Hairfinity vs. Nioxin Recharging Complex Hair Vitamin

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Hi Ladies

I am on a mission to find out which hair vitamin is BEST in terms of quicker rate in hair growth (length) as well as THICKNESS. Both vitamins have been in the top ten list for best hair growth supplements and have received tremendous raves from various hair care & product review sites.

SO please - after taking your poll, give your review as to which you prefer/is best -by your research or experience (excluding price comparisons).

If you have result pictures feel free to copy and paste in the body of your replies!! :drunk:

Nioxin Recharging Complex Vitamin Ingredients

Serving Size 2 Capsules Daily
Vitamin A 250 IU
Vitamin C 30 mg
vitamin D 200 IU
Vitamin B1 1.5 mg
Vitamin B2 1.7 mg
Niacin 25 mg
Vitamin B6 2 mg
Folic Acid 200 mcg
vitamin B12 6 mcg
Biotin 300 mcg
Pantothenic Acid 25 mg
Zinc 3 mg
Proprietary Blend 245 mg

Hairfinity Ingredients

Serving size 2 capsules daily
Vitamin A 8150 IU (Daily Value 163%)
Vitamin B-1 5mg (Daily Value 333%)
Vitamin B-2 5mg (Daily Value 294%)
Vitamin B-3(niacin) 5mg (Daily Value 25%)
Vitamin B-5(Pantothenic acid) 100mg (DV 1000%)
Vitamin B-6 5mg (DV 250%)
Vitamin b-9(Folic Acid) 200 mcg (DV 50%)
Vitamin b-12 20mg (DV 333%)
Vitamin C 100mg (DV 167%)
Vitamin D 216 IU (DV 54%)
Biotin 2500 mcg (DV 833%)
Calcium 186 mg (DV 18%)
MSM 750 mg
Gelatin 190 mg
Silica 30 mg
Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate
WOW, Hairfinity is really loaded with Biotin. I'm curious too. When I did a recent search Nioxin seemed to come out on top. But I will wait for your results.
I have been taking Hairfinity for awhile and it does work in my opinion, but I'm growth greedy so I'm hopping on the nioxin bandwagon just to see if there is a difference between the two. I have read all the reviews on amazon and other sites and the nioxin vitamins seem to be pretty good but I will see. I actually got my 30 day supply in the mail today, but gotta finish my hairfinity first. I'll let you know my results if interested.

ETA: I added some pics it isn't much but you can see the progress from week 3 to 1 month of Hairfinity use.


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    Hair Infinity pills Week 3 001.jpg
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  • Hair Infinity 1month of use started No Heat Challenge.jpg
    Hair Infinity 1month of use started No Heat Challenge.jpg
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Bumping: How many of you ladies that had acne prior to this are experiencing more acne? Just want to know....I may finish the bottle I have but may not be able to get anymore because it has an ingredient that exacerbates acne....ugh!
Bumping: How many of you ladies that had acne prior to this are experiencing more acne? Just want to know....I may finish the bottle I have but may not be able to get anymore because it has an ingredient that exacerbates acne....ugh!

Meeee. I tried Nioxin capsules just recently. I took them a month and a half, I couldn't finish the second bottle it was causing acne.. The hair growth was noticable though. I have had acne in the past.
I'm surprised there aren't more folks who have tried both. I'm currently on Hairfinity and was considering switching over to Nioxin. But reading the comparison of ingredients I might be doing pretty good by sticking with Hairfinity and gaining a little more patience (only on 2nd month). I'll probably buy another 2 month supply and see how much growth I have with my next relaxer before making a decision to switch.
I'm surprised there aren't more folks who have tried both. I'm currently on Hairfinity and was considering switching over to Nioxin. But reading the comparison of ingredients I might be doing pretty good by sticking with Hairfinity and gaining a little more patience (only on 2nd month). I'll probably buy another 2 month supply and see how much growth I have with my next relaxer before making a decision to switch.

I'm on both. I been following/lurking in all the Nioxin and HF threads. I hardly post because I have NOT been consistent like I promised myself I would. And I hate the feeling of letting others down when they ask for an update and I can't give one:sad: Shame on me:nono: I am am doing better though. I need to reach APL this year so I am going do better. I been at this hair-growth thing for too long to be slacking like this!
SexySin985-- I understand it happens to the best of us! Well DEFINITELY keep us updated...I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons to see which one I should take and/or stick with!
Based on the ingredients alone its clear Hairfinity has has more of what nioxin has plus more. Hairfinity has MSM and a few extras that nioxin doesn't. The thing with vitamins is everyone will have different results because we are all lacking different vitamins & nutrients. Some people may lack biotin while others may lack niacin. IDK I always take a supplement for at least 6mnths to see if it works for me before I switch to something else.
Anymore feedback? I tried hairfinity a few years ago and do believed it worked. I was about to purchase it again but despite hairfinity having more ingredients, all of the the reviews I've read seem to favor Nioxin.
Hello All,

I have been taking Nioxin one per day for three weeks now.....I started taking it the day i got a touch up on purpose because I wanted a clear picture of my at three weeks post i have a little over an inch of new growth at the top of my head (it grows faster there) and about an inch everywhere else. I just took the acrylic off my nails as well so they are super thin......and got gel color and they are holding strong.....which is a first.....they always crack and break after acrylic. Now the big one... my skin.....I am oily and acne prone.....and my face today is totally CLEAR...:grin::drunk:..not one bump during my cycle or otherwise......this was the first thing I noticed about a week into taking the vitamins that the texture of my skin was improving.....I thought i was crazy but my best friend noticed it and commented before I could even ask I am definitely pleased so far.....My biggest fear with the Nioxin was the skin issues.but none thus far....this could be because I am taking as prescribed on the bottle I know a lot of ladies are taking two or more a day.....I have never tried Hairfinity so I cant give a comparison.....HTH!!!
There is someone on ebay selling a 90 day supply of the Nioxin vitamins for $25.45 with free shipping. Is that a good deal? Also, anyone know the best place to purchase Nioxin shampoo and conditioner?
There is someone on ebay selling a 90 day supply of the Nioxin vitamins for $25.45 with free shipping. Is that a good deal? Also, anyone know the best place to purchase Nioxin shampoo and conditioner?
sounds like a good price I bought mine last week on amazon for 23.99 free shipping and they were at post office by saturday.
There is someone on ebay selling a 90 day supply of the Nioxin vitamins for $25.45 with free shipping. Is that a good deal? Also, anyone know the best place to purchase Nioxin shampoo and conditioner?

Free shipping may be worth it, but try amazon first.
Hello All,

I have been taking Nioxin one per day for three weeks now.....I started taking it the day i got a touch up on purpose because I wanted a clear picture of my at three weeks post i have a little over an inch of new growth at the top of my head (it grows faster there) and about an inch everywhere else. I just took the acrylic off my nails as well so they are super thin......and got gel color and they are holding strong.....which is a first.....they always crack and break after acrylic. Now the big one... my skin.....I am oily and acne prone.....and my face today is totally CLEAR...:grin::drunk:..not one bump during my cycle or otherwise......this was the first thing I noticed about a week into taking the vitamins that the texture of my skin was improving.....I thought i was crazy but my best friend noticed it and commented before I could even ask I am definitely pleased so far.....My biggest fear with the Nioxin was the skin issues.but none thus far....this could be because I am taking as prescribed on the bottle I know a lot of ladies are taking two or more a day.....I have never tried Hairfinity so I cant give a comparison.....HTH!!!

Wow!!! Great review. I may purchase Nioxin since I'm low on my Hairfinity. I will use both at the same time (1 Nioxin and 1 Hairfinity), so my Hairfinity can last a little longer until I repurchased. I will be getting the 30 tablets supply of Nioxin since it fit my budget.
I've been taking Hairfinity off & on for about 5 months now. The first 2 months I took them like clockwork, and I saw great hair growth with about an inch each month (normally .25-.5 inch). I also notice my NG texture was slightly softer than normal- not by a crazy amount, but noticeable to me. Now that I've fallen off my game & only take them when I can remember of course that growth rate has slowed. My nails on the otherhand, have sprouted like crazy and are so strong. I get compliments ALL the time on them, which is HUGE considering I could never grow them because of their weakness, plus I had serious nubs from constant nailbiting once one would break. Last biting session was in April, and I've already had to cut them twice because they have grown so long- even with my inconsistency.

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