Hair type section of the board


New Member
In the hair type section, there are pictures demonstrating what the different hair types are. All of the examples are beautiful except for the one with Kelis. Why does type 4 hair have to resemble clown hair. Kelis isn't even type 4. She's type 3. I'm sure their are many examples of beautiful natural type 4 hair. Vanessa A. Williams and India Arie are two that come to mind. I hope this is something that can be changed. I just felt that that section portrayed type 4 hair in a negative light. Hope this criticism is constructive.
This has been addressed before. In a nutshell, this site isn't making the admin money and the moderators are volunteers. Beverly doesn't have the web tools to make changes quickly anymore since her job function has changed. When she gets time, she handles changes to the site. Rather than complaining on the forum, she prefers that PM's or emails be made to those who can actually do something to address the issue.
I appreciate your response although I would not call it complaining. I had no idea of knowing who I should PM or e-mail. The only way to know is to ask. I'll do that now.
Just telling you what she said in her response to the other posts regarding the Kelis clown hair and suggestions in general. Good luck.