Hair Trigger Growth Elixir

Just applied my oil, I purchased the orignal oil no scent on Wednesday received it today!!! Awesome customer service, very thick i think i will need to start cowashing i cant see applying this 2x a day and only washing every 7+ days but i think it will all benefit me right!!!
Just received my HTGE today! Wow...shipping was amazingly quick (They ship from Dallas, and I'm in WTX...everything takes forever to get here...but this was fast!) Also, the customer service was wonderful. There was a handwritten thank you note and even a hand written note on the receipt. Nice touch. I haven't had the opportunity to use the product yet and I'm already impressed. Oh, I too purchased the vanilla pound cake scent.....ooooh lalala smells deelish.
The pound cake scent is strong. You can smell it for a while and its noticeable to others. I like it. I have got to get better at applying it though..
Does the underlying smell of the product stink (like sulfur)? Does heat exacerbate the smell? Sulfur smells horrendous mixed with heat.

Has anyone been brave enough to try any other scents, besides the cake one?
The Brown Sugar Fig sounds good... but I have no idea of what to expect scent wise.
I cannot stand stinky products.

Does the underlying smell of the product stink (like sulfur)? Does heat exacerbate the smell? Sulfur smells horrendous mixed with heat.

Has anyone been brave enough to try any other scents, besides the cake one?
The Brown Sugar Fig sounds good... but I have no idea of what to expect scent wise.
I cannot stand stinky products.


Yeah, how is the smell in heat? It's blazing in NYC!
I live in North Carolina and use the pound cake scent. It gets pretty hot here and I have had no issues with the smell of sulfur. My DH is still thrilled with the scent (and me!). Go ahead and get some! I love it and yes......I'm a pusha!!! ;-)
shockolate said:
Do you guys use it daily? Im thinking of just using after washing my hair(twice a week)

I was using it daily but now I have other items in my rotation (thanks IDareT'Hair!) so now I actually use it twice a week. I'm also heavy handed so I was getting Really Greasy! Twice a week works!!
+1 on the no sulfur smell. the vanilla pound cake isn't one note. I smell other things besides vanilla, sometimes it even reminds me of ginger snap cookies :lick: , but there isn't even a hint of a sulfur smell. The best part about the scent is that it mixes well with other hair product scents. I love to use it when I apply Vatika oil along the length of my hair. It covers the herbal smell.
I don't think it has sulfur in it. Why do we think it has sulfur?? I know it has onion in it because onions are high in sulfur but that's about it.

I have the original unscented I don't love the scent but it's def bearable. Next order I'll try it scented.
i am not big into oils(i own a few oils but am not good at putting things on my scalp, just dont like it) and i hate the thought of growth aids for me. ive never been into growth aids. i buy bee mine serum sometimes and turn right around a sell it or give it away lol.
anyway for months my hair has been shedding globs of hair. for months. i swear i thought i was going bald. every time i touched my hair i was shedding globs. it got to the point i was afraid to do my hair. i would lose tons in the shower while detngling and turn around a shed more while styling. my hair is already medium/low density so i cant afford to be giving the shower drain my hair.

T sent me this oil, the regular and light weight and i held onto it for a few weeks before using it because again, i dont like growth aids. well i remember T saying it had black tea in it and i had recnetly got on the whole tea and coffee bandwagon for shedding so i decided to give it a try.

tell me why i literally shed like 10 hairs in the shower and 5 hairs during styling now???? this is no lie. i cant explain to yo how happy i am for the shedding to have stopped.
you dont understand, i am 25 years old and just 2 weeks ago i was certain i would be bald by 26. the amount of hair i was shedding there was no way i was gonna be able to keep hair on my head. i even started praying over my head. but the shedding had significantly decreased.

i started out using it once a week before i shampoo but now i use it dang near everyday lol. i just lightly apply to my scalp at night and rub in and then in the morning i either bun or co wash. i co wash almost everyday too and have reently gave up shampoo. the smell doesnt bother me at all. well i take that back. i find the scent of the regular to be ok. the scent of the lightweight is strong as all get out but i dont care cause this is now a staple.
chebaby said:
i am not big into oils(i own a few oils but am not good at putting things on my scalp, just dont like it) and i hate the thought of growth aids for me. ive never been into growth aids. i buy bee mine serum sometimes and turn right around a sell it or give it away lol.
anyway for months my hair has been shedding globs of hair. for months. i swear i thought i was going bald. every time i touched my hair i was shedding globs. it got to the point i was afraid to do my hair. i would lose tons in the shower while detngling and turn around a shed more while styling. my hair is already medium/low density so i cant afford to be giving the shower drain my hair.

T sent me this oil, the regular and light weight and i held onto it for a few weeks before using it because again, i dont like growth aids. well i remember T saying it had black tea in it and i had recnetly got on the whole tea and coffee bandwagon for shedding so i decided to give it a try.

tell me why i literally shed like 10 hairs in the shower and 5 hairs during styling now???? this is no lie. i cant explain to yo how happy i am for the shedding to have stopped.
you dont understand, i am 25 years old and just 2 weeks ago i was certain i would be bald by 26. the amount of hair i was shedding there was no way i was gonna be able to keep hair on my head. i even started praying over my head. but the shedding had significantly decreased.

i started out using it once a week before i shampoo but now i use it dang near everyday lol. i just lightly apply to my scalp at night and rub in and then in the morning i either bun or co wash. i co wash almost everyday too and have reently gave up shampoo. the smell doesnt bother me at all. well i take that back. i find the scent of the regular to be ok. the scent of the lightweight is strong as all get out but i dont care cause this is now a staple.

Maybe your scalp just needed moisture
ThickRoot said:
I don't think it has sulfur in it. Why do we think it has sulfur?? I know it has onion in it because onions are high in sulfur but that's about it.

I have the original unscented I don't love the scent but it's def bearable. Next order I'll try it scented.

Actually both garlic and onions have sulfur in them and both items are in the HTGE. Both are really high in sulfur:

Onions and garlic contain sulfur, which gives them their distinctive flavors. The sulfur compounds are what make your eyes sting when you chop onions, and the plants secrete them whenever their tissues are cut, bitten or crushed. The sulfur compounds in onions and garlic are called sulfites. These highly irritating chemicals can kill microbes and repel insects; prolonged contact with garlic will even blister the skin, according to Dr. Eric Block, author of “Garlic and Other Alliums: The Lore and the Science.”

Time for some results:

Its too soon for me to tell if its doing anything for the length of my hair, but I do notice more "baby hair". I never had an issue with thinning in that area (see my sig picture), but now there's more somehow and its thicker.

I only use it once a day by the way.
Me three...I started using today. I ordered the 4 oz regular with the vanilla pound cake scent and OMG..why do I want some cake!!! This smells so delish given the ingredients that is in it. I love the consistency of it as well.

Shipping was amazingly fast, I'm in TX and I ordered on 7/1 and it was in my mailbox by 7/5. So far a thumbs up!