Hair Update Ya'll (Pics Included)


New Member
I found my camera today so I thought why not take a picture (good quality) and see the progress I've made. Overall I'm happy with my progress but I'm not going to start celebrating until my natural hair falls MBL.. :lol: But at least I'm getting closer.

Here's a pic of my hair back in Jan 2012:

Here's my current length:

For those of you not familiar with my hair journey. I have been natural for 2 years and 2 months. I'm giving myself another 2yrs to reach my goal.


@beverly, Hey Gurlll :wave: Leave a spot for me for feature of the month in April 2015, please. Thank you! xoxo
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Ooooh...pretty curls!! And so glossy. Is the color in the second set from henna? It looks really good.

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Thank you ladies for all your wonderful comments!

Ooooh...pretty curls!! And so glossy. Is the color in the second set from henna? It looks really good.

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Yes, I henna every 2 weeks. Thank you for the compliment.
Your hair has thrived! I remember when you first bc'd and I thought you were a hair twin/cousin of mine. Now I'm not so sure. Your curls are rounder than mine and you seem to have little shrinkage. SO PRETTY!
Your hair has thrived! I remember when you first bc'd and I thought you were a hair twin/cousin of mine. Now I'm not so sure. Your curls are rounder than mine and you seem to have little shrinkage. SO PRETTY!

Thanks @wavezncurlz - Erm we might not be hair twins but we're definitely still hair cousins :lachen: I have little shrinkage? I thought I had a lot :lol:

your hair is so gorgeous!!!! it looks so thick, is it???? How long is it now??

Thank you @Shadiyah - I have fine strands and what I would consider medium density because when I have a lot of product in my hair that weighs my hair down or when I straighten it.. I'm like woah .. where did my hair go? :spinning:

Last time I straightened it, I was at BSL. I don't plan on going near heat any time soon since I don't really care about my length when it's straight as I prefer to wear my hair curly most of the time.
Great progress.

Aren't you supposed to post a regimen or did I miss that? Either way congrats

Thanks @luckiestdestiny :lachen: I completely forgot. Sorry folks!

I co-wash every other day with Herbal Essence Hello Hydration. I use Kinky Knot Leave-conditioner and seal with a creamy oil (sometimes olive oil or any other hair cream in the house). I henna, shampoo, and deep condition every 2 weeks. But sometimes I'll co-wash daily, or every 3 to 4 days. It really depends on my schedule/time and how my hair feels.

My hair is 95% of the time in protective styling. I rarely.. almost never leave it out.