremely careful or you'll end up with the yuck mouth. When your body goes into ketosis (not to be confused with kertoacidosis) you release a lot of ketones (biproduct of the breakdown of fat) and it can come through in your pores and your breath. There's little you can do about the biproduct breakdown but it requires a lot of toothbrushing, tongue brushing, and mouthwash. I was glad I read about it in the book before I started because I would rather not have someone confront me about it.

Likewise, a lot of bodybuilders and people who eat "clean" - protein and vegetables but very little fruit or carbohydrates can also end up with the yuck mouth...basically whenever you are in ketosis and burning your own body fat.

Halitosis is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Anyway, that's my hygiene input for the day! That and stay away from asparagus! lol
I couldn't imagine kissing anyone with bad breath. I dated one guy and his breath would be minty fresh and not bad at all. But if he went to sleep for just a minute his breath would smell HORRIBLE! I don't know how somebody's breath can turn bad THAT QUICK but it did. He got a pass because his breath did at least start out fresh.

Also, my sons dad had HORRIBLE breath but that developed after we were together for years. And nope, I would never kiss him either. :nono: Even when I run into him nowadays he still has that horrible breath and it's so bad that you can smell it from two feet away.

But to answer your question, it's a deal breaker if it's horrible. Like if you went on a date and a guy's breath is bad then it's a dealbreaker because that's when he's at his best so it will only go downhill afterwards. Garlic breath may get a pass because it's from what he ate.
would you tell the person they had halitosis? It's a sensitive subject but necessary to have.....oh and btw, Steve Harvey introduced this product on his show....it's called the breath checker


dealbreaker. i met this one guy yearrrs ago and his breath was kickin before he even said anything, so at first, i thought dude stepped in some dog shyt. but then, when he opned his mouth, you can just see the green fumes escapin from the sides of his face. i was like yo...what's da smell. and he was like what smell. i was like yo, ur breath....omg...and I held my hand ova my mouth like Martin does Pam.

u know when ur breath is kickin because you will smell it before others will. that's just like with body odor. u know when u stankin cuz u smell before anyone else would.

and see, dem stankin mouth men be the main ones dat be wantin to kiss up on u and den leave dat stankin azzz residue....

just be straight up n be like...i can't datechu cuz ur breath stink....
Speaking from personal experience, there is nothing worse than a smoker who does not brush their teeth daily.


I'm just lucky it was a long-distance relationship, and I didn't have to smell that on the regular.
I love to kiss and hug and all of that. Bad breath? No thanks! We can be phone-friends. I am sure some people think that you can talk to a person about their breath smelling bad but you really can't. :( Bad breath is as bad as a woman with a smelly vagina. You just cannot say anything about it. It will lead to hysterics, denial and in the end the smell will STILL be there.
have any of you been with/married/dated someone with halitosis?
how did you handle it?
was it a deal breaker?

I have never dated someone who has medical halitosis. Now, everyone has bad breath after eating something like onions, or morning breath, but constant bad breath, NEVER! I'm quick to tell anyone who's close to me they breath stinks.
Lmao omg u ever offer someone gum and they put it in their pocket???

or they decline? im like "O M G?! what are you doing?"

its a dealbreaker. i don't care what the problem is. hygeine is a big one for me. so is an ex-smoker. he was quitting before i came into the picture but is putting in an extra effort because i don't date smokers.:grin:
:nono: I know an older man that has halitosis :nono: It's bad, you can smell him across the street. :sad: When my neighbor caught a ride with him, her head was hanging out the window like an animal. She said she couldn't take his breath, but needed the ride from the train.

And this dude stays having a woman, i guess $$$ talks. I often wonder when he chomps on them does the smell cling to their cooter catcher or gives them an infection of sort?
well, I ask bc my bf claims he has halitosis. I just call it stank a** bref. we are breaking up soon anyway for other reasons.
anyway we will be going to bed and he'll hop his butt in bed while I'm in the bathroom and I'm like , "um... ur not going to brush?!"
him: no, I'm sleepy
I have to drag him out of bed. its shameful.
and he thinks we have a future together.
baby, no. that is not how adults act. and then he'll try to kiss me. ugh, smh ... he's sweet, but that **** don't fly with me. he has a lot to learn
Definitely a deal breaker. You either have poor hygiene or an underlying medical problem.

If you have poor hygiene then that's definitely a flat out NO. If you have an underlying medical problem then come back and try to date me after you have sorted that out.
:nono: I know an older man that has halitosis :nono: It's bad, you can smell him across the street. :sad: When my neighbor caught a ride with him, her head was hanging out the window like an animal. She said she couldn't take his breath, but needed the ride from the train.

I'm sorry but this is hysterical :lachen:I'm picturing your poor neighbor right now :lol:
have any of you been with/married/dated someone with halitosis?
how did you handle it?
was it a deal breaker?

I've been someone with halitosis :lachen:so I think I will respond. I was wondering why people would offer me mints in church? I would say hello and they would say, mint?:lachen:

Anyway, there are several reasons for this. One could be diet, low carb,and also not drinking enough water. My reason, I was young without health insurance and my teeth in the back were impacted (wisdom teeth issues). I had to had to 8 of those suckers pulled in one year. So although I was brushing and do my hygienic thing...It was beyond my control.

I would tell him straight up. Sometimes people just don't know. If you are smelling body odor as well as mouth odor then it maybe something else going on ....depression/self-esteem. He just not be ready for a relationship at this time.

I appreciate honestly rather than a mint and people whispering behind your back. It wasn't until a family member said something that I went to a dentist.
ThatJerseyGirl said:
dealbreaker. i met this one guy yearrrs ago and his breath was kickin before he even said anything, so at first, i thought dude stepped in some dog shyt. but then, when he opned his mouth, you can just see the green fumes escapin from the sides of his face. i was like yo...what's da smell. and he was like what smell. i was like yo, ur breath....omg...and I held my hand ova my mouth like Martin does Pam.

u know when ur breath is kickin because you will smell it before others will. that's just like with body odor. u know when u stankin cuz u smell before anyone else would.

and see, dem stankin mouth men be the main ones dat be wantin to kiss up on u and den leave dat stankin azzz residue....

just be straight up n be like...i can't datechu cuz ur breath stink....

Omg!!! LMAO!!! I'm dying right now!
Never dated anyone with it but my 12 grade English teachers breath smelled like menstrual blood. No joke! He was super nice and really an amazing instructor but damn his breath was funky.
I've had my bouts with sinus infections and the like so im sure my breath has been unpleasant at times. Friends have offered me mints but it only pissed me off because they wouldn't just come out and say 'girl yo breath smells like sheet.' I'm the type that will tell my friends/ SO that they have boogers or BO and I expect the same in return.
this is how i found therabreath... i was doing atkins and got in to the ketosis stage (which is good for low-carbing) and my breath was not @ its finest... ok, it was just plain stinky... i did research and found therabreath... i quit atkins years & years ago but for the life of me i can't go back to regular ole toothepaste...

I don't know if this is halitosis? But, when people do low carb diets (and i have before) you have to be extremely careful or you'll end up with the yuck mouth. When your body goes into ketosis (not to be confused with kertoacidosis) you release a lot of ketones (biproduct of the breakdown of fat) and it can come through in your pores and your breath. There's little you can do about the biproduct breakdown but it requires a lot of toothbrushing, tongue brushing, and mouthwash. I was glad I read about it in the book before I started because I would rather not have someone confront me about it.

Likewise, a lot of bodybuilders and people who eat "clean" - protein and vegetables but very little fruit or carbohydrates can also end up with the yuck mouth...basically whenever you are in ketosis and burning your own body fat.

Halitosis is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for seeking dental aid, following tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Anyway, that's my hygiene input for the day! That and stay away from asparagus! lol
Yes my ex i told him straight up that his breath was not the business....

I'm like bruh go to the dentist or something to find out whats going on either with your mouth or something....

And he knew he had this problem since high school because one day when we were talking about his breath he said something like u wouldn't believe what ppl would call him in high school i was like yea 'stank breath bobby' LOL I was just jokin but he was like yea. Ok so if you know ur breath kicking don't be up in anyones face....
Yes, I have. Was it a deal breaker?

No. I was with him 4.5 years.

Did I tell him? No, I didn't have the balls to, but wish I had...

I knew of another fellow...didn't tell him either, but I gather someone will eventually...