Hairstyles That Make Your Hair Look Fuller and Longer


New Member
What are some styles you know of or have tried that makes your hair look longer or fuller?

I'll go first. I feel the French Twist (also called the French Roll) makes everyone's hair look longer, even if one's hair is short. Since I came to LHCF and started wearing this style for the first time, even strangers have commented on my hair length, even if it wasn't down. It's like an illusion of more hair. :spinning:

What are some hairstyles you know of that make one's hair look longer, updos or worn down, no matter what the actual length may be?
Twistouts and braidouts make my hair look fuller. Especially after you wear your hair out a day or two.
All of these are great and they work too! Thanks Sweet Ambrosia and Blue Flower!

Any other styles? Any specific styles?
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For my hair...

To make it look fuller: Rollersets or sythetic hair scrunchie bun

To make it look longer:
Wearing the top half of my hair up (in a clip, bun, or ponytail) and the bottom half down!

I would like to see more suggestions as well... especially to give ideas for shoulder-length haired ladies like me!
Poohbear said:
For my hair...

To make it look fuller: Rollersets or sythetic hair scrunchie bun

To make it look longer:
Wearing the top half of my hair up (in a clip, bun, or ponytail) and the bottom half down!

I would like to see more suggestions as well... especially to give ideas for shoulder-length haired ladies like me!
YES! I was just getting ready to post this style, half up and half down!
It creates the illusion of length because the eyes see it vertically, at least that's why I feel it works. Boadicea has her hair this way in her journal and I used to... I'll have to do this style again. Thanks Poohbear! :up:
setting your hair with caruso rollers - I use joboba oil on my hair strands daily and it can weigh the hair down and make it look limp. Setting the hair on the caruso rollers will swell-up the strands and make it fuller.
curlybun said:
setting your hair with caruso rollers - I use joboba oil on my hair strands daily and it can weigh the hair down and make it look limp. Setting the hair on the caruso rollers will swell-up the strands and make it fuller.
You're right Curlybun. It does swell the strands up with moisture and looks fuller. :)
When my hair was shoulder length I would wear a spiral roller set and I would only roll the ends on the hair in my nape, instead of rolling it all the way. Because the hair back there curls tighter than the rest of my hair. The spiral curls would make it look really thick, and the loose curls in the back would allow my length to show.
unlvgirl said:
When my hair was shoulder length I would wear a spiral roller set and I would only roll the ends on the hair in my nape, instead of rolling it all the way. Because the hair back there curls tighter than the rest of my hair. The spiral curls would make it look really thick, and the loose curls in the back would allow my length to show.
Hmm...spiral rollersets do make a difference with thickness. Thank you Unlvgirl!
Poohbear said:
For my hair...

To make it look fuller: Rollersets or sythetic hair scrunchie bun

I agree! This look with "properly angled rollers" on the top always gives the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

I also think that layers (and yes, I totally cringe at the thought of cutting my hair) makes healthy hair look fuller and longer.

For me, when I'm at work, I wear two ponytails - both in the middle of my head, but with one about two inches above the other - it creates the illusion of a much longer single ponytail as opposed to two.
I don't know how to make my hair look longer, but if I want a fuller look, I do home rollersets instead of going to a salon. Another way is to put my hair in a wet bun and then take it down when dry and fluff it out.
Wow! You ladies have some great ideas that we can all try! :)

In addition to your wonderful tips Boadicea, swinging your hair like you did for your album definitely shows your hair's length, thickness as well as body! I love those hair shots! I do like the wet bun idea too...

Erika Kane - I know what you mean with the two ponytails looking like a long ponytail. When I take out my rollerset (I use the ponytail method), I have a vertical row of ponytails in the back of my head. I like them.
Wearing dual ponytails like you described sounds pretty.

Thank you Peachtree. You are a great example of one who knows ways to make hair look thicker and longer. :up: