Hairveda's Cocosta vs. Henna Sooq's Cocoveda


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I'm relaxed and I've been using Hairveda's cocasta shikakai oil as a daily moisturizer (and mixed in with detangler), but I'm interested in Khadijah's cocoveda. Has anyone used both and how do they compare? I'm also willing to trade a sample if anyone is interested. TIA!
**chirp chirp**

Wow no responses? Cold. If anyone is still interested, I happen to have both. Cocasta has a castor oil base. Cocoveda has a coconut oil base.

Therefore Cocasta is a lot thicker than Cocoveda.

Cocasta smells kind of fruity. Cocoveda has a clean smell to me. It reminds me of fresh soap (if that makes sense!)

Cocasta is better for sealing where Cocoveda is ideal for pre-pooing. I prefer to use Cocoveda on my scalp.

I like them both. But it's like comparing apples and oranges. Hth if anyone still cares...:drunk:
IronButterfly - I was scanning threads and thought "Hey! That's my name!" LOL
Thanks for explaining the difference. I still use the cocasta and never got around to trying the cocoveda. I think I'll try it since I could use a good pre-poo.