Hairdressers made my lil sis cry


New Member
As some of yall kno since March or May: i've been growin my lil sisters hair: after I got back home from college: i took all my LHCF teachings and applied them to my lil sis's hair: her hair has been growin thick and longer (pics below): Friday (8/31) afternoon she went to the hairdresser and said she needed to trim my lil sis's hair cause her ends were really splitting up the hair shaft: From March to basically September: she trimmed her length off back down to March: my lil sister cried cuz she chopped off 6 months (3 inchs) of new length back to where she started from in March....
...and I have to say: EVERYONE:blush: noticed her hair was a whole lot shorter and all she got today was "Aw Rayana, why did you chop ur hair off? It was getting so long." I told her to baggy til December (no trims: no nothing) when i get back home: i can bring back her fotki album for a major comparison shot (September/December)

Ladies she was heartbroken.


May (side)

June (side)

July/March (side)

August (front: finally the top reached over her face)

and now she's back to March: she just has more length in the front still: but her back sits above her shoulders.
Wow-how upsetting:nono: -a 3 inch "trim". :wallbash: It was really lying nicely on her shoulders and looks to be chin length now.

I agree, just take this unauthorized fresh start and get her back on track to growing her hair back.
Awww, i'm sorry to hear that happened to lil sis. Please give her a hug for me. Please reassure her that it will grow back. I think from now on maybe you shoud accompany her to the stylist if you can. That ashame, already introduced to the scissor happy stylist. It's sad to say but we always have to be on the lookout. My heart goes out to her, many of us have been through the same thing or some sort of setback. It will get better, trust. Just like that hair grew, more will grow because the journey has just begun. XOXOXO
Wow! What is up with hairdressers hacking off hair???

There have been several posts, including this one, of LHCF members reporting the same.
Her definitely looks thicker and like it's in better condition since you started taking care of it. I agree with the poster above...take this as an unauthorized fresh start and let the baggying begin!
I feel your little sister's pain. I had not trimmed my hair since January. I got a touch up the weekend before last. My front and sides had finally grew out some. I told the beautician and showed her how much I wanted off 1/4". Her daughter who is a stylist made a comment that my hair had grown. That must have been code talk for cut it off. She takes 3" off the back and 1" off sides. The best thing you can now do for your little sister is learn how to trim hair. I plan to learn to trim my own hair. Too many of these hairdressers are scissor happy.
Thank goodness you are there to help her. Now that hairdresser knew she was wrong. :nono: Did you see splits when you were taking care of her hair?
Thank goodness you are there to help her. Now that hairdresser knew she was wrong. :nono: Did you see splits when you were taking care of her hair?

That's what I want to know where are the splits. I can't see them.

She has two things going for her a big sis with some serious knowledge on growing and maintaining hair


With time this will be a distant memory because it will grow and she knows she can now maintain length with proper care and maintenance.

I just don't get this beauticians. The last time I went to one which was a very looooooong time ago I literally had to fight with the lady because she kept telling me my ends needed cutting.

I had to do a (I will to cut you, if you come near me with those scissors) look in order to get the point across. Way out of my comfort zone but I was not going to let one more beautician tell me what she was going to do to my head while I sat there.

If your sister every goes to another, which I would strongly recommend she does not, teach her that look, or take her to someone who knows that your sister is the client and she better do what your sister wants.:clubu:

Just so you know I am truly a non violent person:poke:, unless you are trying to cut my hair.:samurai:

Show her how to dust her own ends if she feels the need to trim or make her promise she will not let anyone else do that with the exception of you.

Please tell your sister she is one beautiful young lady. She is so blessed to have you as her sister.
Thank goodness you are there to help her. Now that hairdresser knew she was wrong. :nono: Did you see splits when you were taking care of her hair?

I didn't see any splits: she said they were bad and splitting all the way up the shaft: i'm curious to kno: how do hairdressers see all this w/ the naked eye when I have to pick strands out one by one: and put it up 2 my nose just 2 see a split
That is so sad! Don't let her go to the stylist without you anymore. She has beautiful hair it will bounce back.