Hairveda Spring Sale 2011


Well-Known Member
Ok, ladies where are the shipping notices :detective:

I ordered friday night at 12 and had my transaction completed by 12:10. On Sunday I received a notice saying BJ received my payment but nothing about shipping. Have any of you ladies received shipping info yet? I know it takes a long time during a sale but I'm getting antsy.
You will not get your stuff until May at the earliest judging by previous Hairveda sales.

Hopefully you won't need your products until then.

It comes with the territory. In essence the cheap prices come with long waiting times from Hairveda.

I just forget that I even have an order because I am not pressed. I ordered 8 Sitrinillah's and 8 moist 24/7 pros. Shrug.

It's important to do your research so you will not be disapointed.
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They post on their site the shipping rules, at least 20 days. It made to order so i would assume if the last sale day is 20 th then count from there. You can email your concerns and they will reply.
I am not mad at BJ or anything cause they do say it takes from 15-20 days, but see Bronzebomb that's what I'm talking about some people have their shipping notices and she actually even has her products. Owww, I'm slightly jealous of you. I guess I'll live vicariously through you until I get my stuff. No, I don't need anything just want to see who got a shipping notice
I ordered, but I don't need my items until summer. Hairveda works great in my hair in the warm weather. I posted this in another thread, but I ordered the following:

Whipped Cream (2)
Acai Berry PHYTO
Moist Condition 24/7 (2)
Sitrinillah DC (2)
Metha Sativa (never tried this before)
HydraSilica Spritz (2)
Buzy Izzy Gets Buttered Up (new)
Amla Cream Rinse (never tried this before)
Shikakai Swirl Shampoo bar (never tried this before)
Whipped Gelly 6 oz (I usually get the Deluxe, but it lasts forever and I still have some)
PUR Butter Cream in Spanish Almond Cherry scent (love this stuff)

I have her oils, etc. already...

No shipping notice yet, but I woke up late and if she's going in order, I'm probably down the line. ETA: like others said, sometimes she doesn't ship until the LAST possible day. If it's a mini-sale, it might be faster, but this was a big sale. This is why some people don't order from Hairveda. I put in a big order because I didn't buy anything during her Black Friday sale.
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No Shipping Notice yet...(but Honestly....I wasn't expecting one this soon:lol:)

Lemme See I think I got:

3 MoistPRO's
2 Moist 24/7
2 Acai Phyto
1 Sitrinillah
2 Ph Balance Rinse

I agree with Solitude It is excellent in the Summer. I can't wait to use it!:lick:

I'm pretty well stocked on Hairveda. What I already had and just bought will definitely last me until Fall Madness.:yep:
yeah....i ordered 3 of everything i think LOL! and i am like some of you other ladies....i just forget i ordered. it will come next month. :lol:

my hair can't live without hairveda. nothing else compares. i have tried some prods that are decent substitutes, but hairveda still wins hands down. for my tresses, it's worth the wait.

i am even considering ordering some salon sizes of her stuff at some point.
yeah....i ordered 3 of everything i think LOL! and i am like some of you other ladies....i just forget i ordered. it will come next month. :lol:

my hair can't live without hairveda. nothing else compares. i have tried some prods that are decent substitutes, but hairveda still wins hands down. for my tresses, it's worth the wait.

i am even considering ordering some salon sizes of her stuff at some point.


Girl....:look: Me Too!:lol: At 'some' point

I've Loved everything I've tried.:lick:
I am not mad at BJ or anything cause they do say it takes from 15-20 days, but see Bronzebomb that's what I'm talking about some people have their shipping notices and she actually even has her products. Owww, I'm slightly jealous of you. I guess I'll live vicariously through you until I get my stuff. No, I don't need anything just want to see who got a shipping notice

i had a small order

methi sativa
$10 grab bag
noinah butter

There will be other i puchased enough to get by until the next sale.

Plus I'm a PJ. i got a bunch of stuff to use up.
yea I don't think she's going in order! I know for sure IDareT'sHair and I were amongst the first to order! I just know mine will be here by June. 20 business days is in reality closer to 28-30 calendar days.
Last time I order during the sale, my items came quickly. This time I'm not pressed so I wouldn't mind if it comes in next month.
i ordered early...just not midnight early~plus my stuff was an easy order. i probably got the old stuff...y'all getting the fresh batch!
Well it's my first time ordering so I want it yesterday! Plus I ordered right after the sale started, I think so later than 1am. (I was glad I did too)

Does she normally send a shipping notice or do you just get your stuff?
It may also depend on location. I think they just use standard snail mail, so if your East coast (and closer to MD) you'll prob receive quicker. Haven't rec'd yet but usually after she ships I get in 2 days. No rush like the other ladies, didn't need, so forgetting that I even ordered.
I woke up at 11:55 EST. My order was fully placed by 12:05 a.m. EST. I haven't received anything but the Order Confirmation.

It will come.
Actually, I've been very lucky with HV. I usually get my stuff rather quickly. The longest I ever waited was 8 days and that was during a sale. But I know ordinairly it takes a long time just wanted to see if anyone was ahead of the game.

In other news I ordered Oyin yesterday and received a shipping notice today...sweet.
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Ladies, I just got my shipping notice! I've already cleared a shelf for my Hairveda stuff.

Can anyone give me a review on the green tea moisturizer? It sold out before I could buy it during the sale and I'm wondering whether it's worth putting in an additional order. I'm curious about Whipped Clouds, too. I've read mixed reviews on both of these.

I'm also kicking myself for not ordering any soaps.
I still haven't received a Shipping Notice, but it's good to see that some of you Ladies have.


The Green Tea is very lovely. I really like that. I am also relaxed.:yep:
Girls, I just got my shipping notice today. So this is what folks were complaining about. :rolleyes:

I know it can take awhile but I'd never experienced it. Like I said the longest I had to wait was 9 days from order to package arrival. Oh well.

I didn't like the smell of the green tea butter but it was fine. But I personally thought the whipped clouds was horrible. That's the only product of hers that I feel like that about. Immediately my hair started drying out.
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I purchased a few items today and they guarantee shipping within 5 days. Am I hearing (or should I say reading) that won't hold true?