Hairveda Methi Sativa Rave!!!

I used step 1 and step 2 this wkd. I used them twice and so far I am very happy.

Step 1 it was love at first use and hopefully forever and ever.

Step 2 I had doubts. It left my hair with a strange kind of greasy feeling. I think caused by glycerin.
This time I use smaller amount on each sections. Oddly I had a hard time to rinse. I rinsed again next morning but it wasn't enough. Had to go out so I braided. Next day (past sunday) when I unbraided there was no residue at least not visible.

Well overall I am glad to have a protein treatment (trying to build a solid regimen). I plan to use it every 4 weeks. I have waited a little more and I noticed breakage (from mini twists) now I want to prevent it.

I had questions concerning fenugrec that is not listed but I read here that it was infused in water. Isn't it ?