Hair texture changes! fact or fiction?


Well-Known Member
I was watching 'ten years younger' today and a hairstylist said that our hair changes it texture 7 times in our natural lifespan.
I thought that was very interesting because I know mine has changed from when I was a teenager. My hair use to grow out almost straight now my new growth has a curl patter to it.
Has anyone experienced this naturally?
As far back as I can remember my hair has always been the same texture. Unless of course it was different texture back when I was born.

But it definitely is possible. How many of us know people whose hair is NOTHING like it was when they were very little? My niece had stick straight type 1 hair for the first couple years of her life. Then it gradually kept changing each year.

It permanently stopped at type 3. (I guess?)
I definitely believe this!

When I was younger I was a type 2, then as a child I was type 3b w/some type 4, then it became more type 4 than 3 and now I am back to type 3c w/ 4 AND a little bit of 3b. :eek: lol

I have noticed that a lot of the women in my family get straighter hair as they age, but I have no clue if that will happen to me.
goldensensation said:
I have noticed that a lot of the women in my family get straighter hair as they age, but I have no clue if that will happen to me.

That is *exactly* what's happening to me. The older I get the looser the curl pattern is that's growing out of my scalp and I've been completely natural since 1997 so I know for a fact that it's not from any chemicals.
That's an interesting thought. Pregnancy is supposed to change ones hair texture because of hormones. Does this mean all hair texture changes are due to hormonal changes or is it something else?
It is well known that hair growth is regulated by hormones, but there is a lot that we don't know about the details. I've read that hair changes during certain developmental stages when we are very young, during puberty for many, usually during pregnancy, and during other hormonal changes (menopause, for example). It's normal :)

I don't think EVERY texture change is hormonal, though. Nutrition probably has a lot to do with the less drastic changes.
Isis said:
That's an interesting thought. Pregnancy is supposed to change ones hair texture because of hormones. Does this mean all hair texture changes are due to hormonal changes or is it something else?

I definately believe that our hair changes due to hormones. Puberty, pregnancies and menopause etc can change our hair's structure and color. I know several people who has gotten a new type of hair after pregnancy.

I was born with type 1 hair (baby hair) which soon turned into the hair I have now - 3b/c. When I was around 10 my hair was stick straight all of a sudden, it lasted for about a year. Or until my mother decided to give me a curly perm :ohwell: (that's a whole different topic).

My hair looks a lot wavier now than it did when I was a teenager, but I think that's due to different hair care. I knew nothing about hair care when I was young!
FACT For me!

I have gone from 3a as a baby, 3b-4a as a child and-4b now, this confuses me. is it a change of diet?:confused:

when i was new born the black nurse was hating on my mom because she thought my dad was indian! :confused: :eek: mentalities...

i've noticed MSM (Mineral) changes the hair texture too
my hair changed from when i was a baby (i had none), it's been the same texture all my life until i relaxed. now it's changing textures again since i started caring for it.
I was just thinking about this. My hair had been stick straight as a baby and went curlier, then straight again. A few years ago it got super curly, huge corkscrew type curls and now it's more wavy on top with tighter, perfectly formed spirals underneath.
I dont think my hair texture has changed too much...... my kitchen area doesnt seem as coarse as it used to be, but I attribute that to the fact that I moisturize more, stretch relaxers, don't tie my hair as tight with a scarf, and overall just take better care of my hair.

Havent folks mentioned that they noticed MSM was causing their new growth to come in looser/softer? Is that a temporary or permanent change?
Isis said:
That's an interesting thought. Pregnancy is supposed to change ones hair texture because of hormones. Does this mean all hair texture changes are due to hormonal changes or is it something else?

When my mother was pregnant with my sister, not only did her texture become more wiry and straight (she normally has fine curly hair), but the color changed to auburn!!! :eek: :eek: I was looking at this picture of her with this huge red afro with brown tips sticking straight up! Even she agreed it was the oddest thing. :lachen: :lachen:

As for me, my hair texture has been the same most of my life. When I was born, I had thick, type 3a-ish curly hair that turned into 4b and has been that way ever since.
Fact for me.

I took biotin a few years ago and it made my hair softer ALL OVER and it didn't go back to how it used to be when I stopped.
I think my hair changed cause I don't remember having little curls when I was younger. But then again I really don't have much memory of what my hair looked like.
mine has definately changed, when i was born, i have type 2c hair, then around 5 i had type very coarse 3b hair and now i have all over 3a/b!
Mine was first courseeee, then it softened, then it had some waves. Now its kinky/coily/afro 3c/4a/4b
Fact or fiction? Fact

I was born with type 1, then it changed to 2 and then to 3.

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My hair seems different than when I was little. My natural hair has more curl definition whereas I just remember having really thick hair as a little girl.
I think my hair texture is changing as I get older. It seems more wiry. It doesn't relax as easy anymore either. It's just not like it was when I was in my teens & twenties.
My bf hair texture has changed dramatically, from type 2/3 from childhood and then around 13yrs it changed permanently to type 4b. My hair has always been thick, it changes in thickness but never in texture for me. I've always been a type 4 girl.
The thickness of my hair has definitley changed and I wish it would change back. It was thicker ten years ago (I even have a picture of it in my Fotki). I washed and blow dried my hair every week back then. My hair cannot take that as this point. As far as the curl pattern, I don't think it's changed. All children's hair goes through changes in the first few years of their life and I know pregnancy changes hair sometimes. Also, I have heard a lot of elderly people say theirs got softer. I think hormonal changes can cause changes in hair texture
I was just telling my husband that I have noticed a change. My curls seem looser. I think it is a combo of aging and hormones. My youngest is still nursing, thus the hormones.The grey hairs are almost straighter than when I permed. All I can say is that I really feel like I don't know my hair at all. It has been a bit confusing!
My Texture use to be about a 4b, but now it's 3c/ strands use to be really thick and corse but now they aren't..
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FACT: My hair changed after I had my son. He's now 12, and my hair has changed yet agian. It's coarser than it was before.
goldensensation said:
I definitely believe this!

I have noticed that a lot of the women in my family get straighter hair as they age, but I have no clue if that will happen to me.

I've noticed this with my mother. She use to be maybe 3b curly then her hair changed to 3c for about 3 years. Now I think she's a 2a/2b. She said this is the texture she had as a teenager. go figure.