Hairfinity VS Manetabolism


Well-Known Member

Does anyone prefer one over the other? I'm currently taking Hairfinity but I think I'm going to switch to Manetabolism after this bottle.

Hairfinity Ingredients


Manetabolism Ingredients

I switched and so far I'm happy. It hasn't been a full month yet but I just measured 3" of growth since last month. I'm unsure if that's even possible, even though I see it with my own eyes. I'll see how much I get next month. My nails are happy, growing and strong. I am more impressed with the ingredients in Manetabolism though.
Anyone else try Manetabolism? The ingredients are impressive. Also, are you finding the best pricing on Amazon?
Yeah I'm going to switch too! I need to make APL. I remember when I first took Hairfinity a couple of years ago. I had crazy growth! I think they changed their formula since then.
I switched and so far I'm happy. It hasn't been a full month yet but I just measured 3" of growth since last month. I'm unsure if that's even possible, even though I see it with my own eyes. I'll see how much I get next month. My nails are happy, growing and strong. I am more impressed with the ingredients in Manetabolism though.

I believe it. The girl in the picture gained 2" in one month.
Hairfinity made me break out years ago and gave me stomach problems. Has anyone experienced that with manetabolism?
Yeah I'm going to switch too! I need to make APL. I remember when I first took Hairfinity a couple of years ago. I had crazy growth! I think they changed their formula since then.

I've been trying to get to APL for about a year and keep hitting setbacks. I'm currently taking this now and uping my protein treatment game. I can see growth but won't do a length check until after month 3. I just got a fresh trim so my ends are together. If I get my retention and growth game together at the same time I will be golden.

I took Hairfinity but didn't get any noticeable improved growth.
I guess these vitamin companies are competing to see who can put the most Biotin in their product hahaha..those pics seen inconsistent. Why does she have on a different shirt in the first pic? You can clearly see the lines don't match up. Good luck with your results OP.
I might try this. I'm taking a multiv with 50% dv biotin already in it and I'm taking bamboo extract. I haven't been tracking my growth but I am seeing results with the bamboo extract. This looks good though. I wonder if I can just replace my multivitamin with this and take it and the bamboo extract.
I already know I can't take manetabolism because I can't go above 3000 mcg of biotin or I get horrible cystic acne no matter how much water I drink my body just can't handle anything above 3000 mcg. I've tested different years and it's always the same result. But I also can't take fish oil.... Within 24 hours it gives me the deepest, biggest cystic pimples ever. UGH. My skin is so clear right now that I won't take the risk.

I just started taking Hairfinity the beginning of the this week, my bottle says it had 2500 mcg and so far no skin issues.
I've been trying to get to APL for about a year and keep hitting setbacks. I'm currently taking this now and uping my protein treatment game. I can see growth but won't do a length check until after month 3. I just got a fresh trim so my ends are together. If I get my retention and growth game together at the same time I will be golden. I took Hairfinity but didn't get any noticeable improved growth.

I think Hairfinity was more effective before they changed their formula and got all of those celebrity endorsements. I really, really want to try Manetabolism. It's owned by a hair guru and I wanna support her grind. I'm only like 3/4 inches from APL. I'm going back to basics and chilling out on all the products too because my hair was thriving when I was using coconut oil and natural homemade products. Let us know about your progress when you finish the bottle!
I guess these vitamin companies are competing to see who can put the most Biotin in their product hahaha..those pics seen inconsistent. Why does she have on a different shirt in the first pic? You can clearly see the lines don't match up. Good luck with your results OP.

It's two different girls. One took Hairfinity. One took Manetabolism.
Does your hair shed badly after you stop taking either of these? I was taking Viviscal for a while and when I stopped my hair shed drastically.
Bumping for more responses. I was interested in the Mane choice. A friend of mine is a make up guru and just reviewed her product with great results. But I'm breastfeeding a preemie and I don't want to take any chances with her right now.

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I switched and so far I'm happy. It hasn't been a full month yet but I just measured 3" of growth since last month. I'm unsure if that's even possible, even though I see it with my own eyes. I'll see how much I get next month. My nails are happy, growing and strong. I am more impressed with the ingredients in Manetabolism though.

Really??? This sounds good.

I believe it. The girl in the picture gained 2" in one month.
well unless my eyes are deceiving me i just don't see it.

It's two different girls. One took Hairfinity. One took Manetabolism.
And both girls may have different natural growth rates a different physical make up and different genetics. The most i could hope for was a solid 1'' in a month.

I know that..the one on the bottom should of worn the same shirt because the results are kinda unclear and they should of pulled their hair in the before pic as well.

I agree, to give a more accurate view and comparison their hairs should have been pulled in both photos.

I am open to trying this product though. I'm wondering if i truly need it because i started taking 10,ooomcg biotin 2days ago. I'll track my rate in 1mth.
Really??? This sounds good.

well unless my eyes are deceiving me i just don't see it.

And both girls may have different natural growth rates a different physical make up and different genetics. The most i could hope for was a solid 1'' in a month.

I agree, to give a more accurate view and comparison their hairs should have been pulled in both photos.

I am open to trying this product though. I'm wondering if i truly need it because i started taking 10,ooomcg biotin 2days ago. I'll track my rate in 1mth.

Yes I really measured 3", a tiny but more actually.... I am a little (a lot) stunned and mystified so even though I see it is the exact same braid that I took out last month, I am going to use the very bottom braid at my nape, the shortest part of my hair to measure the growth. Ohhhh, also I inverted last month and the month before so I am sure that assisted on some level.

I agree with both of your points as well. I was actually going to write just about the same thing... I can see if maybe the same girl used Hairfinity for 1 year and then Manetabolism for 1 year although the final results would take......forever however I think it would be the most accurate since hair grows in cycles and faster in warmer months. If someone took Hairfinity in the summer and Manetaboliam in the winter I still think the results would be off a bit since the persons natural growth cycle slows in the winter. Idk.... I could be wrong.

do you have any pictures of your before and after?

I posted the pics of my growth last month, I grew 1" (I believe it was either the 12" in 12 months challenge or the Inversion or the Hide your hair challenge, I've joined so many I forget which ones I post what info to..) but I can try to post a pic of that section later today after I get off from work today. My sister took the pic last month on the 27th when she was visiting and it is rather difficult to take a pic myself of the area since it is in the nape. I will see if my mom is willing and able to do it but she thinks that I am obsessed and that I spend too much time, energy and emotion on my hair and the last request for her assistance in taking a progress pic led to an explosive arguement and as much as I would like for her to take a pic so I can post, I am not going through that again. If she doen't want to or starts with her nagging then I will do my best to capture it by myself.
Just purchased the 2 month supply of the Manetabolism.

6 months til my bday. Hope I have some dramatic results in 2 months & then I will repurchase.