Hair vitamin recommendations..

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Any suggestions for a good hair vitamin? After I found out about the sink/float test..I tested my current vitamin and it did not pass-meaning it did not dissolve. I have already placed a new order for them (before the test) and that really makes me mad that they aren't any good..I thought they were working...What are good brands that DO NOT contain fillers?
I like Hair Energizers. Thanks Bette and Honeyrockette!

The tablets are small, easy to swallow and they don't stink.
Natori24 said:
Any suggestions for a good hair vitamin? After I found out about the sink/float test..I tested my current vitamin and it did not pass-meaning it did not dissolve. I have already placed a new order for them (before the test) and that really makes me mad that they aren't any good..I thought they were working...What are good brands that DO NOT contain fillers?

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whats this sink/float test thing??
Centrum is a good quality multi-vitamin..I have been taking it for years and it did pass the test!
nappi said:

whats this sink/float test thing??

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supposedly the vitamin dissolves immediately or at least within 20-30 minutes in vinegar and water and it is not supposed to float...if it is good it sinks and least that's my understanding of it.
You could try GNC vitamins. Their vitamins are guranteed as to quality and potency
. MSM and Biotin are some of the vitamins that are really good for hair growth.
I take 3 vitamins daily .1 One A Day and 2 Hair,Skin and Nails vitamins from GNC and get great results.

Tee Tee
I currently use:

Whole Foods Multivitamin by Solgar
Wild Oats and Source Nutrition MSM (3000 mg)
Solgar Biotin (2000-3000 mcg)
Calcium (the chocolate soft chews, forget the brand 1000 mg)
Evening Primrose, Flaxseed and Borage Oil mix (liquid)
Okay, ladies just when I thought I found a good quality hair vitamin (GNC Ultra Nourish Hair), it does not contain Iron. From what I understand Iron is very important when it comes to hair health and it should be in the hair vitamin...or does it really matter? I already take Centrum which contains Iron but I always thought my hair vitamin should contain it also. Any other suggestions for a hair vitamin that does NOT contain fillers?
not sure but I thot I've heard that sometimes hair vitamins don't incl iron bc some are intolerant so they leave it out and those who wish can buy an addl supplement. but i wondr if Centrum has more than enuf of the RDA for iron for you? and if you also count the iron you consume in your meals you might be okay.
balleryna said:
if you also count the iron you consume in your meals you might be okay.

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Honestly, I'm not sure if I eat meals that would contain a natural source of Iron...I might have to do more research on what foods contain Iron because now I'm not sure.
first off may I suggest u ck the percentage of iron in your Centrum. there may only be 60% or so but not sure. as for getting the rest in meals..hmm.... can u eat raisins i know thats a source tho maybe not much. also I think grape juice. hmm not really sure abt actual iron in juice but I know its a natural expander for severe anemics if that is your concern. are you a vegetarian? if so there is some in your nuts and seeds and even lentils perhaps. if u do eat meat, there's definitely iron there, particularly the red meats. not sure what else at the sorry. lemme know if u need help later and I will look. but be sure 2 take vit.C w your iron...maximizes your absorption.
Thanks balleryna. I do not like Cream of Wheat or raisins but I do eat meat-now I am holding off of red meats because of the Mad Cow disease scare. I have 18 mg of Iron in the Centrum and it also contains vitamin C-so you were right when you said I might not need Iron in my hair vitamin.