Hairveda Methi Sativa Rave!!!

Today's shedding. One weeks worth of hair. After four month of use.

(Comparison from start of product use is on the first page of this thread.)

I am thrilled!!! This decrease in shedding has made caring for my natural hair a DREAM. no more wash day drama with tangles from shed hair. :p


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How often are you doing this treatment? With every wash?

No, Not with every wash. The first month I did it twice, so every other week. Then I went to about once a month.

My last treatment was a month ago almost to the day.

Now I will probably do it every 4-6 weeks and see how that goes.
havilland, I'm going to add this to my Black Friday list. I'm impressed with how much your shedding has decreased. :yahoo: So, I guess you passed the "queen of shedding" baton to moi :nono: I have to find someone else to hand it off to. Does it smell like curry powder or maple syrup?
@havilland, I'm going to add this to my Black Friday list. I'm impressed with how much your shedding has decreased. :yahoo: So, I guess you passed the "queen of shedding" baton to moi :nono: I have to find someone else to hand it off to. Does it smell like curry powder or maple syrup?

I NEVER thought my shedding would decrease....EVER. so i feel you!:yep:

This is the first thing I ever tried that worked.

It smells like cedarwood. The smell doesn't linger and isn't overly strong, but it is prominent.
I used Hairveda's Methi Sativa Tea Protein masque today for the first time. I am still sitting under the steamer so I can only talk about the application. The application was a breeze, no mess, no fuss. All of the things I like. I will come back and give my assessment on the results after my hair is finished but so far so good.
I used Hairveda's Methi Sativa Tea Protein masque today for the first time. I am still sitting under the steamer so I can only talk about the application. The application was a breeze, no mess, no fuss. All of the things I like. I will come back and give my assessment on the results after my hair is finished but so far so good.

I love love love aphogee two step treatment but this sooooo much easier to apply! I hope it works well for u. ;)
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I will be pulling out 1 of my Methi Sets after I finish up a few more Protein Rx's I already have open.

I've had my Methi Sets a while and need to use them up. Can't wait to try them.

Heard nothing but good things about it.:yep:
Ok, after my first use of the Hairveda Methi Sativa I like it. The application was easy and there was no mess. I also like Aphogee 2 Step but it makes a mess and it causes the hair to harden. With the Methi Sativa my hair did not get hard but yet it feels stronger. After the treatment I DC'd under steam with a good protein free conditioner. I also air dried my hair which is what they advise you do after the treatment.

There were some mixed reviews on this product. I watched some YT'ers who did not like the treatment because it dried their hair. The treatment worked fine for me and I will be using it again.

I was under the 'assumption' Step 1 was the Protein & Step 2 was the Moisturizing DC'er to use afterwards?

Did you use both of them and then use something else (additional)?
IDareT'sHair, you are correct about Step 1 and 2. I did not feel that Step 2 would have provided the moisture I needed because it was not a DC. I would call it a moisturizer or a balancer but it was not a Dc. My hair is very dense and thick. The directions on the Methi Sativa say to only leave Step 2 on for 10 minutes. I did that but after watching videos of others saying how their hair felt dry and hard after using this protein treatment I decided to add an additional step which is the moisturizing DC.

Good to know. Thanks Lady!:kiss:

I know there are plenty of 'mixed' reviews out there on YT. :ohwell:

But Ladies in U1B1 that used it only had positive reviews of it. (Many of the older posters- earlier U1B1 Threads). Which is why I bought it in the 1st place.:look:

I have x2 Sets I've been having 4-ev-er.:blush: I need to use it.

I said I would use it once I finished up some stuff, so it's time. I will definitely use it before my next T/U.
I am grateful for the reviews on this thread. I have been considering buying this product and it sounds simpler than the Aphogee 2 step. I am looking forward to obtaining the product!
Ok I'm scared after watching a few you tube reviews. OP what is your hair texture? Fine? Medium? or course and hat about porosity?
Ok I'm scared after watching a few you tube reviews. OP what is your hair texture? Fine? Medium? or course and hat about porosity?

My hair is 3c. Fine. Normal porosity. Natural. But my relaxed ends like the product.

My hair LOVES LOVES LOVES protein. If you are protein sensitive then please note this is a HARD protein treatment. It is not a regular conditioner.

If ur hair hates Aphogee, this is not for you.

If you are protein shy, use it like a light protein. use the step one for ten minutes and then do step two for 30 minutes or more.

Step Two notes:
I also found the step two was not that great on my first use. My first use, I used it as instructed. Left on for ten mins. Didn't like the result so Then followed with more moisture.

The second and subsequent times I used it i left the two step on at least 20 minutes to an hour. That works MUCH BETTER for me. Ten minutes was not enough for the treatment step two moisture to penetrate and to work.
My hair is 4B, very thick, and high to normal porosity.

My hair loves protein also. Using the product for the 1st time I wanted to follow the instructions. Therefore, I followed them and only left step 2 on for 20 minutes. However, in the future I may extend the length of time I have it on plus I might steam with it on my hair to ensure my hair sucks up the moisture. Since it is a hard protein I suggest that you gradually experiment with this product if you are nervous. For example, you can leave Step 1 on for 5 - 15 minutes. You may want to just leave it on for 5 minutes. I did the whole 15 minutes because my hair loves protein. Again, I had no problems with this product and I would recommend it to others.
Rozlewis I totally agree with you. I suggest not leaving it on for a longer period if u r protein sensitive.

However, My hair loves protein. I could leave it on for hours. Lol
OK, I have to continue my rave on this product. My hair feels so thick and strong but yet it does not feel hard and dry. In addition, I air dried and it left me with a lot of body and bounce. This stuff is a winner in my book.
Finally pulled this out of my Stash. Plan on using it tomorrow. 1st wash Post.

Will also use Step 2 maybe as a Cowash.

But more than likely will use something else in addition to for extra Moisture.

May use it twice per month.
OP, do you know what type of protein is in Step 1? That would make all the difference for me in purchasing. There's a couple types my hair won't accept. However, I am in the market for a hard protein and this might be the ticket if the protein is compatible.

Love your results, btw. A-MA-ZING!
OP, do you know what type of protein is in Step 1? That would make all the difference for me in purchasing. There's a couple types my hair won't accept. However, I am in the market for a hard protein and this might be the ticket if the protein is compatible.

Love your results, btw. A-MA-ZING!

The ingredients are:
Black Tea Water, Green Tea Water, Chamomile Flower Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Stearalkonium Chloride, Simethyl Stearamine, Lactic Acid, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Sea Kelp Leaf Powder, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), Paraben Free Preservative, and Phthalate Free Fragrance.
Should I be concerned about the difference in appearance and texture of Step 1? Should I reach out to Hairveda?

Purchased about a year ago:

As you can see, there are specs of herbs in the conditioner. The consistency is also much thicker here as well.

Purchased during BF 2013:

No herbs in this conditioner, it's also MUCH looser consistency. Not nearly as thick at all.