Hairstyle instructions


New Member
I've been looking on this forum for instructions on how to do some of these hairstyles that are often mentioned on this forum. Alot of women put up links that are no longer available so I figure it would be easiest if someone in the know could just please type in the instructions for the following:

-bantu knots


I think the basics of this is pretty simple. You either braid your hair into individual plaits or do two strand twists on your hair, keep in overnight or a few days then unbraid/untwist. This should leave you with curls that should last for a few days.
There is a really good "How to" section on the "OurHairNet" website. It has diagrams and clear instructions on how to create most hairstyles, including all the ones you asked about. Happy creating.

Jaelin said:
I think the basics of this is pretty simple. You either braid your hair into individual plaits or do two strand twists on your hair, keep in overnight or a few days then unbraid/untwist. This should leave you with curls that should last for a few days.

With the braid/twistout- I guess my question is how do you braid it so it will fall into place when you take the braid down?
lveurslf said:
With the braid/twistout- I guess my question is how do you braid it so it will fall into place when you take the braid down?

That I'm not sure about because I've never done one myself but I assume you would finger comb. Use your finger to gently move the hair into position plus use some styling aids like gel.

There has been two recent posts asking questions about braid/twist outs maybe they will help you:

How to do a twistout? Braid out help
lveurslf said:
With the braid/twistout- I guess my question is how do you braid it so it will fall into place when you take the braid down?
do cornrows and when you take them out, just fluff it a bit and it should just fall into place, if you do once straight set of cornrows straight back. same with twist outs.
Thanks honeydrop215, that was very helpful. So were your fotki pics. Jaelinthanks for the molding idea. Now if I could just get a reply about the bantu and pincurl we'll be in business.
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