Hairitage Hydration Review (Issues)


Well-Known Member
There have been many issues regarding customer service reported in the vendor section. The newest issues, however, could potentially cause problems.

Members of this forum and others have posted pictures of mold in their products purchased from this vendor during the latest BF sale. It took over a month to receive the products; but, according to the pictures I have seen, the mold is already extensive.

Complaints to the vendor have been deleted off her fb page. HH did not initiallty respond regarding the issue. However, probably because of the attention this is receiving, HH is now offiering a replacement.

Please check your HH products for possible contamination and warn others who may not have access to the forums.
From my personal experience, it was quoted to be 20 days for the pre-black Friday orders. Not only did I not receive items in the 20 days she back tracked to say it was 20 days from some arbitrary date she picked.

Now from being on the boards and FB there's been reports of:
-Mold - multiple people and pictures
-One FB poster stated her refund came from PayPal buyer protection because there was no money in HH paypal account
-Via her own IG she left food in her stove from Thanksgiving for days (sounds sanitary to me -_-)
- says she doesn't measure ingredients but later said she did
- via her own IG she showed broken conditioner she was going to try and salvage

Oh and she deletes and block people from posting on FB (waves cause I'm one of them and I hope she reads this thread)

ETA: I happily sold the stuff I bought. Wasn't impressed
I wanted to make SURE I posted to this thread. I am all for sistas starting a business and I am not one to knock anyone's hustle, BUT I need to get this out there to warn others.

I ordered my products during the Black Friday sale. After 5 weeks, I never received my order, so I filed a claim with PayPal and told them to let the seller know that I no longer want the item and to cancel my order. What does she do? She ships it anyway.

One thing I have learned while dealing with this woman is that she is aware of PP policy and she knows exactly how long she has in each step of a claim. She has figured out a way to buy herself more time. What pissed me off about paypal is that they continue to let her use their services after having all these complaints, chargebacks, and refunds.

Anyway, Paypal advised me to return it, unopened, to the post office and mark it 'return to sender'. I did so BUT the post office never updated the shipping information so it still showed that it was delivered to me. Now, a good business owner and a woman of INTEGRITY, would have notified me saying that she received the returned items and she would issue my refund but (you guessed it) she has yet to issue my refund. She has the product AND my money. I was DONE dealing with Paypal, took it up with my bank and was issued a refund that way.

If Paypal is giving you the runaround, I STRONGLY advise that you go directly through your bank before the chargeback grace period expires. If you ordered during her Black Friday sale and have not received your product, do not wait another MINUTE to initiate steps to get your money back.
Buyers BEWARE....Better yet, BUYERS AVOID.
This WHOLE situation has me like..... :computer:
Adding my two cents to this debacle

My first and last time ever ordering was pre black friday. After 25 days I requested a refund via PayPal due to non receipt. The owner ignored my request and items were shipped. Since that time I have witnessed pure ratchetness from the owner via social networking in which she blasts paying customers and deletes any feedback or critique that does not praise her or her products. She is running an unsanitary operation in even worse conditions. She apparently eye balls her measurements and does not always wear gloves. The final straw is the fact that members of this board as well as other have reported mold in their products AFTER waiting 5+ weeks for shipment. Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion but certain things should not be ignored. To continue to support this operation (i will not say business, because it does not deserve this title) sends a message to the owner that she can treat people like ish!!!

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using LHCF
Terrible terrible TERRIBLE experience .....cust service is horrendous

*please excuse typos* Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using LHCF
Too much for me to post regarding this right here but a lot have already been mentioned. Feel free to check out the HH thread in the vendor forum here and the thread on CN in the general forum called HH Saga!

Sent from my iPad using LHCF
My pictures aren't as bad as some in the vendor forum but I'll share. I placed an order on 11/8 and received my products sometime after Christmas I believe. I gave a lot away but never used the carrot cake frosting. I opened it the day I received the product and it smelled good enough to eat! Reopened the product today, never used and saw a little black dot through the jar. The product also smelled... bad, almost rancid. When I started digging I found a few more black dots. I wanted to keep it and see how bad it got, like an experiment, but I just threw it away.

ETA: I keep my products in a cool dry place away from the bathroom until I open them and begin using them. I think it's a little scary to start getting mold in a product that has never been used and only exposed to air for about 5 seconds to sniff. :sad:


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Bumping this thread...

Just FYI, the CN Hairitage Hydration thread is number 4 when putting it in as a Google search.

She must be exposed some kind of way smh...
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My pictures aren't as bad as some in the vendor forum but I'll share. I placed an order on 11/8 and received my products sometime after Christmas I believe. I gave a lot away but never used the carrot cake frosting. I opened it the day I received the product and it smelled good enough to eat! Reopened the product today, never used and saw a little black dot through the jar. The product also smelled... bad, almost rancid. When I started digging I found a few more black dots. I wanted to keep it and see how bad it got, like an experiment, but I just threw it away.

ETA: I keep my products in a cool dry place away from the bathroom until I open them and begin using them. I think it's a little scary to start getting mold in a product that has never been used and only exposed to air for about 5 seconds to sniff. :sad:

Did you contact her and let her know this and request a refund? Even if you don't want a refund, did you at least let her know you had this issue? Are you sure the specks of something weren't herbs? It had gone bad for sure?
sparkle25 I did not contact her about a refund or about my products going bad. I'm sure it was mold and not herbs because the product was fluffy white and delicious smelling when I received it, and had no black spots. When I reopened it a month later it had black spots and smelled foul. I'm pretty sure that's not herbs.

I contacted everyone (one person) I gave some HH products to for Christmas and rid myself of everything else I had of hers in my stash. It's not worth getting physically sick over in my opinion. I will e-mail her my pictures just to let her know that other people are having problems but I don't expect a refund or replacement items.
So I checked my email and this is what I found:


Its Devon and during the last sell everyone was asking for a news letter... so here we go!

It is my first one and will make improvements as the months go on but please enjoy this letter.

The 26%off sale starts*today*with code NEW26 at*2pm

We are back to our 7 to 14 day shipping time.*

Thank you!

Why am i still on her email list? There was a newsletter attached which describes at least 4 new products! This is why people had to wait a month or two for their products some of which were moldy!

I emailed her immediately to take me off her list. SMH....
She really, really, REEEAAAALLLLYYYYY needs to be shut all thee way down. #messy

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using LHCF
I reviewed several products on my blog and considered them a hit. However, I have since removed them from the staples list.
She really, really, REEEAAAALLLLYYYYY needs to be shut all thee way down. #messy

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using LHCF

I went to just see who this lady was....her ig...her hair...her house. ...that sheet was messy yes....ummmm no thank you! Lol...
So This yt'er is doing a product review on haritage hydration I left a comment in regards to the foolishness that has went down so we will see if she deletes it:

I saw the same one. Laisha (which is her real name, I met her at the Hair Show) doesn't delete comments, whether they are positive or negative. I've been subbed to her for a loooooong time, she takes the bitter with the sweet. She also is a huuuuuuge product junkie so this one lil ole product I doubt is even a staple in her stash lol...

I feel some kind of way about her product pushing this line (even though it's one product) though.
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