Hair vitamins and weight loss


New Member
Since I started taking various vitamins for my hair and overall general health, I have noticed a very pleasant side effect. I am losing weight without any excercise. It is like fat is melting away. I am able to wear clothes now that I have not been able to fit in since 1998. The only thing I am doing now that I wasn't doing before is taking a bunch of vitamins with each meal. Oh, and my hair is really growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Alireno! I'm actually having the opposite effect, but I'm not mad about it I'm trying to gain weight! What vitamins are you taking?
Wow I am soo glad to hear this. I have been wanting to take hair vitamins but i was afraid it would make me gain weight-- i dunno why I thought this. Plus I wanted to take omega 3 fatty acids so I thought I wo8uld hinder my weight loss but now i think I might be giving the vitamins a try. thanks for the report!
Every day I take 2 Country Life Maxi-Hair, 2 multi-vitamins (similar to GNC's Women's Ultra Mega), 2 calcium chews, 1 Nature Made Super B complex, 1 Country Life 5 mg Biotin, and 1 Vitadvance Haircare from Within.
That sounds like a good side-effect to me. I've had the opposite problem though when I took a little too much vitamins, but I've balanced it now.
That's great, Alireno!
I just started taking PP Amino Acid Complex, and I'm hoping that I don't start gaining weight.
I don't think that adding Omega Fatty Acids to this would make you gain weight. I take Maxi Hair, Biotin, B-12 and Protein supplements and I've lost about 15 pounds in the last month and a half. It must be the biotin and b-12 mostly, because of their known ability to metabolize fat and such...
Heeey u too? I been takin some for a lil over a week now and i too have noticed i am losing some weight. I'm thinking maybe im not eating enough or something, but then again i did a food intake thing for class and i actually need to cut back on some foods, but other than that, i too have lost some tummy. :^D I am taking Multiple Vitamins by GNC(19 vitamins) for Women for the Hair, Skin, and Nails and now im takin some Super Biotin 600 by same company. Its in a purple box w/a red rose on the front. I am amazed also, wow. :^D
Omega 3's help you lose weight also. Body builders up their Omega's to lose fat. (i.e.Flax seed or flax seed oil and various fishes)