Hair washing and tangles: How do you wash your hair? How to wash hair?


New Member
I was shocked after viewing these pics on BHM.
She says that the shampoo caused her hair to tangles and she couldn't get the tangles out.
(pics may be down)

At first I didn't experiance tangles because my hair was so short.
Now it tangles up out of this world. :(
To remove tangles I always pick after I condition. :)
If I don't condition and pick then my hair starts to mat. Then I'll have to wash it all over again.

So how do you avoid tangles and matting during and after washing your hair?
And what size comb do you use?
Do you think better comb selection can cut down on hair tangle breakage?

One of my friends just loves to use those lil bitty *** combs.
I gave her a big comb.

3 nights of hard partying, drugs, sex, and alcohol left my hair like this.
(uh.....I only did the partying part)

The washing process

End result: 10hrs later, no moisturizer added, edges need brushing though...
my hair almost always tangels whenever I wash it, I don't comb it until I have applied conditioner/detangler and use a wide too bone comb and detangle in sections. My hair is still very thick, but this is how I deal with tangles. btw your hair looks so healthy catsuga ;)
I don't get tangles unless I didn't completely untwist my hair. I usually wash it first than apply Biolage detangler which is wonderful (thanks, Miss brown) than I add conditioner.
CatSuga said:
So how do you avoid tangles and matting during and after washing your hair?
And what size comb do you use?
Do you think better comb selection can cut down on hair tangle breakage?

I only have about 4" of natural hair, but even detangling my sectioned (plaited) hair under cool running water (which makes a world of difference with my detangling sessions) and loaded with moisturzing conditioners, I still don't like to use combs, even wide k-cutter types. I find finger detangling followed by a D4 after I've finger detangled works best for me.

After I've detangled twice (once with my fingers, once with the D4), I braid my hair into plaits again and let it air dry slightly until damp. THEN I add my leave-in and finger detangle AGAIN and replait yet a third time. Suffice it to say, I always start my wash process at night.

I don't get every tangle, but I get almost all of them, and my hair doesn't mat. Someone also had a tip to add conditioner to the shampoo when you wash, and though I use a homemade shampoo bar, I have found it helpful to add some sort of moisturizer/condish when I lather.
Since my hair has gotten a little longer i find it easier now to wash in two sections, I comb my hair out first from ends on up and then I part my hair down the middle and shampoo the right side first-rinse and then I poo the left side rinse and follow again in that order. While I'm washing I concentrate on my scalp mainly while leaning to the side and finger combing threw from scalp to ends every few scrubs to make sure ends don't get tangled. This has made combing threw my hair after towel driing soooooooooooooo easy and I never have tangles this way. Plus I pour ACV onto my hair right before i wash the last poo out, (I got this from the Dominican's) Oh yeah and I use a shampoo comb by Annie, I found this better than the jibere for myself, and I like the jilbere better on my major post relaxer days to get threw the NG, and on my natural clients.:cool: HTH
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I gently detangle before the wash, with my fingers, and I manipulate my hair as little as possible during the wash (in the shower). I gently massage my scalp only (I don't touch the length of my hair during the wash). After I rinse out the conditioner, I spray with a detangling leave-in, then a little KeraCare oil. Unlike most, I do not attempt detangling until my hair is about 80% dry (and is strong again), and that's also when I oil my scalp with WGO. I don't even use my wide tooth comb, just my fingers - because you can take your time and "feel" tangles and knots better. In the past I have tried all sorts of things for detangling (crown n glory method, Wannake's method, etc, etc.) but nothing works better for me than simply leaving it alone until it is dry. I still cannot understand why companies will tell you right on the conditioner bottle to "comb through" - WHO DOES THAT?!. If I did, I would be SO BALD :eek: . Also, I've seen on this forum where some only detangle when it's wet, because they get breakage if they detangle dry... So, I guess each person is different. But I'm just too paranoid to put even a WIDE TOOTH comb in my hair when it's wet.
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Mine tangles bigtime! It does not ease up until I put my Silken Seal in. I am always afraid I am pulling my hair out in the shower.

I have read that some people put their hair in braids and wash it like that. My hair is nto long enough to do that, though.
To minimize tangles and matting, washing in sections is the key. You can part your hair in 4 sections and pin, condition, wash and detangle each section separately. Co-wash are also good as they keep the hair soft, and a wide tooth comb, K cutter is a good one.

Keep your hair in sections after washing while it is still wet, and use some kind of leave-in moisturizer. Don't let your hair dry without using a leave-in or doing some kind of manipulation to it, be it picking, braiding, plaiting, cornrowing, banding or whatever it is you do to your hair. Don't wait till it's dry because by then, it will be too late, you'll be dealing with monster tangles.
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I part my hair in 4 sections, wash and condition each section. If I have had my hair in braids or weave and I know there is build up, I condition it first with a detangler.
I detangle mostly with my fingers. I agree with NoNapNique that you can feel and work out the tangles with your fingers better than with a comb. I used to detangle at night, spraying my dry hair with watered-down conditioner or an oil/water mix as I went. Now that my hair is longer, I find it easier to detangle under running water in the shower.

I detangle a bit during the initial rinse just to get things started. Lately I do most of the major detangling after I shampoo, but before I condition. I find that I can distribute the conditioner better and get even coverage if the hair is already mostly detangled before I apply the conditioner. I let my hair hang straight down, it its most natural position (I don't rinse the hair in the front in a backwards direction). I have my Jilbere shower comb hanging in the shower, and sometimes I'll use it while I have the conditioner in my hair to help distribute the conditioner and just to smooth the hair in the right direction. I never use the comb on hair that hasn't been at least partially detangled.
I have found it easier these days to shampoo in 3 or 4 sections. I use a Conair Shower Comb (identical to the Jilbere Shower Comb) to comb my conditioner through. Hot oil treatments before shampooing help a lot with slip and moisture.
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I find that adding a pre-poo treatment like olive oil, lightly detangling my hair and separating in four sections prior to washing really helps a lot!
CatSuga said:
So how do you avoid tangles and matting during and after washing your hair?
And what size comb do you use?
Do you think better comb selection can cut down on hair tangle breakage?

I always comb in the shower, after conditioning for at least 5 minutes. I part my hair in two and detangle a little with my fingers. Then I start combing from the bottom up. The whole process takes about 5 minutes, compared to up to 1 hour if I ever try to comb my hair when it's dry.
I use a wide tooth plastic comb.
I wouldn't dream of using a small tooth comb for my hair, it would just break my hair and take forever...
After rinsing out my conditiner I add some products and tie my hair up in a towel. I don't touch my hair after that and I don't even try to detangle daily etc until the next time I wash my hair. I'm sure I have a lot of tangles after it's dried but I don't care...I know they'll melt away when I condition.
At first I thouhgt my hair was really hard to detangle...but I realized that's because I would go weeks without combing my hair and so all the shed hair would knot up with my ends and my hair making it really difficult to comb :(. Now I comb at least every two days and slather it with condtioner and section it before I comb.
If I know I am going to rollerset my hair after washing, I first wet my hair in the shower and then throw conditioner on it. I comb through my hair while rinsing the conditioner out and part my hair in about 10 sections.

To me the best tips are:
using a shower comb to detangle and section your hair
using products that work for you
combing through hair while under the flow of water
anky said:
To me the best tips are:
using a shower comb to detangle and section your hair
using products that work for you
combing through hair while under the flow of water

I agree with Anky. I condition my hair and comb it out in the shower with the flow of water.
dlewis said:
I never comb until after appling a conditioner. If I still have some problems, I use a leave-in.

Exactly ! No wide tooth comb or shower comb hits my hair until after conditioner has been generously put all over--then I work on it in sections (about 6). Now that my hair has gotten thicker, healthier and a little length--I only will comb my hair in sections and I try not to "comb" my hair that often.
My hair tangles like crazy when wet or dry, but especially dry. One thing that adds to it I know is that sometimes I don't comb my hair every day and then it's awful when I wash.

I have to use a shampoo with alot of slip...same with my conditioners. If I find my hair is still tangled after I spray my Pantene Light Detangler, then I put in some creamy leave in and spray oil and then pull my hair back in a tight ponytail before tying it down with my scarf. By morning, the tangles have eased out. I have no idea why they're eased...they just seem to ease out on their own while I sleep!
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Sectioning in 6-8 parts and securing with a clip or a band works well while washing, conditioning and detangling and really heps to minimize tangles.
for me it works best to detangle with my fingers before washing to get the shedded hair out (a big tangling factor) and lightly fingercomb while rinsing out my conditioner. I also wash in two sections leaning to the side.
I only comb my hair when moist/almost dry. Fully wet or dry it breaks ike nothing else!
I don't really have a problem with tangles. (Probably because my hair is 1,000 lengths.) I always pre-poo before I wash, I use a shower comb and I use alot of conditioner. I also find that it's helpful if you don't move your hair all over your head when you have poo in it. Just keep it as straight as possible. I try to push the poo thru my hair to my scalp with all my hair going to the back.

Just my 2 cents...
I have to wash my hair in halves to prevent tangles. I wet it then apply shampoo to the scalp only. I then let the water rinse out the shampoo while detangling with my shower comb, once I detangle during shampooing, I dont have to detangle anymore (after conditioner, applying leave-ins, etc.)
I put my hair in 3 sections (1 in back and 2 in front) then shampoo each section and condition each section then while it is covered in conditioner i brush through each section so that the conditioner gets on each strand and put a plastic cap on my head and after I bathe I take the cap off and wash the conditioner out.