Hairfinity vs. Nioxin Recharging Complex Hair Vitamin

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Ok I've been taking hairfinity a lil over a month now n I must say I'm not all that impressed I will try them out another month before I totally ca it quits but everyone was saying how they got an inch in the 1st month and that didn't happen for me. I got .25 of an inch. So we will see what next month brings
I've been taking Hairfinity off & on for about 5 months now. The first 2 months I took them like clockwork, and I saw great hair growth with about an inch each month (normally .25-.5 inch). I also notice my NG texture was slightly softer than normal- not by a crazy amount, but noticeable to me. Now that I've fallen off my game & only take them when I can remember of course that growth rate has slowed. My nails on the otherhand, have sprouted like crazy and are so strong. I get compliments ALL the time on them, which is HUGE considering I could never grow them because of their weakness, plus I had serious nubs from constant nailbiting once one would break. Last biting session was in April, and I've already had to cut them twice because they have grown so long- even with my inconsistency.

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Ur nails r beautiful
Thanks so much! Again, you dont know how much that means considering what state they were in just 3 months ago! Yes, i would agree to give them another month if you can- my hair seemed to grow about normal rate during the first month, but I was probably just staring at my roots too much and didn't notice the difference, because at the end of the second month & going into the 3rd I saw the increased growth.
Dang, the more I'm talking about it the more I'm kicking myself for not taking them daily like I should- especially considering how much I want to reach my hair goals.
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Well I should get my Nioxin tomorrow, the 90 day supply. Since I already have a 5000 mcg of Biotin I take, I don't mind it being low in this. Same with MSM.
Well I've always had little annoying breakouts as an adult...was worse when I was a teenager so maybe I'm not the best person to comment.....BUT I did notice more breakouts when I first started taking the Hairfinity. Then I read somewhere on here that taking multivitamins may help (something about balancing out some of the supplements...sorry I don't remember the exact reason). Anyway, that actually helped a lot & I don't really see breakouts as often. Still want to clear my existing hyperpigmentation & normal, everyday acne though. Off to the skin forum I go....

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I just purchased a bottle of Nioxin today from JC Penney's. I tried Hairfinity for 2 months already. I want to see what Nioxin can do.
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I can't account for Hairfinity but I can for Nioxin.

I have hair loss. And Nioxin since to kickstart hair follicles that were not dead and make them grow. Now so far the bald spots haven't grown in, as I've only taken 1 and some say it does better with 2 pills, but there are areas that were thin and it's grown some of that.

And I've tried alot of vits.

And I have a difficult, hormonal hair loss.

If you have hard to deal with hair loss or hair with thin spots, NIOXIN WILL HELP!
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I just purchased a bottle of Nioxin today from JC Penney's. I tried Hairfinity for 2 months already. I want to see what Nioxin can do.

Coffee how much were the Nioxin at JCPenney's? Also can you look at the pills and see if they are cracked, especially on the sides?

I purchased from Costsell/Cossell on Amazon and they were cracked and defected and when I tried to return, they were a lil unwelcoming, didn't want to pay for the shipping or send me a return label. Told me the defective product WASN'T defective.

Yeah right. Don't buy from Costsell/Cossel

These are some ingredients of Nioxin. It has a list of hair loss herbs. And likely at the right combination. That it's helped me. Might not sound like much as if I had gone off of ingredient list, I wouldn't have found the only thing that's helped some of my hair grow.

One Caplet Contains: Proteusterone (Discorea root), Ascorbic Acid, Niacinamide, D-Calcium Panthothenate, Smilex Medica (root), Urtica Diocia Extract (root), AvenaSativa Extract (above ground parts), Pygeum Africanum (bark), serenoaRepens (berries), Marine Concentrate (Fucua Vasiculosus), Coenzyme Q6-10, Tocotrienol, Phosphatides, Pyridoxine Hydrochlotide, Cyanscobalamin, Ergocaliciferol, Magnesium Stearate, DiCalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbotate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, FD&C Lake Yellow #6, Red #40, Blue #1, Titanium Dioxite.

serenoaRepens = saw palmetto
Pygeum Africanum = Pygeum
@Coffee how much were the Nioxin at JCPenney's? Also can you look at the pills and see if they are cracked, especially on the sides?

I purchased from Costsell/Cossell on Amazon and they were cracked and defected and when I tried to return, they were a lil unwelcoming, didn't want to pay for the shipping or send me a return label. Told me the defective product WASN'T defective.

Yeah right. Don't buy from Costsell/Cossel

I paid $21 for a 30 day supply , and they aren't cracked.
You ladies are blessed regarding pricing. It costs around £35+ in UK.
Also, hairfinity seems like a b-complex vitamin plus a few additions. Won't knock it though. If they ever sell outside US/reduce sh costs I would try.
Can someone confirm what's in the nioxin vitamins? Because according to this thread it looks like it has the exact same thing as my GNC ultra Mega active, which i have been taking it for about 2months now and am seeing wonderful results in my nails. Not sure what my hair is like yet because I started about 8weeks after my relaxer, but I get my relaxer next week, I'll be 16 weeks post, so I'll know if it's really helping my hair then.
Can someone confirm what's in the nioxin vitamins? Because according to this thread it looks like it has the exact same thing as my GNC ultra Mega active, which i have been taking it for about 2months now and am seeing wonderful results in my nails. Not sure what my hair is like yet because I started about 8weeks after my relaxer, but I get my relaxer next week, I'll be 16 weeks post, so I'll know if it's really helping my hair then.

The ingredients are posted in a comment above yours.

The Imani difference is their proprietary blend. If you get good results with your current brand why switch?
mzteaze in the beginning of the thread, on the first page there were a different list of ingredients than the ones that are posted on this page.. So I wanted to see if anyone could confirm what the right list of ingredients is. The GNC Ultra Mega Active has the same ingredients & more as the list of ingredients that was posted on the 1st page of this thread not the stuff on this page so that's why I wanted to confirm which one it is.. The reason I'm considering switching is because the GNC ultra mega Active that I was taking was supposed to b for energy.. It's not really considered a hair vitamin.. I have seen results in my hair n nails tho so I guess I just got lucky! Lol.. But I was looking for a hair vitamin to use and nioxin has been getting alot of great reviews but if it's the same thing as this vitamin that I'm taking now, I'll just stick to this.
I haven't taking any of these vitamins but I do plan on it in the near future. Can anyone tell me if they have a bad smell to it? My body doesn't react kindly to bad smelling supplements.
Okay did some research n figured it out lol nioxin has the same vitamins as the GNC ultra Mega Active but it also has it's own proprietary blend that's supposed to b the special ingredients.. I'm def gonna try this out
I've been using Hairfinity and my main concern was getting breakouts as a result of the b-vitamins that are contained in the capsule; I get hormonal breakouts as a result of b vitamins. I've been using them for a month now and I haven't had any breakouts and my hair is thicker.
I can't account for Hairfinity but I can for Nioxin.

I have hair loss. And Nioxin since to kickstart hair follicles that were not dead and make them grow. Now so far the bald spots haven't grown in, as I've only taken 1 and some say it does better with 2 pills, but there are areas that were thin and it's grown some of that.

And I've tried alot of vits.

And I have a difficult, hormonal hair loss.

If you have hard to deal with hair loss or hair with thin spots, NIOXIN WILL HELP!

chica do you take any other supplements besides Nioxin?
I've been using Hairfinity and my main concern was getting breakouts as a result of the b-vitamins that are contained in the capsule; I get hormonal breakouts as a result of b vitamins. I've been using them for a month now and I haven't had any breakouts and my hair is thicker.

I just ordered 2 bottles of Hairfinity. I'll be trying them out for two months. I hope to see results!!
I've just sold my soul to Nioxin based on the uber-thread and all the wonderful LHCF ladies who contributed and will update with results Thx!
I wanted to try the Nioxin vitamins and just saw that they are $217.00 on Amazon??!?!?!?!?!? Am I seeing right? Is anyone using these vitamins? How much do y'all pay for them? $217.00 seems a bit EXORBITANT!!
The Nioxin vitamins were the only vitamins where I saw immediate results.
I wonder why they discontinued them?