Hair washing problems


Active Member
Wow, I was just viewing the hair wahing thread and i was wondering how do you guys wash your hair soo often? Doesnt it get tangled and knotty when you wash it? If not, how do you manage to keep the hair from forming many little knots during and after washing?

This is cos i wash my hair every 2wks or so and i really dread doing it because not only does it take long and hurt my arms, there are svereal little knots and tangles which are formed making it almost impposible to comb thru the hair. I usually end up leaving some of the knotts and tangles for the next day or so to get them out in strands. My hair also ends up frizzy and strawy after i wash, condition and use styling foam. This makes the hair come out more when i comb it. I dont get it. There's probably s'thing i'm doing wrong because its really a hustle that doesnt really pay off.

This is my process:

* Note i'm mainly using the softsheen.Carson anti breakage system line of products.

- braid hair into 4 sections
- shampoo each section at a time with fortifying moisturizing shampoo
- (every 4 weeks) apply aphogee treatment for damaged hair and dry with blow dryer
- wash out treatment, towel blot to remove excess water, apply revitalizing deep conditioner to and comb (or attempt to comb)through each section individually. (Braid again)
- cover hair with plastic cap and use blow dryer for about 15 mins.
- wash out conditioner, towel blot to remove excess water, apply heat style protecting foam and infusium 23 leav-in treatment(spray) and (attempt to) comb thru hair.

This is what i do so any suggestions to why this happens and i can do to change or fix it?
AHA!!!You identified the problem yourself! That anti breakage line is TERRIBLE, it dries the hair out really may work the first couple of time you use it, but once your hair realizes what hit it...its all over! I dont know what the other ladies are gonna say, but my advice is please please please get new products....anything but those
Its definitely all about the products. My hair can be a tangled and dry mess when I wash depending on what I use. But the right products can make it a much easier and smoother experience. Personally, cause every hair type is different, I find that AO GPB conditioner always allows me to get a comb through my hair with ease.
I also think you may want to reconsider using the Aphogee so often. Think about switching to every 6 weeks instead of every 4.
there does'nt seem to be a problem with your routine. it's good that you wash your hair in sections. so the only problem is proberly the products. try to find shampoos and conditioners that moisturize, soften and detangle your hair
angelica2u said:
This is my process:

* Note i'm mainly using the softsheen.Carson anti breakage system line of products.

- braid hair into 4 sections
- shampoo each section at a time with fortifying moisturizing shampoo
- (every 4 weeks) apply aphogee treatment for damaged hair and dry with blow dryer
- wash out treatment, towel blot to remove excess water, apply revitalizing deep conditioner to and comb (or attempt to comb)through each section individually. (Braid again)
- cover hair with plastic cap and use blow dryer for about 15 mins.
- wash out conditioner, towel blot to remove excess water, apply heat style protecting foam and infusium 23 leav-in treatment(spray) and (attempt to) comb thru hair.

This is what i do so any suggestions to why this happens and i can do to change or fix it?

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I get tangles when I wash too, but i don't undo the 4 loosely braided sections during the washing and conditioning.
A few suggestions:
1. There are fewer tangles when I conditioner wash than when I use a shampoo and then a protein treatment and then a moisturizing conditioner. More applications and more rinses --> more tangles.
2. When I deep condition with heat, I get more tangles during the combout than when I just leave the conditioner on for a few minutes in the shower.
3. If I spray detanglers like Pantene detangle conditioner or Biolage leave in tonic on the braided sections (esp'ly the base of the braids) and wait 10 minutes, the comb out is easier.
4. Strong protein treatments tangle and stiffen my fine hair, even if I use a moisturizing conditioner later. I'll use nothing stronger than Aubrey Organics GPB.
Do you comb your hair while in the shower? The force of the water plus my shower comb gets tangles out very easily. And the ladies are right about the brand you're using
Try using conditioners and shampoo with more slip.
Or adding Roux Porosity Control or ACV rinces to your regimin.
Is your hair relaxed or natural? I agree with the ladies about the hair products. Once you find ones that work for your particular hair type and condition (relaxed or natural) then you won't have those problems anymore. It would become more of a pleasure to wash your hair.
I use to have the same problem but now that I have found the correct products its fine. I also wash in sections, I use 6 instead of 4. I use motions lavish shampoo and unbraid each section and saturate it in motions moisture plus conditioner.I do not rebraid. I then wash it out section by section, straight down with the shower pouring cool water. In the mirror, I use motions leave in and detangle section by section with a wide tooth comb, it takes less than 5 minutes, with the wrong products it used to take 2 hours plus and loads of breakage and knots!!!
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I'm going to try and change my line of products to see if there are any changes.

Also, i'm relaxed not natural and my hair type is 4a/b. I also comb my hair in the shower but not whiles the shower is running.

Thanks a lot for all your tips so far, i'll try them out cos it is presently very frustrating to wash my hair. Any more tips are also more than welcome. Thanks again.
I too hate washing my hair because of the horrible tangles. However I think I've narrowed the cause of those tangles down to the same thing the ladies mentioned here: products. I'd been relaxed with a no-lye relaxer and was using a stripping shampoo (Nutrine garlic shampoo) for each wash. Now I'm relaxed with a lye relaxer and am using con and gpb with each wash.

It was so bad that I could only wash with my hair down during the wash immediately after my relaxer but so far I've washed twice since the last relaxer and my hair is very much tangle free. So hopefully I won't have to wash and condition in braids any more....

Hope you find the product combination that works for you.
And this is just my two cents but most people I see who dislike washing because of tangles do FAR too much combing. I comb my hair ONCE when I'm rinsing my conditioner out and that's it. It doesn't need to be combed for distribution. You don't need to detangle in between each step. If you use a conditioner with good slip (which I agree the Carson brand isn't known for) and you save your detangling for the rinse out and do it with the flow of water from your shower, it should be fine....

I think that washing hair in braids method is kind of suspect as my veiw it just gives the tangles a head start by winding the hair around itself before it even gets wet.

I have several friends who had this same problem and swore up and down that they didn't think it would work, their hair needs to be detangled at each step, the braids are the only way they can manage....until they try the simple way and they snever go back. They don't lose several combfuls of hair either.

Just my opinion, but more than the products (although I agree about the Aphoghee thing) I think the problem is just doing too much.

Good luck.

But that may just be me.
Tracy said:
And this is just my two cents but most people I see who dislike washing because of tangles do FAR too much combing. I comb my hair ONCE when I'm rinsing my conditioner out and that's it. It doesn't need to be combed for distribution. You don't need to detangle in between each step. If you use a conditioner with good slip (which I agree the Carson brand isn't known for) and you save your detangling for the rinse out and do it with the flow of water from your shower, it should be fine....

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ITA. I comb one time. that's it. I think Angelica can benefit from this. Good Luck miss lady!
I usually just comb through once at the end when I am rinsing out the conditioner under running water. It helps if you use a conditioner with good slip.
I agree w/Tracy
! My hair shrinks,tangles and still knots here and there, but I can get through my hair w/the right products in 2-3 mins. and w/o loosing a bunch of hair. I either comb w/conditioner in it before my final rinse and that's it or I comb after applying all of my leave-ins and products after washing. I shed the same amount either way. But I only comb my hair on wash days and I only do it once. My hair balls are never in excess of dime size since I've found products that work.

I have conditioners that really help w/tangles (Phytobaume and Phytosesame) as well as a leave-in treatment which further combats them (Phytodefrisant). Some people find similar results though w/AO GPB, Nature's Gate, etc. that have good slip. I have these products (and love them), but none work for me as well as the Phyto conditioners when it comes to detangling. So I don't end my washing/rinsing process until I let a Phyto conditioner sit for 3-5 mins. So try a few different products until you find one that works well for you. Using a K-cutter may also help and using the tapping method. And tons of TLC and patience too!!!
I must agree, this stuff made hair hard as a rock!
Although I used it like 2 years ago, I still have 70% of the product left over, I don't know why!
Oh my goodness! I really didnt expect to get many responses cos i was scared you guys might think the subject is too cliche or something. Thank you all sooo much for your responses - you all make a lot of sense and now, i'm actually beggining to understand it all. I even bought my first shower comb today which i am proud of. I really learn something new everyday from our LHCF.

Thanks again and all constructive responses are always welcome.
I work out just about everyday so I have to wash my hair frequently. I don't experience any dryness because I use Elucence products to wash my hair. Even their clarifying shampoo is gentle.
