My hair twin is not on this site either but her fotki is Kemi 21. Lawd that girl has some growth and is deep with some wisdom.

I just love her. Everything she has done in the past to her hair I have tried and my hair responds accordingly.

She has taught me alot about natural 4b hair and showed me how to think out of the box about products and mixing them.

Bottom line if it works for my hair then use it, when it stops working change it up. I have learned how to listen or watch my hair and let it tell me what it needs instead of me trying to tell it what should be used on it.

I have learned to accept my hair for what it is and deal with it, because it is NOT going to change. The key words are Adapt and Adjust!
I would love to find my hair twin, so we can talk products. I'm still in search of the right products for my hair.:perplexed
Hmmm, I guess that means I need to start looking at MonaLisa's favorites too. Off to stalk her album...

What da? :lol::lol::lol:

*was listing all....then I'm like, let me go see if my fotki listing is up to date...ya'll are funny...*:lol: