HAIR TYPES...We should come up with our own


Well-Known Member
I think us LHCF women in the Should come up with our own hairtyping. I don't know about you all but I'm 4 different hairtypes according to Andre's Standard. Maybe we can work off of his and modify it. For example I think I am a 3C hard. Meaning I have 3 C curls but they are dense so they tend to be kinky without help of a product where a 3C soft has the curls with or without product...some kind of revamp like this. Let's discuss...
I've thought about this because I feel we have the most diverse hairtype of all, yet Andre's system limits us. In fact, I'd just get rid of the whole 1234 abc thing all together. I thin LOIS makes so much more sense.
1st letter - overall texture
A=straight, B=wavy, C= loose curl, D=tight curl, E=kinky

2nd letter - secondary texture (this is the second most prominent texture in your hair) using same letters as above, but lower case; if you only have one texture, use the same letter twice.

3rd letter - thickness
K= Thick N=Thin I=In Between

I would be "DeK".
LovelyZ said:
1st letter - overall texture
A=straight, B=wavy, C= loose curl, D=tight curl, E=kinky

2nd letter - secondary texture (this is the second most prominent texture in your hair) using same letters as above, but lower case; if you only have one texture, use the same letter twice.

3rd letter - thickness
K= Thick N=Thin I=In Between

I would be "DeK".

I LOVE this method!!! In that case I think I would be DeN! Good idea.
LovelyZ said:
1st letter - overall texture
A=straight, B=wavy, C= loose curl, D=tight curl, E=kinky

2nd letter - secondary texture (this is the second most prominent texture in your hair) using same letters as above, but lower case; if you only have one texture, use the same letter twice.

3rd letter - thickness
K= Thick N=Thin I=In Between

I would be "DeK".

That is great!
I'm a EdK
Does anybody know if they mean the thickness of your individual strands or the density of the strands on your head when they refer to thickness?
LovelyZ said:
1st letter - overall texture
A=straight, B=wavy, C= loose curl, D=tight curl, E=kinky

2nd letter - secondary texture (this is the second most prominent texture in your hair) using same letters as above, but lower case; if you only have one texture, use the same letter twice.

3rd letter - thickness
K= Thick N=Thin I=In Between

I would be "DeK".

Ok you may have touched on something. what are we defining as kinky? I think my hair is kinky with a loose curl and thick does that make sense? I would be a but then again some of my curls are tight...oh now I'm confused.
:clapping: This is exactly what we need. Y'all work this out and let me know.:p This would be much simplier, IMO. If we define the terms this could be developed into a standard system. I'm a DeK too.
This isnt a bad idea!

bLackButtaFly said:
Does anybody know if they mean the thickness of your individual strands or the density of the strands on your head when they refer to thickness?

It could always be changed to a 4 letter system with a letter for the hair strand (fine, med, coarse or thick) and one for the thickness per sq inch (thin, med, thick or full)
That is great!
I think we should also have something that includes the natural definition of the curls.
Like frizzy or defined

I would be an DEK frizzy